Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C251 Do You Have Any Hardware?

C251 Do You Have Any Hardware?

0Beiming Mo thought she heard it wrong.    


She narrowed her eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Che. "What?"    


Xuanyuan Che repeated again. "Let's go out!"    


Beiming Mo was about to change her shoes when she stopped. She looked at Xuanyuan Che for a few seconds and confirmed that he was not joking. Then she said firmly, "No."    


He did not think that she would reject so directly. He was stunned and then asked, "Why?"    


"There's no reason why" Beiming Mo had already driven away the impact of Xuanyuan Che's words. She calmly changed her shoes and her expression did not change at all. "We are not suitable. I don't think there is a need to date."    


She thought that she really did not have the strength to guess what he was thinking and did not have the energy to bear all the dividends.    


They didn't trust each other, and he wasn't someone who could be meticulous and considerate. Even if they were really together, they might not be able to get along for long before they realized that they weren't suitable and broke up.    


Since they would be separated sooner or later, it was better to not be together from the start.    


And what she said at the gathering earlier, she wanted to settle down. It was true.    


In the future, she would find someone suitable for her, earnestly fall in love, then marry and have children, and completely settle down.    


However, he was obviously not that person.    


Beiming Mo changed her shoes and took the bag. "I'm leaving. Do whatever you want."    


She opened the door and walked out.    


Xuanyuan Che looked at Beiming Mo's back and the words that he had prepared were stuck in his throat. He held the car key and quickly caught up to her and entered the elevator with her.    


The elevator's mirror was bright and clear, reflecting each other's faces. Beiming Mo took out her lipstick and carefully applied makeup on herself.    


Xuanyuan Che saw her lipstick and suddenly remembered the conversation between Beiming Mo and Luo Tianqi that day.    


He turned his gaze and saw the logo on her lipstick. He then silently noted it down.    


The two of them did not say anything else. Until they reached the parking lot. Xuanyuan Che saw that Beiming Mo wanted him to drive, so he had no choice but to drive her into the car. Seeing her drive out, he drove out as well.    


When he reached the office, he first gave Luo Tianqi a call.    


Luo Tianqi was a little surprised. "Mr Che, why did you miss me so early?"    


Xuanyuan Che said directly. "That day, you bought lipstick for Sabrina?"    


Luo Tianqi was stunned. "Mr Che, when did you become interested in this kind of thing?"    


Xuanyuan Che said, "Just tell me directly whether you bought it or not."    


Luo Tianqi was puzzled, but he still said, "We were just playing. It's not like you don't know how to act..."    


Before Luo Tianqi could finish speaking, there was a "Du Du Du" sound coming from the earpiece.    


He looked at his phone speechlessly. He was a little angry, so he called Xuanyuan Che again.    


However, there was a notification from the other side that he was on the phone.    


Therefore, he was not hung up by Xuanyuan Che just now. He accidentally broke it off, and Xuanyuan Che had already called back. Am I right?    


Luo Tianqi felt that his injured heart was a little better, so he waited for his phone to ring.    


Ten seconds passed, half a minute passed, two minutes, ten minutes passed...    


His phone never rang again.    


At this moment, Xuanyuan Che put his phone aside and felt a little better.    


He had just called one of his cousins to buy lipstick for him. Coincidentally, his cousin also used Beiming Mo's brand, so he introduced a bunch of them to him.    


In the end, he thought of Beiming Mo asking for any number. So, he asked his cousin to help him buy all of them.    


His cousin said that there were two color goods that were out of stock in the country. Coincidentally, she was going overseas during the weekend, so he could bring them back when she came back.    


Although in the end, Xuanyuan Che could not help but be asked some questions about relationships, he finally settled the matter. He felt a little happy in his heart.    


He had never chased a girl before. He really didn't know how to win the girl's heart. However, he heard Beiming Mo say that she liked lipstick that day. Then he should be able to get what he wanted, right?    


On that day, Beiming Mo had been busy for a long time. When she finally heaved a sigh of relief, she remembered to tell Soong Yiren about what happened yesterday.    


She picked up her phone and called Soong Yiren. It was connected very quickly.    


Soong Yiren also just finished a test. She wiped her hands and answered the call, "Momo!"    


Beiming Mo thought of Soong Yiren's question yesterday and could not help but tease, "How many times did you use it to coax yesterday?"    


Soong Yiren's gaze turned and looked at her surrounding companions. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she then lowered her voice. "The first time hasn't even started, and it's already almost done. I'm amazing, right? "    


"Yo, it's done with the prelude?" Beiming Mo smiled, "Little girl, now you're good at flirting!"    


Soong Yiren laughed, "You don't know, I made a joke yesterday! I didn't even know that he was having a video conference, so I just..."    


Beiming Mo, "Don't say that you directly pushed him down in front of everyone?!"    


Soong Yiren said, "Luckily it was not that exaggerated. I just went over to sit on his lap and his reaction was fast enough. He immediately turned off the computer, so those higher-ups thought that they were seeing things."    


After Beiming Mo heard that, she laughed so hard that she could not catch her breath. After a long time, she remembered to ask, " Baby, how did you make him angry? I feel that he is not a person who easily gets angry, right?"    


"Yesterday, Chu Mingyao sent someone to kidnap me." "You know, I have someone protecting me," Soong Yiren said. But in order to make Chu Mingyao feel that I am innocent, I got rid of the person protecting me and let Chu Mingyao's people catch me."    


After she finished speaking, she explained the whole story.    


After Beiming Mo heard it, she said, "This time, I also want to talk about you. No wonder Young Master Ye is so angry. Even I am angry when I hear it! You don't know. At that time, I thought you were dead. In my heart... "    



Soong Yiren suddenly said softly, Alright, Momo is not angry anymore. I was wrong. How about I give you lipstick?"    


Beiming Mo was proud. She said tenderly, "I don't want lipstick. I want my future husband to give it to me! "If you want, then choose. " Take out that trick you used to tease Young Master Ye. Serve me once! "    


"Little girl, do you have any hardware?" Soong Yiren smiled.    


Beiming Mo exaggerated. "Okay, Yiyi, you have learned bad things! Look, you've enjoyed the hardware before, and now you're starting to dislike me! But to be honest, yesterday was definitely very good, right? How many positions did you change? "What's the average length of time?"    


Soong Yiren said, "Beiming Mo! I have already recorded what you asked me. I will play it to your future husband later! "    


Beiming Mo smiled and only then did she remember that she had skipped the topic. "Right. Yesterday, I was also kidnapped by Chu Mingyao's men, but your husband's men appeared in time and took me away on the spot."    


"Huh?" Soong Yiren was shocked in her heart. "Doesn't that mean Chu Mingyao knows that you are..."    


Beiming Mo said, "He definitely knows! But I am not as desperate as you, and I did not have the chance to do anything at that time, so it is inevitable that I will be discovered."    


"What about you?" Soong Yiren said, "Aren't you in danger now?"    


"Your husband sent more men last night. Besides, Chu Mingyao could not possibly take action a second time. " So I'm fine. " "Anyway, what I'm telling you is, no matter what, you have to be careful," Beiming Mo said.    


Yes, I know. You too, have to be careful!" Soong Yiren sighed, "I did not expect him to suddenly make trouble."    


Beiming Mo said, "Probably a desperate dog jumping over a wall! Some things were part of the plan. But it could be a sudden plan!"    


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