Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C229 Heaven Palace Pk Hai Cheng

C229 Heaven Palace Pk Hai Cheng

0Chu Mingyao was shocked. He looked up and said, "The Heavenly Palace Group released a new car? Or is it an unmanned car? "Didn't they say that they were still researching and developing it? "It was suddenly released today?!"    


Wang Xin took out his phone and handed it over." Yes, Director Chu, take a look at the video! I am currently printing the other party's performance information. I will send it over to you immediately! "    


"There is no need for the parameters!" Chu Mingyao did not know about this. He was a manager in university. He frowned and said, "They have only been researching for a year. What kind of technology can they have? How about this, let the technical department understand the specific performance of the other party and prepare for the meeting in half an hour! "    


He did not believe that the car issued by Heavenly Palace Group could be better than the upgraded version of YR-07!    


Everyone knew that this kind of AI technology also needed to be accumulated and settled. He didn't deny that the Heavenly Palace Group was rich and powerful, but it wasn't easy to develop a new car with money.    


After all, there were not many technical talents. He had asked around before. Wasn't there only Chi Jingyu in the Heavenly Palace? Was he their technical director?    


No matter how strong Chi Jingyu was, he was only good at it. In one aspect, there was no one else in the other areas, so there was no way he could stir up any waves!    


When Chu Mingyao thought of this, he felt a little more at ease. He continued to lower his head and deal with the documents.    


Half an hour later, he appeared in the meeting room. He glanced around and found that the expressions of everyone present seemed to be a little off.    


His heart sank slightly as he sat down. He opened his mouth and said: "Director Xu, please explain the specific situation!"    


Director Xu looked hesitant, but he still opened his mouth. "Director Chu," he said. We have already downloaded TG-01's parameters and compared them with ours. We have discovered that the TG-01 released online is indeed more optimized than the various configurations of our YR-07. And, their navigation and radar system... "They are first listed in the world..."    


He looked at Chu Mingyao carefully and saw that he was not saying anything, so he said: "But this is only based on the parameters on the internet. As for whether or not it is fake, I have already asked our technical department's Little He to go to the Heavenly Palace Group's distribution point to test the car on the spot..."    


After he finished speaking, the conference room suddenly fell into absolute silence.    


Everyone knew that since the other party dared to announce those parameters on the Internet, it naturally could not be fake.    


Therefore, even if they tried the car at the scene, the result would still be the same!    


At this moment, Chu Mingyao's hand that was placed on his knee had already pierced until his palm hurt.    


In the past few months, he had simply not been able to go smoothly to the extreme!    


Soong Ziheng had gone missing. The press conference had been broadcasted live, and the stock price had plummeted. The shareholders would impeach Su Yunfei. Su Yunfei had been taken away.    


Now, the Heavenly Palace Group had even developed more advanced unmanned cars!    


Just as his YR-07's sales had been affected by the press conference, the sales had finally risen at the critical moment!    


Chu Mingyao felt the blood in his chest and abdomen churn, but he still endured it.    


In the strange silence, there was a knock on the door of the conference room. The assistant walked to Chu Mingyao's ear and whispered, "Director Chu, our stocks are starting to fall."    


Chu Mingyao's expression changed.    


He had promised the shareholders that he would ensure the interests of the Haisheng shareholders. First of all, he would do something to raise the share price and increase the confidence of the shareholders.    


However, in just a few days, the share price had fallen again?!    


The assistant put the Pad in front of Chu Mingyao and said, "Director Chu, it was still stable when the market opened, but at 10 o'clock, after Heavenly Palace Group's TG-01 was released, our share price started to fall. Now, it's falling faster and faster. Look - "    


Chu Mingyao's chest heaved up and down. He glanced at the technical director and said, "Go and think of something immediately! How much time has it taken for the Heavenly Palace to develop this technology? Can't you do it? The money I spend on your technical team every year, is it to raise a bunch of trash?! "    


He rarely got angry, but at this moment, he was truly unable to control himself!    


The technical director hurriedly nodded. "Director Chu, let's go back and think of something immediately!"    


However, research and development were not something that could be done in a day or two. How could they think of a way?    


Once the technical director left, Chu Mingyao held another high-level meeting. The atmosphere in the office was stifling.    


However, thousands of miles away, the Heavenly Palace Group was celebrating.    


Ever since the release of TG-01, the company's share price had been rising. Moreover, from noon onwards, the sales department received soft orders.    


All of the employees were in high spirits as they took up their WeChat Moments and shared it.    


For a moment, whether it was the financial channel or the technology channel, they were all reporting on TG-01.    


However, what everyone did not know was that as the biggest contributor to TG-01, Soong Yiren's entire team was currently sleeping soundly.    


Previously, they were a little inverted from day to night. Last night, they were too excited and everyone went through the New Year together, so all of them fell in the operating room in the middle of the night.    


After the press conference ended, Gong Lingye received another private interview. After he was done with his work, he drove to the Northern Suburbs base.    


Soong Yiren was still alright. She slept on the sofa in the lounge while the others were lying on the floor in a mess.    


Even Xiao Pei, who usually paid attention to his image, slept at the door of the operating room without any image.    


Gong Lingye did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he also felt a little emotional. Soong Yiren of the past... When she developed it with them, did she not even wash her head for a few days?    


He walked to the sofa and picked up a thin blanket to cover her.    


She only snorted and continued sleeping soundly.    


Time passed by slowly. Gong Lingye did not look impatient at all. He just stared at Soong Yiren, who was sleeping soundly.    


The sun gradually set, and Soong Yiren slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Gong Lingye, she said in a muffled voice, "Why didn't you wake me up?"    


"I saw that you were tired and didn't want to wake you up." "Are you still sleepy?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"I am not sleeping. If I sleep any more, it will really be black and white." Soong Yiren smiled and leaned on his shoulder. It was rare that she took the initiative to act spoiled. "I'm hungry."    


"I brought you your favorite dessert. I originally planned to treat it as dessert after lunch, but you slept until now." Gong Lingye said and took out the dessert from the bag.    


Soong Yiren was really hungry. She ate big mouthfuls. Gong Lingye saw that there was cream at the corner of her mouth, so he picked up a tissue to help her wipe it carefully.    


Xiao Gui and the others also woke up. Seeing this scene, they all quietly left.    


"I called Tianqi and the others tonight." Gong Lingye said, "Do you want to call Momo?"    



Soong Yiren nodded. "Okay! Then I will call Chi Jingyu and the rest too. Let's gather together?"    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Okay, I will book a big private room."    


Soong Yiren went out and said to the crowd, "Brothers, to celebrate our TG-01 starter, how about I treat everyone to a good meal tonight?"    


Oh, the Lady Boss is treating, it's a must! " J smiled and whistled.    


Soong Yiren and the others sat on their TG-01 and headed to Phoenix City together.    


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