Sky War God

C83 You Don't Deserve Justice

C83 You Don't Deserve Justice

0Ye Feng arrived in the Martial Arts Pavilion after an hour.    


In Ye Feng's line of sight, a massive hall appeared. In front of the main hall was a spacious square, and there was an endless stream of people. All of them were there to practice.    


Every six months, the disciples at Tianxuan Mansion would have the opportunity to borrow the Cultivation Technique and Martial Technique from the Martial Arts Pavilion. However, they could only borrow two books at a time.    


Ye Feng made his way into the entrance of the Martial Arts Pavilion's main hall.    


"Did you come to borrow the Cultivation Technique and Martial Technique?"    


asked an old man in a sluggish manner. He sat in the main hall, and his eyes slightly narrowed when he saw Ye Feng came in.    




Ye Feng nodded. After that, he had a look around the enormous hall and saw that the Martial Arts Pavilion was separated into four floors. There could be countless types of Cultivation Technique and Martial Technique stored inside the large space. This demonstrated the extent of Tianxuan Hall's foundation.    


"You are a warrior on the Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage. On the first level, there are two Cultivation Method books for you to choose from. Keep in mind that the time restriction is strictly two hours."    


The old man explained further without even looking at Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng did not leave right away. Instead, he reflected for a moment before approaching the old man and said, "I have a few questions. Can you help me?"    


"Sure. You can ask me anything."    


The old man moved as lazy as he had been.    


"The Martial Arts Pavilion is divided into four floors. I'm curious to know who is allowed access on each floor,"    


Ye Feng said.    


"The first level is for the Body Refining Stage, the second for the Qi Condensation Stage, the third for the Elder of the Martial Mansion, the fourth is for hall masters, Lord Wu, and the remainder is for the Martial Mansion,"    


replied the old man casually. He had not used his binoculars at all, and he seemed to be an ordinary gatekeeper.    


"I see."    


Ye Feng mumbled under his breath. He sighed inwardly after hearing this. Strength was always proportional to the amount of resources available.    


So the Body Refining Stage disciples were allowed to access the first level of the Martial Arts Pavilion. It's safe to assume that the Cultivation Method kept there was of the lowest grade.    


The second floor had been enhanced significantly, while the third floor must have included an extremely rare Cultivation Technique and Martial Technique. When one reached the fourth floor, the goods kept there had to be the world's most advanced techniques.    


Ye Feng's eyes flickered at the thought of this. After a moment of hesitation, he went on to say, "Sir, I'd like to go to the second floor and have a look around. Will it be okay?"    


The old man scowled after hearing Ye Feng's statements. He opened his eyes and replied, "Haven't I made myself clear? Only warriors in the Qi Condensation Stage are allowed to access the second floor. You can't go there since you're an Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage warrior."    


The old man's tone got colder as he seemed to be a bit dissatisfied.    


"I'm aware of that. Even the first level of the Cultivation Method is insufficient to meet my requirements. Can you help me?"    


Ye Feng's tone was polite. He could see that, despite his appearance, this old man was a terrifying figure. Ye Feng decided he would treat him with the respect he deserved.    


"A Body Refining Stage wants to advance to the Martial Skill's second level? Hmm. This has never happened before in the Martial Mansion. You may leave now!"    


The old man motioned with his hand to the exit. He seemed to be growing more impatient.    


"Okay, I'm leaving right now!"    


Ye Feng cupped his hands in front of the old man with a dissatisfied expression.    


Ye Feng had now cultivated the Silver Lance, Mountain Quaking Palm, and Will Refining skills, all of which were Cultivation Methods of the highest degree.    


An ordinary Cultivation Method fit for Body Refining Stage warriors could no longer meet Ye Feng's needs.    


As a result, Ye Feng pleaded with the old man.    


"You've overestimated yourself. You're a warrior in the Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage, and you believe you can make it to the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion? That's just absurd."    


A sarcastic voice came from a certain direction at that very instant.    


When Ye Feng looked around, he saw two figures stepping forward from the main hall of the Martial Arts Pavilion. The two young men were dressed nicely and had a commanding presence, as though they were high and mighty. When the other people who entered and exited Martial Arts Pavilion saw them, their faces lit up with admiration, and they moved aside to make room for them.    


The young guy on the right stood out the most. He was at the Peak of Body Refinement and had an unfathomable demeanor.    


His cultivation base was clearly lesser than that of his Qi Condensation Stage companion, yet when the two of them stood together, he was able to draw others' attention. He was not someone ordinary people could compare with in terms of temperament.    


They soon found themselves in front of Ye Feng. The way they stared at him was filled with mockery.    


Ye Feng was greeted by a handsome young man who grinned and remarked, "You obviously don't know the rules. This is the Martial Arts Pavilion's hallowed ground. How can a despicable person like yourself be allowed to make a request?"    


The young guy spoke in an arrogant tone. His attractive features had a hint of nobility on them. He acted like he was the king of this place, with no one able to challenge him.    


Ye Feng's eyes froze as he heard the young man's comments. 'There are a lot of arrogant individuals at the Tianxuan Mansion,' he thought, his visage cold.    


"Elder Jing, I'll be heading up since I need a set of movement Martial Skills,"    


said the handsome young guy to the old man who was not far away. He did not bother to glance at Ye Feng after he was done talking to him.    


Despite the fact that he addressed the old man as Elder Jing, his articulation lacked reverence.    


He casually moved to the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion afterward. His actions were calm and relaxed.    


"Hey, trash! Some individuals are born outstanding, and you are destined to be incomparable to them."    


When the two of them walked past Ye Feng, the other young man who was at the Qi Condensation Stage stopped and frowned while muttering those sarcastic words to Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng's eyes went steely as a glint of rage flashed over them. He became overbearing as a surge of rage erupted spontaneously in his heart. It wasn't because he was mocked by the handsome young man but due to the unjust Elder of the Martial Arts Pavilion.    


When he asked the Elder that he wanted to go to the second floor, he was immediately turned down. Ye Feng believed that this was the norm at the time and that the old man was only doing things fairly.    


The handsome young man was only at the Peak of Body Refinement, but he could readily access the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion with the old man's approval. This act could not be justified in any way.    



"How come you're still here?"'    


The old man's voice rang again, this time with a trace of coolness, just as Ye Feng was becoming enraged.    


"Why should I leave? You have to explain something first."    


Ye Feng's words were freezing cold as he spoke bluntly.    


"Explain what?"    


demanded the old man. His face grew serious, yet he remained unfazed.    


"You said that Body Refining Stage warriors are not allowed to visit the Martial Arts Pavilion's second floor. However, that young guy is now a Qi Condensation Stage expert,"    


Ye Feng inquired coldly.    


"You want me to be fair, right?"    


Despite Ye Feng's interrogation, the old man did not get enraged. Instead, he asked Ye Feng a question that seemed irrelevant to the situation.    


"Of course,"    


Ye Feng smiled. He wouldn't say anything if the other Body Refining Stage warriors couldn't get onto the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion.    


"What right do you have to expect me to be fair if you don't have enough strength? This is the rule in the martial arts world. Absolute power and position have the ability to modify the rules. You must realize that all regulations are in place to protect the weak. And it's always powerful who establish the rules. They were never constrained by rules. The Tianxuan Mansion followed this regulation as well. Fairness did not belong to the weak. You should raise your power if you demand fairness!"    


The elderly guy explained straightforwardly, and his words caused Ye Feng's body to tremble. It was as though the words had had a profound effect on his body and soul.    


"The weak can only be bound by rules and do not deserve fairness."    


This statement did not only sound unpleasant, but it was also very realistic.    


The powerful ones were always those who made the rules, and they would bind everyone under their authority to follow their set of rules. Ye Feng had a thought in his head that he was steadily immersing himself in.    


Due to their remarkable military feats in the past, the Ye Family had made significant contributions to the Zhao State. However, they were exterminated overnight because they had insulted the Zhao State's Royal Family and the Saint King.    


This matter was not due to anything else, but only because the Ye family was living under the constraints of the Zhao State's inherent rules.    


As a result, although the Ye Family seemed to come from a noble background, it was a tool utilized by Zhao State's Imperial Family. When the Ye Family broke the laws established by them, the Imperial Family used those restrictions to bind the Ye Family. They could even kill Ye Feng only in one thought.    


The significance of the elderly man's comments struck Ye Feng hard. The young man from the Peak of Body Refinement, who had just entered the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion, must be a remarkable figure. For the elderly guy or the Martial Mansion to alter the rules for him, he must be worth it. Meanwhile, Ye Feng was merely an ordinary disciple who lacked the requirements to get such treatment.    


"I understand!"    


Ye Feng expressed his dissatisfaction with the old man and planned to go out. However, he heard the old man's voice once again.    


"Why are you in a hurry to leave?"    


Ye Feng stopped in his tracks with a bewildered expression.    


"I'll give you a chance since you seem honest. I'll allow you into the second floor if you can break through one of the formations I've carved,"    


explained the old man slowly. Then he stooped down and walked over to an open area not far from Ye Feng. There were waves of light flashing on his index finger, and a mysterious power appeared to encircle his body.    


Ye Feng's eyes twinkled. What was the elderly man's plan? He could only sit and observe in silence.    


Using his blazing finger, the old man drew on the ground lines of patterns, eventually intertwining them into a complicated diagram.    


Ye Feng was a little taken aback. The old man's artwork had a unique rhythm as if it could converse with the heavens and the earth. Every single line he drew was flawless.    


The old man completed his carving after an hour. On the ground, the atlas had already started to take form. Waves of tremendous power, exceedingly mysterious, radiated from the atlas.    


"Take your first step onto the atlas, and I'll let you travel to the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion provided you break the formation in an hour."    


said the old man indifferently. He returned to his seat and took a nap after completing his explanation.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly. He didn't think twice about stepping on it.    


Everything in front of Ye Feng vanished the instant his body entered the map. The area before him turned black as if there was nothing there.    


It looked a lot like the space at the Demonic Giant Ape on Tianxuan Peak where Ye Feng had once entered.    


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