Strongest Replication

C21 Qi Increasing Pill!

C21 Qi Increasing Pill!

0"Inferior spirit stone?"    


After hearing Chu Zhongtina's request, the shopkeeper couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt. The family had deprived Chu Zhongtian of resources to the point that he felt inferior stones were something that had to be borrowed. The family simply owed him too much. Then, instead of agreeing with Chu Zhongtian's request, he criticized Chu Zhongtian severely.    


"Tian, your request is too small. A peak Level-8 talent like you shouldn't be borrowing trash like inferior stones!"    


"If you want to increase your strength and surpass your peers quickly, you must use leveled spirit stones!"    


Although the shopkeeper's criticism was harsh, he had good intentions; Chu Zhongtian was well aware of that.    


Then, the shopkeeper asked Chu Zhongtian to wait for a while before leaving the room. A few minutes later, he returned with a small cloth bag in his hand.    


"Tian, I've some spirit stones with me here. Take them and cultivate. You can ask me for more after using them," The shopkeeper gave the bag in his hand to Chu Zhongtian and said indifferently.    


After receiving the bag, Chu Zhongtian didn't open it; instead, he pretended as if nothing had happened, putting the bag into his pocket.    


This might seem like a stuck-up move, but Chu Zhongtian was actually doing it to avoid embarrassing the shopkeeper. After all, how much could a shopkeeper of some remote town have? What would've happened had Chu Zhongtian opened it and found a few inferior stones?    


Anyway, he was there for a meal. So, he sat there, chatting with the shopkeeper and waiting for the meal.    


That night, in the attic behind Chu's Pharmacy, Chu Zhontian slept for more than ten hours for the first time in a month.    


In the morning, Chu Zhongtian got up with a lazy stretch. Despite yawning like a cat, he looked energetic.    


The hurry to gain some strength and the Endless Forest's harsh environment made sure that he couldn't get a night of peaceful sleep in the cave. So, it could be said that he was severely sleep-deprived before today.    


After more than ten hours of deep sleep, his power, Qi, and psyche were in the best possible state. And now, he didn't have to go out and work like before. The shopkeeper had already instructed him to stay in this courtyard for the next few days and wait for the family members to come and pick him up.    


Also, it wasn't like he had any particular desire to go out. Now that he had the resources he needed to cultivate, it was time to flood those parched meridians with spiritual Qi and power. This was the only way he could raise his strength to the Level-3 of Qi Refining realm.    


Once he had enough spiritual power coursing through his meridians, a breakthrough wouldn't be a hurdle.    


Despite being in a single life and death situation, Chu Zhongtian had learned something very important. A cultivation level meant nothing if there was nothing you could channel it into. If he didn't have that saber technique back then, he would've died for sure. So, apart from working on his cultivation, he also had to focus on his saber skill.    


After making his mind, he retrieved the cloth bag he got from the shopkeeper and poured out its contents. When he looked at what was in front of him, his face revealed a look of wild joy.    


The pouch wasn't jam-packed: there were only two different items. A palm-sized jade bottle and ten spirit stones.    


For the time being, he ignored the jade bottle. Instead, he picked up a spirit stone and placed it in his palm. Then, he carefully examined it.    


"Low Level-9 spirit stone?!" Chu Zhongtian muttered in disbelief as he felt the dense spiritual Qi inside.    


Level-9 spirit stones weren't something a mere Level-2 Qi Refiner could possess. They were simply too precious! Only Level-7 to Level-9 Qi Refiners or advanced Qi Refiners could use them.    


Calculating by the current market price, a single low Level-9 spirit stone was worth thousands of gold coins.    


Of course, no one was stupid enough to exchange such a spirit stone for money.    


Inferior spirit stones were un-leveled stones. In other words, while leveled stones couldn't be bought, they could be exchanged. Get it? Inferior stones could be bought, but couldn't be exchanged. Leveled spirit stones couldn't be bought, but could be exchanged. So, what was this exchange all about? Well, it was kinda similar to the exchange between gold and silver coins.    


For example, a single Level-9 spirit stone could be exchanged for ten Level-10 stones. So, the ten Level-9 stones he got from the shopkeeper could be exchanged for 100 Level-10 stones.    


Remember, a single Level-10 stone could fill one entire meridian branch with spiritual Qi. Thus, 100 of them should be enough to drown his entire meridian system and reach the advanced levels (Level-7 to Level-9) of the Qi Refining realm in the process.    


If he were lucky, he might even break through to the peak level (Level-10) of the Qi Refining realm.    


However, Chu Zhongtian knew that was only the case for ordinary cultivators. His meridians were simply too thick and could accommodate absurd amounts of spiritual Qi and power. He was certain that these ten stones could at most help him become a Level-6 Qi Refiner. He couldn't even dream about breaking through the advanced levels.    


Putting down the stone in his hand, Chu Zhongtian threw his gaze at the jade bottle. Had Chu Zhongtian thought that the items within the jade bottle were invaluable before, he thought they were invaluable now.    


The items in the jade bottle were way more precious than the Level-9 stones.    


Looking at the jade bottle, something flashed in Chu Zhongtian's mind. 'Could it be that it was that thing?!'    


He picked up the jade bottle, opened the lid, and a fragrant medicinal fragrance wafted over. A single whiff of the medicinal fragrance made Chu Zhongtian's spirits rise. The Taixuan Heart Sutra began circulating automatically, and power within his meridians began boiling.    


Forcibly suppressing his excitement, Chu Zhongtian hurriedly poured out the jade bottle's content. Three cherry-sized pills appeared in his palm.    


"Low Level-10 Qi Increasing Pills!" Looking at the three cherry-sized Pills in his hand, Chu Zhongtian muttered excitedly.    


An increasing Pill was refined by an alchemist using a special method and dozens of precious medicinal ingredients. Its effect was straightforward. But, as its name suggested, it could give a massive boost to a cultivator's Qi reserves.    


The Qi Increasing Pill contained massive amounts of Qi which could help a cultivator at any critical juncture. Usually, cultivators used them for minor breakthroughs.    


After obtaining the ten Level-9 stones, Chu Zhongtian was confident he could attain peak Level-2 in a week or so. As for the breakthrough to Level-3, it would take a bit longer but not too long.    


After all, to reach Level-3, a cultivator had to open their Dantian in their lower abdomen using the spiritual power in their meridians. This Dantian would then be used to store spiritual Qi.    


Opening a Dantian in the void below the lower abdomen required a large amount of spiritual Qi. Ordinary martial artists would need at least two to three months to absorb enough to open a Dantian.    


But with the help of the Qi Increasing Pills, this time could be greatly shortened. With Chu Zhongtian's talent and potential, he could smoothly break through to Level-3 within a day or two.    


After all, a single Qi Increasing Pill was enough to open the dantian of any ordinary cultivator.    


After putting away the Qi Increasing Pills and the stones, Chu Zhongtian looked at the front yard through the open window.    


The shopkeeper wasn't at his usual spot, but Chu Zhongtian's heart was still filled with gratitude toward him.    


Level-9 spirit stones and Qi Increasing Pills weren't things that just anybody could even own. Even the direct descendant of those large families couldn't use Level-9 spirit stone while being mere Level-2 Qi Refiners.    


Those Level-9 stones and pills were most likely the shopkeeper's own personal belongings he collected over the years. Chu Zhongtian remembered this kindness in his heart.    


After adjusting his state of mind, Chu Zhongtian started cultivating with all his might.    


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