Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C227 Now He Recognizes Me as His Brother-in-law?

C227 Now He Recognizes Me as His Brother-in-law?

0Gong Lingye's words had ignited all of Soong Ziheng's rationality.    


When he saw Gong Lingye's index finger about to pull the trigger, his eyes were filled with hatred. "Gong Lingye, you kill me. My sister will not let you go! I will not let you off either! Even if you become a ghost, you will still be buried with me! "You are the same as Chu Mingyao, sooner or later you will go to hell!"    


Soong Ziheng shouted with all his might, as if he wanted to vent all the pain he felt from believing in the wrong person.    


His whole body was trembling, and his eyes were filled with madness. Therefore, he didn't notice that Gong Lingye had already put down his arm and revealed a gratified smile on his face.    


When he heard that the young man was still scolding him, Gong Lingye helplessly rubbed the space between his eyebrows. He walked behind Soong Ziheng and used a knife to cut open the rope tied to Soong Ziheng's body.    


Soong Ziheng got his freedom and immediately rushed towards Gong Lingye. "What trick are you playing again? Let me tell you, I will never believe you again! I will kill you! "    


Because he was angry, he used a lot of strength to push Gong Lingye back a few steps.    


Gong Lingye steadied his body and grabbed Soong Ziheng's arm. "What? You can talk, so you can scold people?"    


"You beast with a human face..." Soong Ziheng shouted, but his words were stuck in his throat.    


He looked at Gong Lingye in shock. Just now, Gong Lingye said he could speak?    


"I..." Soong Ziheng opened his mouth again.    


This time, unlike in the past, every time he wanted to speak, it was as if his vocal cords were being strangled. Instead, he easily and naturally made a sound.    


"I really know how to speak?" He said to himself again.    


Even though his tone was a bit awkward, he didn't even know when he had already changed his voice.    


It was not the voice of the past eleven year old boy, but a slightly deep and rough male voice. It was extremely unfamiliar, but he also knew that it was his own voice.    


He stood where he was and uttered a few more syllables.    


It was really him who was talking. He really could speak!    


After being mute for three and a half years, he could finally speak!    


The shock and joy in his heart suddenly surrounded him like a tide.    


"I really know how to speak!" He kept muttering to himself and then muttered: "Big sister, I can speak!"    


His entire body trembled and his eyes burned. Only he himself knew of this kind of wild joy!    


Soong Ziheng laughed and cried. His throat rolled, and his eyes turned red. He slowly raised his eyes and looked at Gong Lingye in front of him.    


If he had not known what Gong Lingye was going to do, But now, he understood everything.    


From the beginning until now, Gong Lingye had been trying to provoke him into talking!    


His heart pounded against his chest. Soong Ziheng looked at the tall man in front of him and his lips. His lips moved. "Thank you for helping me."    


Gong Lingye patted his shoulder. "It's just that the method is simple and crude. So I can only carry your sister on my back. Otherwise, she will fight me to the death! "    


Soong Ziheng clenched his fists tightly and said, "That's good. I have wanted to talk a long time ago."    


If Gong Lingye had not used this method, but had done it step by step, he really did not know how many years he would have to stay silent in this silent world.    


"Why are you helping me like this?" He asked again.    


"Because you're her brother." Gong Lingye's words were especially ruthless. "If it wasn't for her, your life or death has nothing to do with me!"    


Soong Ziheng thought about what he had shouted at Gong Lingye just now and felt a little annoyed. "Brother-in-law, I'm sorry for what happened just now."    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "Now you recognize me as your brother-in-law?"    


Soong Ziheng pursed his lips and did not say anything.    


Gong Lingye patted his back. "You are sweating all over. Go change your clothes. I will take you to ride a horse."    


Soong Ziheng nodded and followed the waiter to change his clothes.    


He changed into a horse riding suit and put on a down jacket each. The two of them picked a horse and led it out.    


The sky outside was already starting to turn dark. The setting sun drew a golden line across the horizon.    


Soong Ziheng rode a pony when he was eleven, but his parents were afraid that he would fall. He only ran on the grass for a short while.    


Therefore, when Gong Lingye took him and let the horse really run, he was a little flustered.    


Anyone who rode a horse would know that once the horse ran, it must be double. His legs were tightly wrapped around the horse's abdomen, his waist was straight, and he could not relax his grip.    


Of course, for someone who had been on a horse all year round, everything was simple. But for people who rarely rode horses, it consumed a lot of stamina.    


Soong Ziheng looked at Gong Lingye in front of him, and his heart was filled with unwillingness.    


He could no longer be looked down upon by him!    


Along the way to the top of the mountain, it was already completely dark. Soong Ziheng's entire body was covered in sweat, and his hands and feet were trembling slightly.    


Gong Lingye controlled the horse to stop. He looked at the lights in the distance and said to Soong Ziheng, who was beside him, "Here, you can shout with all your strength. I know you have been suppressing yourself for more than three years. For a ten year old child, it is not easy for you to still stand here."    


Soong Ziheng retorted, "I am not a child."    


Gong Lingye smiled. "Up to you."    


Soong Ziheng turned to look at him. He felt that the man beside him was wearing a dark horse riding suit that seemed to have merged with the night.    


"Brother-in-law." He called out to him.    


Gong Lingye said, "En?"    


"Thank you! "Thank you," Gong Lingye said sincerely.    



"If you want to thank me, I will grow up and protect your sister. I will let you learn to trust people. "That doesn't mean you don't have a sense of vigilance towards people. You have to believe, as long as you are strong enough, You won't care if that person is sincere to you. Because you have the ability to deal with all betrayals and harm. " Gong Lingye said," When you have time, I will take you to hunt. Your physique is too weak. "You need to do more men's exercise. When it's New Year's Eve... Let's go skiing at Diss Mountain! "    


"Okay, I'll exercise!" Soong Ziheng thought of the last time he played basketball and added: "In the future, when I am in school, I will play with my classmates often!"    


"Yes." Gong Lingye said, [If you need anything, contact me at any time.]    


Soong Ziheng nodded and smiled.    


He had always wanted to go out with his father to play football, ride a horse, ski, drive and even play diving, catching fish, and hunting when he was older. However, all the happiness in his life was fixed at 11 years old.    


After that, the sports that he wanted to try were forever buried in his heart.    


He locked himself up and lowered his head to make models one by one. He did not interact with others, and he did not leave his house. He did not have any friends either.    


And now, Gong Lingye had brought him to play basketball, to ride a horse, and to bring him to hunt.    


The expectation he had for his father seemed to be slowly outlined, and it had a concrete and realistic appearance.    


He had never been good at expressing his inner thoughts. Therefore, even though his emotions were churning, he only nodded at Gong Lingye. Then, he looked into the distance and shouted loudly: "I am Soong Ziheng, I can speak!"    


"Today, I have been reborn!"    




This young man who had experienced too much pain since he was 11 years old had finally pieced together his shattered worldview once again.    


He looked at Gong Lingye, who was beside him, and thought to himself, "I have to work hard too. I have to become like Gong Lingye, strong and bright in my heart.    


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