Sky War God

C134 The Successor of the Palace Master

C134 The Successor of the Palace Master



That figure indifferently glanced at that elder, his voice still contained a trace of coldness.    


"May I know where you are from? Why are you participating in the matter of my Divine Pill Palace? No matter what, my Divine Pill Palace is a top force in the Imperial City of Zhao. It would be rude for you to decide the ownership of my position as the Great Elder. "    


The elder cupped his fists at the figure and said. Although he was interrogating the figure, his tone was incomparably humble, as if he didn't dare to anger the figure.    


"You also know that the Divine Pill Palace is one of the top powers in the Zhao State? If the Divine Pill Palace is allowed to continue fooling around, I'm afraid that it won't take long for it to completely decline."    


That figure was furious. Immediately after, he waved his hand at the elder and said, "I've already made up my mind. There's no need to mention this matter anymore. I have my own plans."    


After hearing that person's words, immediately after, he seemed to remember something, and excitement appeared on his face. He continued, "I see that you are concerned about my Divine Pill Palace. Could it be that you are one of the four great alien minister who had followed Old Palace Lord for a long time?"    


When they heard the elder's words, many of the Divine Pill Palace's expressions froze. Their faces were filled with confusion. Did he really have such a powerful alien minister in his Divine Pill Palace?    


"Since you already know about it, why don't you leave now!"    


The figure didn't deny the elder's question and spoke coldly.    


As soon as these words were spoken, Fu Yang, who was lying on the ground, had an ugly expression on his face. His eyes were filled with despair.    


He had schemed for so many years, all for the sake of being able to become the Palace Master one day. All of his efforts were shattered by the appearance of this powerful alien minister.    


Let alone the position of Palace Lord, all of his efforts had been for naught. A single sentence from him had caused him to lose the position of Great Elder.    


He hated, hated. The hatred of all those who opposed him had penetrated deep into their bones, especially towards Ye Feng. It had reached a point that was difficult to describe with words.    




The elder's body slightly trembled, then he slightly bowed towards the figure. He was even more respectful than before, and didn't dare to disobey.    


"It's not convenient for everyone to continue with the internal affairs of my Divine Pill Palace, so let's disperse."    


Immediately after, that person looked at the person from the Imperial City who had just walked out of the Secret Realm and said.    


Everyone's eyes flickered. Many people had yet to walk out from their shock, but with his status, he had ordered them to leave. Naturally, they knew how to act tactfully. After a short moment, they all walked towards the bottom of the divine peak.    


Ni Zhantian, Zhong Tao, and Yi Qing were naturally among the group that had left. They looked at Ye Feng with cold eyes. They had never thought that when Fu Yang was about to kill Ye Feng, there would be such a powerful expert who would come and help them. This was truly a stroke of luck.    


Ye Feng and one-armed swordsman also wanted to leave. After all, they were not Divine Pill Palace.    


"Ask your Friends to leave by himself. Little guy, you stay here first."    


However, just as Ye Feng raised his foot, he heard the voice of alien minister. Ye Feng stopped and nodded at one-armed swordsman, signaling him to leave first.    


Since this alien minister was able to save him from Fu Yang, it didn't mean that he had any ill intentions towards him.    


A moment later, all the outsiders on the divine peak left. The rest of them were the inner disciples of the Divine Pill Palace.    


alien minister's eyes fell upon Ye Feng. After sizing him up, a satisfied smile emerged on his aged face, and he said, "The cultivation base of the Qi Condensation is at the first level, and my foundation is very solid. Anyone who can obtain my Divine Pill Palace, nine main inheritances, must be an extraordinary person."    


The words of the alien minister's figure spread in all directions. At this moment, the eyes of all the people from the Divine Pill Palace fell upon Ye Feng. Alien minister's words seemed to contain a profound meaning.    


Ye Feng only looked at him without saying anything. He couldn't understand why alien minister would praise him.    


"Are you willing to join my Divine Pill Palace and take over my position as the Divine Pill Palace Palace Master in the future?"    


At this moment, alien minister suddenly spoke. His words caused the hearts of everyone present to tremble violently, and their eyes sparkled with a sharp light.    


Even Ye Feng was stunned at this moment, and he had a surprised expression on his face. He cupped his hands towards alien minister and said, "Junior is an ordinary man, so what virtues and morals does he have to assume the position of the Divine Pill Palace Palace Master? Senior is too arrogant."    


Ye Feng wasn't a fool. He knew his own identity very well. Even though he had some talent, he was merely a man who had just advanced to the Qi Condensation Stage. There was nothing extraordinary about him.    


As a result, Fu Yang didn't even need to hesitate to kill him. How could such a man be chosen by a transcendent power like the Divine Pill Palace to take over the position of Palace Master?    


Furthermore, Ye Feng's ambition was not here. In Ye Feng's eyes, all power and status were insignificant. Only by reaching the peak of the Martial Path was Ye Feng's ultimate goal.    


"The nine main inheritances is supreme. When nine main inheritors's cultivation base reaches a certain level, he should take over my position as the Divine Pill Palace Palace Master. You are no exception. "    


After listening to Ye Feng's words, the figure of alien minister smiled. He didn't treat others as seriously as he did before.    




Ye Feng still wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by the alien minister.    


"Little guy, don't say anymore. Old Palace Lord had used up the last bit of his cultivation to choose the most outstanding successor. And you just happened to appear. All of this seemed to have been arranged by the heavens. You can still do whatever you want to do, and the Divine Pill Palace won't restrict your freedom. When you break through to the True Martial Stage, you will take over the position of the Divine Pill Palace Palace Master. "    


alien minister continued speaking with a solemn expression on his face. After that, he looked at Xie Qingshan who was not far away and said: "The position of Divine Pill Palace's Great Elder will temporarily be taken over by you. After nine main inheritors takes over the position of Palace Master, you will need to assist him with all your might. If you have second thoughts, I will definitely not forgive you! "    


"I will follow alien minister's orders!"    


After hearing alien minister's words, Xie Qingshan's body trembled, but he still nodded in agreement.    


He never thought that the position of palace master that he and Fu Yang had been fighting for for for more than ten years would fall on a young man who had once been looked down upon by everyone. Everything was so unbelievable. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed that it was true.    


However, if this was the will of the heavens, he, Xie Qingshan, would follow the will of the heavens and assist Ye Feng to become the palace master. At the same time, Xie Qingshan's eyes didn't forget to glance at Fu Yang who was not far away. When he saw the despair on Fu Yang's face, he couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile.    


Compared to Fu Yang, his ending was still considered perfect. This made Xie Qingshan secretly feel lucky that he didn't do anything bad to Ye Feng.    


"Also, all of you have heard it clearly. From now on, when you see nine main inheritors, it's like meeting the palace master. If anyone dares to disrespect nine main inheritors, it will be the same as committing treason! It will be the most severe punishment! Do all of you understand? "    


Seeing Xie Qingshan accept the order, alien minister's eyes swept across the Divine Pill Palace and the others, and he spoke sternly.    


"The crime of betraying the palace!"    




Everyone's eyes froze, but there was still one person who spoke first. After that, everyone spoke the same words.    


They were naturally aware of the crime of betraying the palace. It was the biggest crime within the Divine Pill Palace. Those who violated it would be sentenced to death by the law enforcers, and they would be killed randomly with knives.    



And just now, the alien minister had said that if anyone offended Ye Feng, it would be the same as committing treason. Even the previous Palace Lords might not have been able to enjoy such treatment. It could be seen how much this alien minister had taken a liking to Ye Feng.    


"This person can only be respectful and cannot be provoked."    


After the words of the alien minister, a similar thought emerged in the hearts of many people. They began to attach importance to Ye Feng.    


"Alright. Old Palace Lord has passed away in meditation. All of you should go and settle down for his old age."    


alien minister nodded his head in satisfaction and spoke again. He motioned for the people from Divine Pill Palace to prepare the funeral for Old Palace Lord.    


Everyone accepted the order and left one after another. However, their hearts were unable to calm down for a long time.    


Old Palace Lord had reached the end of his life and was about to open the divine peak and Secret Realm. He also used his remaining cultivation base to summon the nine main inheritances. The young man, Ye Feng, was incomparably elegant. With his own strength, under the obstruction of Ni Zhantian, Fu Zhen, Zhong Tao and the other experts, he forcefully seized the nine main inheritances.    


After that, Yi Qing and Fu Yang fought for the position of Palace Master. Xie Qingshan's side used Ye Feng as the fuse to start a fight with Fu Yang's side on the top of the divine peak.    


In the end, Fu Yang's side won a great victory. However, when Fu Yang tried to kill Ye Feng, the Divine Pill Palace alien minister's figure arrived. He used his absolute strength to crush Fu Yang, shocking everyone present. No one dared to disobey him.    


"nine main inheritors is not someone Fu Yang can offend." Furthermore, he wanted Ye Feng to inherit the position of the Divine Pill Palace Palace Master.    


He ordered Xie Qingshan to be the Great Elder and assist Ye Feng with everything he had.    


If anyone from the Divine Pill Palace had any disloyalty towards Ye Feng, they would be accused of betraying the palace.    


In the world of martial arts, powerful strength represented everything. This alien minister's strength was heaven defying. Therefore, with just one sentence, he could change the structure of a sect, and all the people would submit to him.    


On top of the divine peak, only Ye Feng, Xie Qingshan, Fu Yang and Fu Ying were left, as well as some senior elders.    


Fu Yang's eyes were empty. All his efforts over the past ten years had been in vain. However, even though he was unwilling to accept it, there was nothing he could do to turn the situation around.    


Although Fu Zhen was badly burned by Ye Feng's flames, he was still conscious. He watched as his father and son fell to the ground. With a sway of his body, Ye Feng became the most dazzling existence in the entire Divine Pill Palace. Fu Zhen secretly hated himself. Why did he lose to Ye Feng? If he was the one who obtained the nine main inheritances... The current situation would certainly undergo a tremendous change. Anyone who opposed him and his father would be trampled under his feet. However, it was all too early now.    


Fu Ying's beautiful eyes kept blinking as she looked at that peerlessly handsome figure. Her heart was filled with complicated feelings.    


The young man who she had once ignored and humiliated was now placed above his father in the Divine Pill Palace. Everything seemed so unreal, but it had actually happened.    


At this point, the storm caused by Old Palace Lord's death had finally calmed down.    


Ye Feng, this young man who was once only a Body Refining Stage, had been looked down upon by everyone. However, he had used the Body Refining Stage realm, which was looked down upon by everyone, to kill everyone in the Secret Realm. He had crushed all his competitors and seized the nine main inheritances to become the future palace master of the Divine Pill Palace. What else could make him even more determined to fight back?    


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