Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C292 A Hundred Years ago Fate Was Destined

C292 A Hundred Years ago Fate Was Destined

0Chu Mingyao made a phone call and asked someone to check the source of the account on Weibo.    


However, the other party could not find out.    


If it was Su Yunfei, Chu Mingyao would admit that she did not have the ability.    


If it was not, then it should be Gong Lingye?    


Gong Lingye did this for the sake of disrupting his state of mind? After all, there was no evidence in Gong Lingye's hands!    


Or could it be that Soong Ziheng had already remembered something? Could his testimony be considered a powerful testimony after going to court?    


Chu Mingyao's heart was conflicted. He once again increased the intensity of his search for Su Yunfei.    


At this moment, in the basement where Su Yunfei was, a few men were holding her and injecting something into her arm.    


"What is this?" She screamed, but her struggle did not have any effect. Very quickly, the liquid had all entered her body.    


"You want to know the effect?" The man in front of her sneered and directly brought in a white mouse.    


When Su Yunfei saw the appearance of the white mouse, she was so scared that she almost fainted.    


The skin on its body cracked inch by inch, revealing bright red skin, just like a dry and cracked field.    


It seemed to be very uncomfortable. When the man threw it to the ground, it jumped to the corner of the room and rubbed its body crazily.    


Its skin was already split open, and with this grinding, blood quickly flowed out and dyed its white fur red. However, it did not feel any pain at all, and continued to crazily rub against it, making a sharp sound.    


Su Yunfei was so scared that her entire body trembled and almost collapsed. "Quickly take it out! Throw it out!"    


The man laughed softly and said to her, "Do you know why it became like this?"    


Su Yunfei took a step back and already guessed the reason.    


"Yes, just like you guessed, it was injected with the medicine you just gave!" The man smiled cruelly. "It won't die like this. It will probably rot after its skin breaks open. We have done experiments before. The mice will fall ill after thirty days of injections. They will only die after ninety days."    


Su Yunfei's eyes were filled with fear.    


"Of course. We don't have any data on the time period of humans, but because you have injected it, it will happen very soon!" The man said coldly.    


Su Yunfei's tears and snot flowed out. She almost grabbed the man's arm tightly and screamed hysterically, "Quickly suck it out, suck it out!"    


"What a pity. Intravenous injection has already merged into your body. How can you suck it out?" The man had a look of pity. " Furthermore, the antidote for this medicine has yet to be developed. However, we can be kind enough to let you die when you get sick. "    


Su Yunfei's heart instantly turned cold. After a long time, she screamed," What exactly do you want? What do you want?"    


"It's very simple." The man said, "I estimate that there will be a time when I need you in 20 days. When the time comes, perform well!"    


He left immediately. Su Yunfei was locked up again. She even stuffed something into her mouth to prevent her from committing suicide.    


The door of the room was quickly locked and everything fell into darkness.    


Su Yunfei did not know if the medicine still had sleeping properties and she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.    


At this moment, Gong Lingye had already returned home.    


Soong Ziheng was still reading in his room, while Soong Yiren was online sending messages to Chu Mingyao.    


She really wanted to know how Chu Mingyao would be affected after that trending. Therefore, she asked, "Mr Chu, How have you been recently? Have you bought any new year goods?"    


Chu Mingyao had just received a call from his subordinate. When the other party said that he could not find Su Yunfei, his heart was burning with anger when he saw Soong Yiren's news.    


If it was someone else, he might not have bothered with them. But at this moment, the pressure from being exposed, coupled with the humiliation he had suffered these days, when facing Soong Yiren, that kind of emotion instantly fermented and filled his chest.    


He replied, "Nuan. I really miss you. Can you come to Ningcheng and accompany me?"    


Soong Yiren sneered but still replied, "Mr Chu. I think you are in low spirits. Did something happen? Last time I told you to relax and think about the future. You definitely didn't do it! "    


Chu Mingyao replied," I tried, but I didn't succeed. Nuan, give Big Brother some time. Big Brother will adjust it. It's just that I've been a little tired for the past two days. "    


Then Mr Chu needs to rest early! " Soong Yiren said, "We will be going overseas after the New Year, so these few days, I have to stay in Imperial City with my sister and brother."    


"Nuan, going abroad with you is my motivation to persevere." Chu Mingyao said, "It is not early, Nuan should sleep early."    


Soong Yiren replied, "Okay. Good night, Mr Chu."    


When she put down the phone, Gong Lingye happened to come in.    


Soong Yiren threw herself into his arms and smelled the clean and cool smell on his body.    


Gong Lingye looked down at her and smiled. "Nuan, why did you become a puppy?"    


Soong Yiren looked up. "I just sent a message to Chu Mingyao. It was so disgusting! I want to smell more on you and wash away that uncomfortable feeling!"    


Gong Lingye raised his hand and rubbed her hair. "Next time if you find it disgusting, I will help you return it to him!"    


Soong Yiren quickly shook her head. "The scene is too scary. I dare not think about it!"    


Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "You keep sending messages to him. Aren't you afraid that your husband will be jealous?"    


Soong Yiren blinked. Seeing that Gong Lingye did not look angry at all, she tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. "I know my husband is the most generous!"    


Gong Lingye was satisfied and pulled her to sit down. He told her about today's meeting with Gong Mochen and then took out the pocket watch from his pocket. "Nuan, I did not expect that my family's ancestor did not have the surname Gong, but had the surname Shangguan!"    


Soong Yiren first let out an "Ah" sound, indicating that she was somewhat puzzled by Gong Lingye's words. Then, she looked at the pocket watch in shock.    


She took it from his hand and carefully sized it up.    


Her mind started to automatically search for the pocket watch she saw in the bank safe in Ningcheng. She was shocked to find that it was exactly the same!    


Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren's expression was a little strange and could not help but ask, "Nuan, what's wrong?"    



Soong Yiren looked up and said to him, "This pocket watch, I also saw the same one in my mother's safe!"    


Gong Lingye's pupils instantly tightened, and then he also told her what Old Madame Gong told him.    


Soong Yiren looked at him in shock and her tone was filled with disbelief. "So, our two families knew each other in the past? But my family's surname is Song..."    


Gong Lingye pulled Soong Yiren's hand over and placed it on his knee. He wrote the word 'Song' on her palm and then wrote the word 'Rong'. He then looked up and said, "Nuan, 'Rong'. "Is this word very similar?"    


Soong Yiren's heart was beating like a drum. "Do you mean that my family was very likely to be the Rong Family in the past? In order to avoid enemies, I changed my name, and hid in Ning Country? "    


Gong Lingye tightened his grip on her hand. "It seems like that is not all."    


Soong Yiren asked him," What else? "    


Gong Lingye carried her into his embrace as if he was afraid that she would be afraid. His fingers passed through hers and his fingers tightly clenched. "Nuan, something happened to your entire family. The men of Gong Family died one by one. Do you think this is really a coincidence?"    


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