Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C83 A Proper Slap to the Face

C83 A Proper Slap to the Face

0Three days later, the results of the robot competition's group and individual competition were announced. The name 'Yu Ruonuan' was impressively on the list of participants for the elimination round.    


On the same day, the results of the competition were announced. Therefore, on the huge LED screen, the names of all the people who had advanced were displayed.    


When they saw Yu Ruonuan's name, many students below started to discuss. In the end, the voices became louder and louder. Someone even shouted loudly, "A student who doesn't even recognize the code. Is he qualified to advance? If that's the case, then where are the other students from the ten-year window? If that's the case, then... What's the point of such a competition? "    


The organizers seemed to see that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, and even... Some reporters also began to report. They really couldn't suppress it any longer. It was only then that a staff member came to the scene and placated everyone: "Students, We have already informed the higher-ups of this matter, and in the end, we have decided... There will be a specialized debate on Yu Ruonuan on the spot. She will write the code on the spot and create a robot on the spot. Will everyone agree to a real-time confrontation? "    


When everyone heard that, they immediately replied, "Okay, but the question cannot be issued by the organizer. It must be issued by the teachers of Aerospace University!"    


The organizer nodded and asked Soong Yiren, "Yu Ruonuan, do you agree?"    


Soong Yiren lightly nodded, "Yes."    


The organizer said again, "Then everyone, choose a representative to compete with Yu Ruonuan!"    


In fact, after this week's competition, everyone had a general idea of Xiao Pei's strength. Xiao Pei could be considered to be one of the top three contestants in this competition, but because he was with Soong Yiren, everyone naturally filtered him out and chose a guy called He Rang from the Polytechnic University.    


The aerospace university teacher wrote down a proposition: Produce light robots, which are highly sensitive to light sources. Senses can follow different light sources to complete different commands, using reaction time and precision as the standard to measure victory and defeat.    


The staff provided all the materials needed to make the robot, as well as a computer and some basic tools and instruments.    


Because it was a single robot, it wouldn't take too long to make it.    


Furthermore, as a competition, the standard of two people could be seen from the start.    


Soong Yiren and He Rang sat on both ends of the stage with their backs to each other. In front of them was a rather large workbench.    


Around them, several cameras were broadcasting live. The huge LED screen was split into two halves. It was the scene of the two people's competition.    


In the stands, Xiao Pei yawned. He took out his phone and looked at it. He found another harassment message on his phone. "There is wood in the mountains, there is wood in the branches, there is wood in the trees, there is wood in the mountains, there is wood in the trees, there is wood in the trees. I don't know if I'm happy or happy. "    


He didn't know who it was, but he would send him a sour poem from time to time. He never said who it was, nor did he reveal any intentions of cheating money.    


Xiao Pei realized that he had followed this account number and learned quite a few poems.    


For example, she said, "May I be like the moon and the stars, and the night will be bright and clear.    


There was also 'The world is safe, and I will not let you down. I will not let you down.'    


He put away his phone and continued to watch the match without any suspense.    


Around him, there were discussions. "Look, Yu Ruonuan is here to make a joke, right? What is she typing on the computer for? There is such a clickbait that the code can be changed? "    


Hehe, you don't know, do you? This is called the operation of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water!"    


"How can you say a dead pig? She is so beautiful! " In other words, I really like her. If she's willing to be my girlfriend, I'm willing to die! "    


F * ck, pervert! Furthermore, Yu Ruonuan already has a boyfriend, alright? The man is Gong Mochen, and you are not handsome at all. Secondly, no one has money. Yu Ruonuan might like you?! "    


However, don't all rich people like to find schoolgirls, but wouldn't they split up after playing with each other for a few years? No matter what, I'm willing to be the host! "Just for her face!"    


Her figure is also very good, I like it too! "    


"Didn't you guys previously question her results? What do you mean now?"    


"We question her ability and oppose such behavior. However, as a man appreciating a woman's perspective, she has satisfied all of my aesthetics! "    


"Moreover, she will lose very miserably in a while. When she comes down, she will probably cry like a weeping flower. " If I take the opportunity to console her, perhaps... "    


"Brother Wang, you... Damn, I remember that you were the one who told her that she couldn't even understand the code, right? " So that's what you were thinking, just for this, I, he... "Mom will tell her in a while!"    


While the crowd was in a heated discussion, Soong Yiren's side had already stopped beating crazily.    


Her hands seemed to be a little sore, so she moved her fingers a little. Her movements were elegant, and the corners of her lips even slightly hooked up.    


On the stage, all the men gasped when they saw this.    


"F * ck, those are too beautiful! F * ck, I'm starting to regret following them and jeering at her!"    


"Me too, why did they spread the news about her at that time? Such a beautiful woman, what's wrong with not knowing the code? Sigh, what should I do to comfort her?"    


While everyone was in a dilemma, Soong Yiren had already started assembling the robot.    


The chip, the optical sensors, and the circuit were connected. Very quickly, under her nimble fingertips, a round brain robot was formed.    


She stood up and said to the audience, "Teachers, my optical robots have been completed."    


Where her back was facing, the top student chosen by the crowd turned his head in disbelief and saw the robot in Soong Yiren's hand.    


He frowned and looked at his own screen. Just now, he had a code that he was still thinking about. Now, he had a direction, but there was still a long way to go before he could complete it.    


How was it possible for her to complete it? He didn't believe that her robot could really follow her teacher's instructions and complete the command!    


When the staff heard Soong Yiren's words, they were also a little surprised. However, he still walked over with a calm expression and said, "Why did you ask your classmate to pause for a moment? We will turn off the lights now and begin testing Student Yu Ruonuan's robot."    


Instantly, the competition venue was filled with darkness.    


Following that, a light source landed on the robot's head. The moment the light landed, the robot followed the instructions written previously and raised its right arm.    


On the other side, he looked at this scene in disbelief.    


The white light source disappeared and the robot dropped its right arm. The red light source lit up, and the robot immediately turned its head. Its movements were very fast, and the reaction time was less than 0.1 seconds.    


Next, the blue light, the strong light, the weak light, the faint light, all the light sources were tested. Every movement of the robot was flawless, and it could even be called a textbook.    


"Test complete." As the staff member spoke, the lights on the scene lit up. All the students who saw the reaction on the scene were shocked speechless. The entire scene was silent.    


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