Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C49 A Love Triangle

C49 A Love Triangle

0A hint of mockery appeared on Gong Mochen's lips. Hehe, this woman really spared no effort to climb onto their Gong Family!    


His cold attitude made Luo Tianqi start to 'show compassion for the fairer sex' again, so he smiled at Soong Yiren and said, "Little beauty, don't mind him. He is usually like this, just like Che, a boring gourd!"    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Yes, I know."    


Before she could say anything else, the bathroom door opened and Gong Lingye walked out.    


Soong Yiren subconsciously tensed up, but she did not show it.    


She thought that she had to find an opportunity to leave. She had to think of a way to take Gong Mochen away with her so that Luo Tianqi would not say something he should not have said in front of Gong Mochen.    


After all, with Gong Lingye's personality, he would definitely tell his childhood friends not to mention her in the future, so that she would be safe.    


Soong Yiren's mind kept on thinking. On the other side, Gong Lingye walked to the sofa and sat down. He poured himself a cup of wine.    


Hee Wanshuang's eyes were sharp and saw that there was a spot on his hand that was broken. She could not help but say, "Mr Ye, how did you make your hand?"    


Soong Yiren heard this and also turned her gaze over.    


Gong Lingye slowly raised his hand and the hostility in the bathroom just now disappeared. He said lightly: "I accidentally got caught by the door just now."    


Luo Tianqi could not help but tease when he heard that. "D * mn, our heroic and extraordinary Mr Ye will also get caught by the door one day!"    


Gong Lingye didn't answer. He just picked up the wine and took a sip. Suddenly, a dull pain came from the tip of his tongue, making him frown slightly.    


He did not look at Soong Yiren, but turned to Gong Mochen and said, "Che happened to be here. You are in charge of the project. Talk to him."    


Gong Mochen nodded and looked at Soong Yiren again. He could not help but ask, "Why did you bring her here?"    


When he asked that, the people in the private room were confused. They thought, it was normal to have a girlfriend. Could it be that there was a conflict between Gong Mochen and Soong Yiren?    


"I don't really want to stay at that birthday banquet, so I brought her out." Gong Lingye did not give too much explanation. He did not even give Soong Yiren a look from the beginning to the end.    


Gong Mochen was still confused, but he did not ask too much. He said to Soong Yiren lightly: "We still have something to talk about. I will ask the driver to send you back now."    


Soong Yiren must let him leave with her as soon as possible. Therefore, she shook her head. "It's fine. I'll wait for you."    


When she said this, Luo Tianqi and the other two were even more confused.    


Why did they suddenly feel that their brains were not enough?    


Soong Yiren felt that she had never felt so awkward before.    


Gong Mochen did not like her, but she refused to leave him. As for Gong Lingye, she had completely offended him just now. This was Gong Lingye's trap, and everyone present was his friend.    


Soong Yiren really didn't want to experience this feeling a second time, so she couldn't help but feel relieved because Gong Lingye had given up.    


Wasn't this what she wanted? He should have completely lost his patience with her. With his high and mighty status, he would not bicker with an ant like her.    


In the future, even if she joined the Heavenly Palace Group, he was the president and she was just an employee, she would not have any interactions with him.    


Soong Yiren took a deep breath and tried her best to relax.    


There were many more important things in her life. No matter how embarrassing or awkward it was, it had nothing to do with it.    


Gong Mochen saw that she did not leave. He sneered in his heart and ignored her. He sat beside Xuanyuan Che and talked about business with him.    


He knew Gong Lingye's three friends. However, they were more compatible with Gong Lingye. They were just friends with him.    


In the private room, Gong Lingye had just come over and sat at the very edge of the room. He was very far away from Soong Yiren.    


On the other side, Gong Mochen and Xuanyuan Che were talking about business.    


Therefore, even Luo Tianqi noticed that the atmosphere was not right.    


He turned his head to look at Gong Lingye and then looked at Soong Yiren, who was drinking juice with her head down. He hinted at Gong Lingye, "Mr Ye, I say you are..."    


Gong Lingye interrupted him. "Didn't you say you want a robot? Go to the company tomorrow. I'll show you the latest product from the company. "    


Hee Wanshuang also became interested when she heard him say that. "Mr Ye, when are you going to give me one too? I want that kind of cute... It's the one on TV. You can talk to me."    


"Our company doesn't have what you say." Gong Lingye said.    


"Ah... there is no life and entertainment money?" Hee Wanshuang felt pity.    


"But if you like it, I can find someone to customize it for you." Gong Lingye said, "It might take some time to complete the production line. Currently, it is only a single functional robot that is being mass-produced."    


Luo Tianqi heard Gong Lingye talk about some products and saw Soong Yiren sitting by the side by herself. He could not help saying, "Sigh, Mr Ye, you are not a gentleman to leave the little beauty alone."    


After saying that, he went to Soong Yiren's side and whispered to her, "Little beauty. Did you fight with Mr Ye in the bathroom just now?"    


Soong Yiren finally got the chance to talk to Luo Tianqi alone, so she immediately lowered her voice and replied, "Actually you guys have misunderstood. There is nothing between Mr. Gong and me. I am Mr Mochen's girlfriend."    


"Huh?!" Luo Tianqi was shocked, so his tone was a little high. After all, he had been in love for many years, so it was impossible for him to make a mistake! The way these two interacted before was simply like a couple!    


Because of his high decibel, everyone immediately looked over.    


Hee Wanshuang knocked him. "Luo Tianqi, what are you doing?!"    


"No, no, no, I think..." Luo Tianqi also realized that his voice was loud. He ignored Hee Wanshuang and said to Soong Yiren, "Mr Ye can't just casually bring girls. You are also the first girl he brought out other than Tingxue..."    


Soong Yiren interrupted him, "You also said that other than Miss Gu."    


Luo Tianqi knew that he had said something wrong and quickly tried to remedy it, "No, I did not mean that. Tingxue and Mr Ye also did not..."    


Soong Yiren did not want to say more and attracted the attention of others, so she directly said. "Anyway, I have only met Mr. Gong a few times, and it was all because of Mr Mochen. I am Mr Mochen's girlfriend. " If you don't believe me, you can look at the gossip news. "    


Luo Tianqi seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he hesitated. He picked up his phone and started to read the news.    


Sure enough, in the entertainment section of the Internet, it was said that Gong Mochen's girlfriend was Yu Ruonuan. However, last week, Gong Mochen and a certain celebrity had spread a scandal that had not been resolved.    



He searched for Gong Lingye and Yu Ruonuan, but there was not a single piece of news.    


He only felt that his brain was still a little off. Luo Tianqi rarely shut his mouth and only stared at his phone as he pondered.    


Soong Yiren was slowly drinking the juice. When the glass was almost empty, she put down the glass and saw Gong Lingye out of the corner of her eye.    


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