Nine Flames Sovereign

C7 The Ass Breaking Finger Skill

C7 The Ass Breaking Finger Skill

0"Oh, Han Feng has so much going on now. Even if Cuba serves no purpose, it has been three years since he first cultivated. Meanwhile, Han Feng only developed his Internal Strength for one night, and I'm afraid that's going to taint his life."    


"Haha! Even though Han Feng grows stronger than us in the days to come, everyone's perception of him will always be tarnished. We have nothing to fear of him."    


"I guess you're right."    


"I agree with you."    


"It's such a shame!"    


At that point, Han Lin also noticed him and lightly stroked his chin. "Cuba's not as dumb as you think. He didn't challenge Han Feng directly, but he suggested that they fight instead. It's natural to injure oneself accidentally while fighting, you know."    


"After all, if he directly approaches and provokes Han Feng and teaches him a lesson, I won't let him do it. The senior family members know that Cuba and his father won't be having a good time afterward either."    


"Cuba also knows how to frame him. Han Feng is concerned now that he's caught in a quandary. If he takes on the challenge, he'll be taught a lesson. If his character gets ruined, even with his high qualifications, his future triumphs will be restricted."    


"If he refuses to accept it, these servants will make a mockery of him. His future won't be that great as well."    


Just like what both Han Lin and Han Feng had expected, Cuba had planned these to the hilt.    


Han Feng was deeply worried about it. After cultivating overnight, he only generated a small amount of Internal Strength. How could he win over Cuba?    


If Cuba's Total Amount of Internal Strength was only twenty to thirty percent, then Han Feng only had two or three at most. It was because after Han Feng cultivated his Internal Strength, it spread directly to his meridians.    


If not, it would be almost inconceivable for him to cultivate even a single Internal Strength overnight.    


It took two months for Han Lin, who had a Fifth-grade Aptitude, to cultivate up to Cuba's present state. On average, he would only make use of half his Internal Strength daily, and sometimes, he consumed even less than half of it.    


"It appears I can only use some kind of special method," Han Feng said with a strange smile.    


At that moment, Cuba noticed the funny smirk on Han Feng's face. For some strange reason, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. How was it possible for him to ignore that thought?    


At this moment, Cuba heard Han Feng's faint voice saying, "I accept."    


Nearly everyone turned their attention to Cuba and Han Feng. When they heard Han Feng taking the deal, they grew even more animated, eagerly expecting Cuba to give Han Feng a good beating.    


Cuba chuckled inwardly, but his face revealed a foolish grin. "You're such a genius, Han Feng, but you need to be merciful."    


Then Cuba went to give the first assault without waiting for Han Feng's reply. Such action proved how vile and shameless he was that even the Han boys watching from the sidelines couldn't help but detest Cuba's deceitfulness.    


However, Han Feng and the rest of them understood it differently. Although he used to be an ordinary person, he had lived and survived through society for a year or two now. At the time, especially in another world, the word fairness didn't exist initially. But if one's life was at stake during battle, as long as one won and lived to see another day, everything would turn out fine.    


While Han Feng still had to give some warnings before the competition could begin, it was no longer necessary.    


As a result, the group of young warriors of the Han family remained very naive.    


Han Feng had long realized what was happening, and he had been very vigilant of Cuba's every move. As soon as Cuba attacked, Han Feng held his ground calmly. He turned his body slightly to one side and waved his arms upwards, blocking Cuba's fist straight away.    


"What? He thwarted my furtive attack?" Cuba was surprised for a moment after his punch failed to connect to Han Feng's face.    


Although Cuba was somewhat insidious, he was only thirteen years old and had a weak combat awareness. He was completely unmatched compared to Instructor Lin and the others his age. His brief hesitation allowed Han Feng to strike back.    


Han Feng crouched instantly and swept his leg across, causing Cuba to lose his balance after experiencing pain in his leg. He hit the ground immediately, but it wasn't long before he recovered. As soon as he came to his senses, he placed his hands firmly on the ground and was about to jump back with momentum.    


However, Han Feng had already initiated the Basic Long Fists technique and shot out nine punches, ruthlessly pounding Cuba. Each blow landed on his body, sending him in midair. It knocked him out eventually, and he fell to the ground, red-faced.    


The surrounding boys, who were enjoying themselves earlier, were dismayed when the situation suddenly turned around. "Cuba has proved himself to be incompetent. Meanwhile, Han Feng was barely developing his Internal Strength."    


"I don't think so. It's not that Cuba is useless, but Han Feng's combat awareness is simply stronger. Besides, Cuba's the weakest cultivator among us, and almost no one will team up with him to fight each other during our daily training, so everything about him will be invalid. If I were in his shoes making the attack, I wouldn't give Han Feng the chance to take advantage of me. We're both at risk of injury, but not in the way things are currently going."    


"Cuba was reckless prior to this. With his Internal Strength almost ineffective, Han Feng will become even more deadly."    


A few of the Han boys with keen eyesight asserted as they watched eagerly.    


Han Lin's eyes flickered as he added, "Although Cuba is worthless, his body has still grown remarkably after cultivating his Internal Strength for three years. Previously, Han Feng's use of Basic Long Fists only required a small portion of his Internal Strength, and it hardly inflicted damage on Cuba's body."    


Shortly after Han Lin spoke, Cuba immediately stood up. There was a hint of anger on his face, but he promptly suppressed it. It was just a competition, and committing an error was only natural. However, no matter how he looked at the situation, Han Feng seemed to have done it deliberately. Cuba tried to resist the disgust he felt toward Han Feng as he wore a ghastly smile. "You're indeed a genius who deserves to have a fourth-level Aptitude. I've only cultivated my Internal Strength for a day, which puts me at a disadvantage. And..."    


Before finishing his words, Cuba launched another sneaky attack.    


Han Feng retreated abruptly and sneered in his heart. "He didn't fool me the first time, so how can I fall for it now? Unfortunately, I don't have sufficient Internal Strength in my body. My only option is to use the Claw Condensation Technique if I want to hurt him. I need to do this properly because I only get one shot. Without enough Internal Strength, I won't be able to use even one-tenth of its power."    


"But I have cultivated the said technique for one day only, so I have to use it without making any mistakes. However, it takes time to gear up before it can cause serious damage, and there's no way Cuba will give me a chance to prepare."    


"It looks like I can only use some techniques like I had imagined in the past."    


Cuba had learned his lesson before, so he didn't dare to be sloppy around Han Feng. With the Internal Strength of his body expanding non-stop, he went on to beat and kick the life out of Han Feng successively.    


The Basic Long Fists and the Basic Leg Techniques were both considered as low-level Martial Skills and were referred to as the foundation of Martial Skills. However, with the support of one's Internal Strength, the technique's power was still good enough to harm an opponent. Whenever a punch or leg kick was thrown, there will be a buzzing sound.    


With the imminent attack, Han Feng tried his best to duck in embarrassment, and he didn't even dare resist. Once he made direct contact, Cuba's Internal Strength broke out, and Han Feng was likely to suffer a serious injury.    


In no time at all, Cuba's offensive slowed down. After all, his Total Amount of Internal Strength wasn't that high. Despite this, Cuba only took a few breaths while Han Feng sweated profusely. His clothes were all messed up, and his appearance was in a terrible state.    


Cuba couldn't refrain from shouting, "Han Feng, don't you have the courage to face me? Don't dodge if you're brave enough!"    


Han Feng had the strangest smile. "The opportunity has presented itself. Don't fret because I'll never hide again."    


Suddenly, Han Feng went after Cuba, who only sneered in his thoughts. "Even if there's not much Internal Strength left in my body, I won't fear you even if you fight me head-on!"    


However, while Cuba was about to hit him, Han Feng moved his feet and his Internal Strength exploded. His speed increased dramatically, and after a split second, he found himself directly behind Cuba.    


Then Han Feng yelled out, "Ass Breaking Finger!"    


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