Ancient Dragon Spell

C10 Pill Refining!

C10 Pill Refining!

0Pill Refining!    


With the help of Liu Xuanqing, Qin Feng lived more comfortably. Due to his assistance, Ling Er no longer needed to worry about anything and can live free from hardship.    


Qin Feng hid away from the people’s eyes and meditated by day.    


And by night, he would cultivate intently at the posterior mountain.    


As of the moment, he needed to be careful as his strength is still unstable. For any wrong move may risk his life and Lin Xu would be alerted.    


If he was only by himself then it would be no problem at all. But he now has Ling Er to take care of, she is now his responsibility.    


Later that night he went to the posterior mountain of the Qin Family    


Qin Feng had a serious expression written on his face. As if a real dragon was galloping, his body was surrounded by strands of zhenqi.    


A big pot was prepared in front of him which was boiled with the use of firewood.    


A dark green liquid was contained within the large pot. The scent of herbs was surrounding the area as the liquid in the pot was bubbling.    


Qin Feng made sure to buy medicinal materials discreetly with the banknotes Liu Xuanqing gave him. At last, he finally has completed everything that he needed.    


Refining a high grade zhenqi is still out of the question since he still lacks the ability to do so. He still needed to cultivate eagerly in order to achieve such strength. If he pushes himself to lengths to which his body cannot handle, he may suffer the consequences.    


For the time being, only the True Yuan Pill was the most suitable one for Qin Feng.    


Something as perfect as this pill can only be created after seven years. Whose medicinal effect is ten times greater than the power of Lung Yuan Dan.    


Qin Feng may possibly be the only one in the entire alchemy world who is capable of refining the True Yuan Pills.    


A hand seal was made by Qin Feng which activated the alchemy technique, this made the contents of the large pot to flow. And gradually the essence was refined.    


After a while, a strange sound was heard and the huge pot shattered into tiny bits. A number of grey pills were then found lying along the firewood.    


“I might have the need to acquire a pill furnace, these pills seem to not be of great quality.”    


With a miserable look on his face, Qin Feng collected the pills scattered on the ground.    


This batch of pills were not of great quality upon checking the pills. However this pill’s effect should be greater than those of Ling Yuan Dan.    


“I should try it out beforehand!”    


Time was running out!    


Qing Feng tried out the True Tuan Pill. A slight bitterness was tasted as soon as the pill entered his mouth, through his throat and down his stomach.    


“Nothing has changed?”    


In confusion, Qin Feng blinked his eyes after swallowing the pill. There seems to be no reaction or whatsoever in his body.    


“Was it a failure? F*ck! This pill is too stro-”    


Qing Feng was not able to finish what he wanted to say as the violent energy surged all throughout his body from his abdomen in a blink of an eye. The energy surging on his body was like an untamed tiger, aggressive and feral.    


With lightning speed, the strength from the pill flowed into his meridians, to his flesh and blood. After a while the strength reduces as it returns to the dantian in his abdomen and repeats the process again and again.    


Qin Feng suddenly roared so loudly due to the strong surge of power from the medicine. HIs yell caused the surrounding to tremble.    


His body seemed to have doubled in size due to the impact of the True Yuan Pill. The veins surrounding his body became very visible and his face became as red as a tomato. This was indeed a very high medicinal strength.    


“Tune it for me Primordial True Dragon Technique!”    


Qin Feng crossed his legs as soon as he sat down. He needed to restrain the wild and violent strength of the medicinal pill inside his body. In order to do this, he must quickly circulate the Primordial True Dragon Technique.    


The Primordial True Dragon Technique was indeed very strong and capable!    


The Primordial True Dragon sensed what was happening in Qin Feng’s body and instantly did its best to refine and absorb the effect brought about by the pill.    


The zhenqi tore off his clothes as strange sounds were heard from Qin Feng’s meridians and flesh.    


“As compared to the strength of the Ling Yuan Dan, the True Yuan Pill is indeed ten times stronger!”    


With the help of the Primordial True Dragon Technique, his state became more stable. Qin Feng was very much pleased with the result of his hard work.    


Qin Feng had great confidence that if he were to make use of a pill furnace to create the pill then the effects of the True Yuan Pill can be strengthened to unimaginable limits.    


It seemed as if a roar of a large Dragon resounded in the place. He quickly made use of his mind to stabilize the zhenqi in his body in order for it to circulate in all directions.    


Suddenly, an unusual energy was felt somewhere around Qin Feng’s body, this caused him to be bewildered.    


“What is this?”    


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