Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C343 Brother Ling Ye Why Did You Marry Her?

C343 Brother Ling Ye Why Did You Marry Her?

0At nine o'clock in the morning, Soong Yiren had already finished her makeup and changed into a wedding dress.    


In the room, a few bridesmaids were all wearing light purple wedding dresses. All of their faces and figures were very good and very pleasing to the eye.    


Gong Moyan lowered her head to look at her chest and slightly pursed her lips.    


She only asked for the bridesmaid position after being spoiled by Gong Lingye. After all, she was only 12 years old this year. She was too old to be a flower boy, but she was too young to be a bridesmaid.    


However, the genes of the Gong Family were good. Even though she was very young, she was already 1.6 meters tall. However, her figure had not fully developed yet. Compared to the other bridesmaids, she looked dry and dry.    


Seeing her small movements, Soong Yiren beckoned to her.    


She moved closer and heard Soong Yiren say, "Auntie will give you a few more balls of cotton?"    


Gong Moyan's face immediately turned red.    


Everyone laughed but they all looked at Su Mi. "Little sister, don't worry. Maybe you will have the same figure as sister Su Mi in the future!"    


It had to be said that Su Mi's model background was indeed different. She was 1.7 meters tall and had a curvy figure. She was very conspicuous in front of everyone.    


Everyone was joking. It was almost 9: 30 when Wei Qianran, who was guarding the door, said excitedly, "Ah, I heard footsteps! It seems like even the groomsmen and groomsmen are here!"    


Soong Yiren heard it and immediately became nervous.    


As expected, the footsteps got closer and closer until they reached the door.    


Gong Moyan took a look from the cat's eyes and said excitedly: "Ah, I, uncle am here. He is so handsome today!"    


"Moyan, don't forget that you are the bridesmaid!" Li Huo reminded her, "We'll guard the door well!"    


There was a knock on the door, followed by a deep and magnetic male voice, "Nuan, I am here to pick you up."    


Soong Yiren's heart was beating very fast. She was so excited that she almost wanted to rush over and open the door for Gong Lingye.    


However, there were so many pairs of eyes watching. She could not show too much hatred towards marriage!    


In the room, there was naturally a bridesmaid who helped her make things difficult for the men outside. "Only when you answer the question correctly can you come in."    


Beiming Mo recited the question. "The first question, 2999 multiplied by 3912, how much is it?"    


Wei Qianran counted down, "Five, four, three..."    


Gong Lingye quickly glanced at the calculator that Luo Tianqi handed over and reported, "11732088."    


Luo Tianqi raised his eyebrows. He had long been prepared for this kind of problem.    


In the room, Su Mi said, "Please tell us, how long have you known the bride? Five, four, three, two..."    


Outside the room, Gong Lingye dropped his wrist to look at his watch and said calmly, "7,389 days, and 15 hours, 13 minutes and 7 seconds."    


In the room, the few girls were stunned and looked at Soong Yiren. "More than 7,000 days. Doesn't that mean that it was twenty years ago? "    


Soong Yiren knew that what Gong Lingye said was the first time they met in Ning Country twenty years ago.    


That was the first time she met him as Soong Yiren.    


Her heart was suddenly filled with emotions, but more warmth flowed through it. She nodded, "You got it right."    


Outside, Luo Tianqi was very excited. "Damn it, Mr Ye, how old is sister-in-law this year? Did you see her when she was wearing her pants?"    


Gong Lingye smiled and did not answer. Gong Mochen, who was behind him, heard him and his eyes paused.    


Yes, twenty years ago, they had met.    


In the room, Gu Tingxue asked the third question, "Mr Ling Ye, tell me, why do you want to marry Ruonuan?"    


In the corridor outside, Gong Lingye seemed to think for a moment before he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Every desperate approach is because of love."    


"In the beginning, I liked her being serious to the point of being completely focused. Later, I liked her strong and rational look. In the end, I liked her all the way. "I couldn't even figure out what I liked the most."    


There were actually no complicated reasons for wanting to marry her. I just feel that every time I think about how she can become my wife, I feel all the blood in my body start to boil with joy. I wish I could hold my hands until my hair turns white in the next moment! "    


The surroundings were very quiet. Everyone held their breaths and listened seriously to Gong Lingye's every word.    


Among the bridesmaids present, Gong Moyan and Qi Lihuo were watched by Gong Lingye as they grew up. But even after being together for so many years, they had never seen Gong Lingye like this.    


Not to mention the other bridesmaids. Especially Su Mi. At this moment, the shock in her heart could not be any greater.    


It turned out that in the news and the words spoken by others, that cold-blooded and cruel Gong Lingye actually had such a thing. On one side, it made her eyes turn red. All of a sudden, she also wanted to have such a love.    


Gu Tingxue sat in the wheelchair and listened to those words. Tears fell down but the corner of her mouth was smiling.    


She understood what Gong Lingye meant. Even if he might not be around at any time. However, that kind of heart that wanted to marry Soong Yiren would not stop because of anything.    


It turned out that their wedding could be more beautiful than what she had imagined.    


Soong Yiren sat on the bed and could not help but shed tears.    


She took a deep breath and thought that today was the happiest day of her life. She should laugh, laugh, and not cry until her eyes were blinded because she should be his most beautiful bride.    


"So, baby, I'm here to marry you."    


Outside, Gong Lingye said.    


Beiming Mo had already gone to open the door.    


Soong Yiren was really happy because of this. Such a man could put down his usual cold arrogance in front of everyone and only drink a ladle of Weak Water. What else could be more touching than this?    


Suddenly, the door opened wide and Soong Yiren's gaze fell into Gong Lingye's eyes.    


She stretched out her hand and wanted to ask for a hug.    



However, someone was a step faster and held onto the groomsmen and groomsmen's footsteps.    


Qi Lihuo also almost cried just now. However, she recovered very quickly.    


She looked at her handsome brother who was pleasing to the eyes and said, "I, uncle, have passed the test, but that doesn't mean that the best men have passed the test. Therefore, the best men still have to go through a test! "    


She let Gong Lingye pass and stood in front of Gong Mochen. She said, "Mr Mochen, if you want to pass me, you have to fight me! If you can't beat me, then there is only one path left! "    


Luo Tianqi had sparred with Qi Lihuo before. He always felt that a little girl could do anything. However, in the second round, he was directly thrown to the ground by the little girl.    


Therefore, when he saw this scene, he silently pulled Xuanyuan Che in front of him.    


This time, the groomsman group consisted of Soong Ziheng, Xuanyuan Che, Luo Tianqi, Xiao Pei and Yu Hsingfan.    


Gong Mochen was called by Li Huo. He felt that he would not be able to explain himself if he did not exchange pointers. However, when he looked at Soong Yiren, who was in Gong Lingye's arms, he felt that if he was thrown by a girl, it would be even more shameful.    


As he was weighing the pros and cons, a young man's voice came from behind him. It was Yu Hsingfan's. "Wow, so fun? "I'm coming!"    


Luo Tianqi looked at him sympathetically.    


Li Huo moved his joints and raised his eyebrows at Yu Hsingfan. "Youngster, come on!"    


Yu Hsingfan nodded. He made a pose that he had learned from TV and went over.    


Then, before the crowd could see clearly, there were already many people on the ground. A little boy who was still showing his wings on a white crane.    


"Next." Li Huo hooked his finger.    


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