Super Dragon slaughtering System

C231 Great Gift

C231 Great Gift

0"I can't call you Fairy Chilian or Lee Mochou from now on. I have to call you the secluded devil Lee Mochou."    


Ning Qi muttered.    


"Master Ning, where are we going?"    


Zhang Loong asked.    


"Crown Prince's Guardian Prefecture."    


Ning Qi said.    


A trace of joy flashed across Zhao Hu's eyes. "Are you finally going to teach Cao Zheng a lesson? During the time I was in Jing City, he was the one I hated the most!"    


Ning Qi smiled but did not say anything.    


When the group arrived at Crown Prince's Guardian Prefecture, the people of Cao Family were startled.    


"Dragon Slaying Marquis is here! Run!"    


"Is he here to settle the score with our Cao family?"    


"Quickly inform the family head!"    


"That person, did the young master go to Qingshui House? Hurry up and inform him! Tell him that Ning Xingxing is here!"    


Seeing the servants of the Cao Family running around like a swarm of bees, the guards looked at him in fear, not daring to step forward. Ning Qi touched his nose and said to Zhang Loong, Zhao Hu, "Do I look very scary?"    


Zhang Loong looked at Ning Qi seriously and said, "Very handsome."    


"Yes. Very handsome."    


Zhao Hu nodded.    


"Dragon Slaying Marquis, what brings you here?"    


Finally, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked over while trembling with fear. The Qi on his body was very powerful. It was the One Star Battle King. An existence like this didn't even have the most basic attitude when facing Ning Qi.    


Ning Qi glanced at his attributes.    


"Oh, it's Cao Mu. Go and inform Lord Guard that I want to pay him a visit."    


Ning Qi said with a smile.    


"He actually knows my name! Dragon Slaying Marquis is indeed unfathomable!"    


Cao Mu was shocked once again. When he heard that Ning Qi was going to pay Cao Dingloong a visit, his tone was friendly. The big stone in his heart was finally put down. A trace of joy appeared on his face. "Please wait a moment. I will report to him now!"    


Not long after that, a hearty laughter was heard.    


"Hahaha! Dragon Slaying Marquis, honored guest, what brings you here to see me?"    


Cao Dingloong walked out with a group of Cao Family disciples while laughing.    


Ning Qi said with a smile, "Could it be that you want to say it here?"    


"You see, this old man is old and muddle-headed. Please come in."    


Cao Dingloong said with a smile.    


A trace of doubt flashed across his eyes as he looked at Ning Qi.    


"What is this kid doing here?"    




Qingshui House.    


Cao Zheng, Huangfu Tao, Kong Tianqi, and the other nobility disciples of Jing City were chatting with each other. The topic of conversation was none other than Ning Qi. Even the beautiful singers beside him could not arouse their interest.    


"What do you think? Could it be that there is a group of Battle Ancestor Level warriors hiding in his mansion?"    


"That's impossible. Why would a Battle Ancestor Level warrior be willing to be his subordinate?"    


"Could it be the guard Ninth Princess left for him? I remember Ninth Princess's guards were very strong!"    


"No matter how strong they are, how could they be stronger than Zhu Rong! Don't forget, Zhu Rong is a Peak of Battle Emperor, and he has stepped into the Nine Gates of Life and Death!"    


Cao Zheng coldly harrumphed.    


"Hey, Ning Yan, Ning Qi is your younger brother after all. Don't you know anything about him? Didn't you find him in the Marquis' Mansion before? "    


A third-rate family disciple shouted at Ning Yan.    


Ning Yan, who was hiding in a corner, clenched his fists. In the past, he didn't care about such a character, but now, he had to force a smile and said, "I really don't know."    


"Sigh, no wonder your father was stripped of his title and offended such a figure."    


The third-rate family disciple sighed and said.    




"Young Master! Not good! Dragon Slaying Marquis has arrived at our mansion!"    


A servant from Cao Prefecture stumbled into the manor and shouted with a hint of fear in his voice.    


Cao Zheng stood up abruptly. "What?! Why did Ning Qi come to my Cao Family?!"    


"I don't know either. You should go back and take a look!"    


The servant said anxiously.    



"Let's go!"    


Cao Zheng got up and left.    


Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.    


Cao family.    


Cao Zheng ran to the main hall anxiously, but he found that Ning Qi wasn't here to cause trouble as he had imagined. Instead, he was talking and laughing with Cao Dingloong.    


"What's going on?"    


Cao Zheng was puzzled.    


"Come, I haven't seen Dragon Slaying Marquis yet!"    


Cao Dingloong waved at him.    


Cao Zheng reluctantly walked forward and bowed to Ning Qi. "Greetings, Dragon Slaying Marquis."    


"No need for formalities."    


Ning Qi smiled and nodded.    


At this moment, everyone from the Cao family looked at Ning Qi, waiting for him to express his intentions.    


After chatting for a while, Cao Dingloong coughed and smiled at Ning Qi. "Dragon Slaying Marquis, may I know why you have come to my residence?"    


Ning Qi smiled and said, "When Zhu Rong attacked earlier, I have to thank Sir Guard for helping me. I, Ning Qi, am not someone who doesn't know how to repay kindness. I have come here today to express my gratitude."    


"He has come to thank you?"    


"Could it be that he is preparing to give our Cao family a gift?"    


"Dragon Slaying Marquis is a grandmaster alchemist. I'm afraid the gift he's giving us isn't an ordinary gift!"    


Everyone was shocked at first, then they looked at Ning Qi with excitement and anticipation.    


Cao Zheng frowned. He didn't think that Ning Qi's purpose in coming here was so simple. Repaying him for his kindness? Was that really the case?    


A smile emerged on Cao Dingloong's face, and he said, "Dragon Slaying Marquis, there's no need to be like this. Actually, I'm here for the Qintang Empire, and not for you."    


Ning Qi nodded and said, "I know. Lord Guard has high morals and integrity, and I really admire him. So these gifts, Lord Guard, please accept them."    


After saying that, he took out a bottle of pills from his sleeve.    


Zhao Hu explained, "Ten bottles of Profound Rank Low Grade Qi Gathering Pill!"    


"Profound Rank Low Grade Qi Gathering Pill? Heavens, as expected of a grandmaster alchemist, he's so generous with his money!"    


"There are ten of them in a bottle, right? Ten bottles means a hundred of them! And they are Profound Rank Low Grade Qi Gathering Pill! With these, I estimate that it will be equivalent to a few years' worth of income for our Guard Prefecture!"    


" A Profound Rank Low Grade Qi Gathering Pill has no market price, so it can't be appraised according to common sense! This gift is too heavy! "    


A hundred Profound Rank Low Grade Qi Gathering Pills was enough to make a person's cultivation base soar like a rocket. Even if it was a One-Star Grand Battle Master, it wouldn't be surprising if he ate a Peak Grand Battle Master. To the disciples of the major families, it was simply a miracle pill!    


Therefore, the shock on everyone's faces became even stronger. They looked at the porcelain bottle with greedy eyes. In their hearts, they were calculating how much they could get from this room.    


"It's not over yet! He is still digging out medicinal pills!"    


When everyone saw Ning Qi take out ten bottles of Qi Gathering Pill, they did not stop. They continued to take out porcelain bottles from their sleeves.    


Zhao Hu's face revealed a trace of pride as he said loudly, "Ten bottles of Unique Battle Pill!"    


"Unique Battle Pill!"    


" That's great! With ten bottles of Unique Battle Pill, my son will be able to condense the Mutated Battle Power!"    


"Tsk tsk, Dragon Slaying Marquis is truly sincere this time. If not, as long as he takes out the Qi Gathering Pill, he would be able to thank you for your kindness."    


"It seems like if we are on good terms with Dragon Slaying Marquis Mansion, the benefits we will get in the future will not be much less. Luckily, that Cao Zheng didn't offend Ning Qi to death, haha!"    


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