Hidden Billionaire Son-in-law

C30 Inhuman Methods

C30 Inhuman Methods

0"Haha! What a joke!" Zhang Zining exclaimed as she revealed a look of contempt. "You can't actually be thinking that your pendant will be sold at a higher price than mine, do you?"    


Zhang Zining sneered as she said coldly, "Zhang Qimo, I will let you understand just how big the gap between you and me is later! I will show you just what you achieve with money and status!"    


"Don't you understand that I can crush you to death using money? Let me give you a heads up of what's going to happen. During the auction, I will make it so that no one present will dare to bid for your pendant and cause it to be sold at a low price! As for my work... I have plenty of money to spend on it, you see. I can afford to raise it to any price I want. But what about you? Do you have the money to do so? What can you even do to raise the price of the bid?"    


Zhang Zining laughed proudly and said, "Do you understand now? How could a stupid frog that lived at the bottom of the well their entire life possibly dream to fight and compete with me? You are about to lose your position as director and will soon be kicked out of the company!"    


After saying that, Zhang Zining turned around and left with a satisfied expression.    


After hearing her boasting words, Zhang Qimo stood petrified on the spot. How could she not understand the meaning behind Zhang Zining's words?    


'That's right... Zhang Zining's family had plenty of money and could easily raise the price of the Everlasting Light. How could I possibly compete with her when it came to money and status?'    


Zhang Qimo remained silent for a while before saying with a complicated expression, "Lin Yin, let's leave..."    


"Why should we leave?" Lin Yin asked.    


"I... I no longer want to go to the auction anymore," Zhang Qimo said with a dejected tone as she lowered her head in defeat.    


Having basically predicted the outcome of the auction, neither did she want to participate in the auction nor did she want to see her creation with her own eyes. She would not be able to bear the outcome of competing against Zhang Zining.    


She had put her blood, sweat, and tears into creating the masterpiece of a lifetime. From the perspective of a creator like her, to see it being rejected would essentially be the same as being tortured to death.    


Especially when it would be crushed by money!    


"You have to believe in yourself. You are the main character of this exhibition," Lin Yin said with a serious expression.    


"No one knows what the result will be until the end, right?" Lin Yin looked at Zhang Qimo with a reassuring smile.    


Zhang Qimo shifted her lifeless gaze towards Lin Yin's eyes. She did not know why Lin Yin could remain so calm and confident.    


But for whatever reason, under the influence of Lin Yin's encouraging words, her eyes began flickering with a sense of hope once again.    


"Alright, distinguished guests, experts, and reporters. The last segment of the exhibition will soon be commencing. It is also the segment that everyone is looking forward to the most!" Jiang Shuang said with a smile.    


"In the auction of this jewelry exhibition, the million-dollar pieces of jewelry and the two pendants worth up to ten million dollars will all be included in the list of items being auctioned."    


"The rules of the auction are very simple. Whoever bids the highest amount will naturally receive the item being auctioned. All the guests present can participate in the auction and use the electronic communication channel in their hands to bid. You may either decide to make a bid with your name or do so anonymously."    


"Anyway, the jewelry auction will officially begin... now!"    


Jiang Shuang finished her lines smoothly in a single breath. With a smile on her face, she then raised her hand to signal the start of the auction.    


At that moment, the large screen switched to the display of a particular million-dollar jewelry.    


With the start of the auction, the expressions of all the guests and experts turned serious as they picked up the small device in their hands.    


This was a special voting device issued by the organizers of the jewelry exhibition. In addition to other functions, the device could also be used to communicate with the main platform's machines for bidding.    


The auction was now in full swing. All the guests and experts present were very enthusiastic as they bid fiercely for each item. One had to know that everyone in the room possessed a large amount of wealth.    


In less than twenty minutes, the first batch of the million-dollar jewelry had all been auctioned away.    


During this period, Zhang Qimo was clearly starting to feel the pressure as she trembled slightly in suspense.    


"Alright, the last two ten-million-dollar diamond pendants, the Everlasting Light and the King of the World, will be auctioned at the same time," Jiang Shuang said seriously.    


At this moment, two exquisite mahogany rectangular tables rose from the high platform. Each had a small glass cabinet placed on it, which shone with a dazzling light.    


"Both the Everlasting Light and the King of the World will neither have a starting bid nor a limitation to their bids! Everyone, you may now start bidding!" Jiang Shuang raised her voice to lift the atmosphere.    


*Snap! Click! Click!*    


All the reporters present lifted their cameras to take pictures during this critical moment. After all, everyone would naturally focus their utmost attention on the two pieces of jewelry worth tens of millions of dollars. Thus, this kind of scene was not to be missed.    


At this moment, a wave of cheers surged through the exhibition hall.    


Just as the guests and jewelry experts present were ready to participate in the bidding war, their expressions became restless.    


*Cough! Cough!*    


Sunn Heng coughed and stood straight up.    


"Everyone, I, Sunn Heng, will be bidding for these two pieces of jewelry!" Sunn Heng said proudly, "Thus, I hope everyone here doesn't have any thoughts of bidding again. Otherwise, you will simply not be giving me face!"    


"Let me give everyone here a piece of advice. If any dares to interfere with my business, I will not show any mercy when settling the score with you in the future!" Sunn Heng announced coldly as swept his menacing glare around the hall.    




"Isn't this too..."    


All the guests and jewelry experts present wore ugly expressions on their faces as they never expected Sunn Heng to be so overbearing in his demands.    


However, no one objected. After all, the Sunn Family was too powerful in Qingyun City. No one would dare to offend Sunn Heng for a mere jewelry auction.    


Moreover, the twenty to thirty people who could actually bid for the ten million pieces of jewelry were all acquaintances within the famous circles in Qingyun City. Thus, none of them wanted to offend Young Master Sunn.    


At this moment, the entire place lingered with nothing but silence.    


Sunn Heng's face revealed a complacent smile as he announced, "I will now bid ten million yuan for the Everlasting Light! On the other hand, I will only bid one yuan for the King of the World!"    


"This...! What...? Not only are you making starting the bid with one yuan, but you're not even going to let other people bid?"    


"Isn't this a bit too cruel...?"    


All the guests and experts present were dumb-struck by Sunn Heng's inhuman methods.    


"Host Jiang, I think my way of doing things is in line with the rules, isn't it? You mentioned how there won't be a starting bid for both the pendants, correct?" Sunn Heng stared at Jiang Shuang and said in a dignified manner. At this moment, he resorted to putting on the airs of a hedonistic young master.    


"This..." Jiang Shuang smiled awkwardly. As a small host, she obviously would not dare to offend Sunn Heng.    



"It is indeed in accordance with the rules," Jiang Shuang nodded helplessly.    


"You may not understand why I bid one yuan for the King of the World, but let me tell you..." Sunn Heng said arrogantly.    


"Neither can I, the majestic Sunn Heng, not afford the pendant nor do I long for this pendant," Sunn Heng looked at Zhang Qimo with a mocking smile.    


"On the other hand, I simply do not think highly of the creator of this King of the World, Zhang Qimo. I believe she is a worthless jewelry designer who is not qualified to design jewelry in the first place!" Sunn Heng stated firmly. "Thus, I will be buying the pendant according to the price I have determined for it."    


"You are going too far! What right do you have to do this?" Zhang Qimo could not help but stand up and ask, her face livid with rage.    


Sunn Heng's actions were simply inhuman!    


"What right do I have? I have the right to do this because I have more money than you. Would that answer be sufficient enough?" Sunn Heng said with disdain. "If you are still not convinced, you can use your own money to bid against me! But do you have the money? Do you dare to offend me?"    


"And let me tell you, Zhang Qimo, after I finish my bid for the King of the World..." Sunn Heng said with a sneer. "I will smash it into pieces in front of you and Lin Yin! I will teach the two of you a very important lesson. That this creation of yours is as cheap as the two of you. It is simply a worthless piece of trash!"    


"You...!" Zhang Qimo fumed in rising anger. As a gush of blood suddenly rushed up to her head, she found herself on the verge of fainting.    


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