Ghost In Red

C10 Chapter 10 - Where Is My Body?

C10 Chapter 10 - Where Is My Body?

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




A month and three days??? That damn long? Wow!    


Now, I wonder where the heck on Earth my body is? Which room? I need to find it badly. I want to wake up now. But what if... No. I do not believe that I am... D-dead. No. There's no effing way. I couldn't. Right? Fuck.    


I anxiously sat on the couch to think of the first thing that I will do now that I found out that I was unconscious for a couple of weeks and could possibly be gone from the world of the living. But, no, I am hella sure that I am not dead. I should think optimistically.    


Then I wondered as to why I could sit on the couch, but I couldn't touch anything? And I just noticed that I am not even sitting. I am damn floating a few inches above it. Huh.    


So what exactly am I? Am I... A... G-g-No. Think positively. Yes. I am alive. I am just dreaming. Yes, astral projection. I can go back to my body, but first, I need to find it.    


While I have been trying to think of some useful things for my greatest problem to be solved, I snapped my head to the door when it opened. A redheaded woman in a gray suit walked in, and she put down her purse on the doctor's table. I recognized her from the picture. She could be the wife of Dr. Andrea. Stunning.    


She went to the corner of the room with something like a small fridge is right there, and she took a water bottle and walked to where I was while taking a sip. I guess she can't see me sitting down here.    


The woman was about to sit down on where I was, and I am polite enough to move to my right to give her some space.    


"I got in here first. You know that, Ma'am?" I let out and tried to see if she heard me, but no.    


I looked at her face and saw a visible scar on her right cheek.    


When I was about to see what was written on her ID card that's been hanging around her neck, the door opened, and we both turned our heads to look at the newcomer. Oh, it has to be Dr. Andrea.    


"Attorney, you are ten minutes early and... one hour. How are you?" The blonde-haired doctor greeted her wife, or not, as she walked nearer to where we were, and the woman beside me stood up while wearing a broad smile on her face.    


"You know how much I hate latecomers and coming late, Doctor. Our little Rian would be home from school soon, and I suggest we better get home early so we would have enough time to prepare for some things before we go to the venue for her birthday party." The gorgeous lawyer answered as she put down the bottled water and ID card on the couch to hold the doctor's gown to take it off from the woman wearing it. They are confirmed wife and wife.    


Then my mouth dropped in a bit of surprise when they kissed right before me. Mmm. What a view!    


The doctor wrapped her arms around her lover's neck and broke off from their intimate kiss to talk. "Really, Anne? Prepare for things? What sorts of things? Riri's party starts at six in the evening. You know that. And right now... it is barely three in the afternoon."    


Then the redhead chuckled in response while slowly leaning in for another kiss and whispered, "You know exactly what that thing is, Rey. Just things. Amazing things that we could be doing at home alone together. But... Now, what about we get a head start here?"    


Are they... Umm, talking about... Uh, making love? Are they?    


I heard the doctor laugh softly and replied, "We are in my office, Leanne."    


"Oh, no, don't act like we haven't done it here a couple of times, Rey. Did you lock the door?" Replied and asked the horny attorney, and my eyes widened in shock when she slipped her left hand inside her wife's black blouse and cupped her lover's right breast while trailing kisses on her neck.    


Oh, my goodness, I guess I better exit this place now, right at this moment. I feel warm and uncomfortable with this scene. It really is not good to barge in other people's rooms, especially if you are invisible as heck. Lots of things could happen that they could be doing behind the closed and locked doors. Steamy things.    


"Of course, I always do. Now, take these off if you want something amazing to happen." Dr. Andrea answered seductively while slowly unbuttoning her wife's suit, and I hastily stood up when they went to occupy the couch. Geez!    


Though I am curious about how women do the "amazing things", I continued walking out of the place as I respect people's privacy. Damn, never in my whole damn life I've witnessed such a scene.    


I passed through the concrete wall and arrived in the hallway. Well, I find this situation of mine extraordinary. I can pass through walls; no one can see nor hear me; I can levitate whenever I want; and can't touch anything. No, I think this isn't very pleasant.    


Now, where should I go? Hmm, find my room? No. I already swore that I wouldn't be barging into people's rooms. I don't know what else I could see if I will be doing that.    


While walking, I mean, no, I'm walking and levitating at times in the hallway after hallway, a brilliant idea popped up in my mind—the info desk. I could ask the people there where I would stay. No, that's bullshit. They can't hear me. Well, I will just scan them myself. Still, dumbass, I can't touch anything.    


Now, this is getting harder than I thought. What can I do then? Go home?    


Yes, I can go home! Maybe my body is there. Dad and Candice could have requested the hospital staff to bring me there to continue my medication. Oh, yeah, how dumb am I?    


I should go home.    




A smile crept on my face when I had finally halted walking as I stepped inside the mansion. I didn't feel tired at all.    


Wondering if there is anyone home, I went to look inside the kitchen and saw my favorite person on Earth, my Mimi. She is currently unloading some things from a basket to put them inside the fridge. I went near her and put her in my embrace, even if I just passed through her body. Meredith Cruz has been my nanny since I was four years old, and she is still taking care of me now even though she mostly takes good care of my ten-year-old half-brother, Jonas Cullen Hunters. Hmm, I missed that annoying little dude.    


Now, I wonder if my body is anywhere inside the house—my room. Yeah, I could be in my room.    


If ever I could find myself lying on my bed, I would just go back in and wake up. Hopefully, it will work.    


When I walked into my bedroom, my face painted a look of skepticism. Why is there nothing here? Where could they have placed me?    


Then I proceeded to look at each of the rooms inside this enormous house. Well, I will be fine barging inside every guestroom since I am sure that I couldn't find anything unexpected here.    




After a couple of minutes of roaming inside the house and searching for my body, I went back into my room feeling so gloomy and uncertain. Where could my body be right now? Don't tell me that I really am at the hospital. Damn, how can I find it without going into each of the rooms there? This situation of mine is so stressful as hell.    


I sighed when I went to sit on my bed, and I looked around me. It seems the same and clean. Lani, our young housekeeper, could have been cleaning up here, or Mimi does.    


I stood up to go to my study table and found my phone and my wallet there. Why are they here, but my body isn't? Where could it be right now? And no, I don't want to think that I really am dead- that I am now a ghost. No, there is no way that I am dead.    


I should find my body. No matter how hard it is to go and check every room of the hospital. I will do it. I won't get tired anyway. I just want to wake up and live my life happily.    


After I had made up my mind to go back to the hospital to continue searching for my room there, I went downstairs to head out.    


As I was about to get out the main door, a familiar voice yelled, "Mimi!!! Come here! I have bad news from Mom and Dad! They just called me while I was still at school."    


It's Jonas who just walked in from the garage with Mr. Rodney, our driver. They must have just arrived.    


What could be that news? And, where could our parents be right now? Oh, of course, business. They are always busy.    


I saw the woman hurried from the kitchen, and the little boy quickly went to hug her and burst into tears. Oh, no, poor Jonie. What could have happened?    


"Hey, what's wrong, darling? Are you okay, JC? What happened?" Mimi asked him while rubbing his back, and the boy began sobbing.    


They went to the living room to sit on the couch, and I followed them. I tried to touch my little brother to comfort him, but I couldn't hold him. He is not the kind of kid that easily cries without a big reason, so something must have happened to Candice and Dad. What could it be?    


"Mimi... I don't want Ollie to leave us." He began in between sobs, and I wondered why it was because of me. What leaving does he mean?    


"What do you mean, JC? What did your parents tell you about your sister? How was she doing in New York City? Tell me, son." Mimi asked him while there was a hint of worry in her voice, hearing the child's words.    



And, wait up, what New York is she talking all about?    


"They said that... They said that... She may not make it back here. I don't want her to die, Mimi. I don't want her to leave me permanently." Jonas answered while wiping away the tears that have kept streaming down his rosy cheeks. And the woman put him in her embrace while tears escaped her sad brown eyes.    


No. What is the meaning of all of these? Die? New York?    


I certainly don't know what to think anymore. Is this even really happening? I believe that this is just a nightmare.    


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