Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C29 Gong Lingye Was Ruthless Enough!

C29 Gong Lingye Was Ruthless Enough!

0Soong Yiren didn't know if it was because of the negative emotions just now that all her emotions had turned into thorns. She just wanted to vent, "Young Master Gong, you specially came to give me fish. Don't tell me you were moved by my confession and suddenly fell in love with me? Don't worry. I won't laugh at you even if I see through it. I will only feel that... "Your way of expressing your love is truly unique!"    


Gong Mochen, who had originally left, suddenly stopped in his tracks. He suddenly turned his head, as if he had heard a huge joke, and sneered. "I like you? Hehe, Yu Ruonuan, your confidence really makes me look at you in a new light!"    


Soong Yiren stood up. She was a head shorter than Gong Mochen with her bare feet, but her momentum did not decrease. "Why else would you give me grilled fish? I remember that you have never seen charity like this before!"    


Gong Mochen was very angry. He clenched his fists. If it wasn't for the woman in front of him, he would have done it!    


Seeing him so angry, Soong Yiren suddenly realized that her mood had improved a lot.    


She walked closer and tiptoed to Gong Mochen's ear. Her voice was sweet and gentle. "Why don't we make a bet?"    


Gong Mochen's cold eyes locked onto her. His eyes were still filled with the familiar disgust.    


Soong Yiren, however, smiled even more brightly. "We bet how long you will be in love with me!"    


Gong Mochen suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Soong Yiren's chin. He also leaned close to her ear and said in a cold and sharp voice, "Love you? Ha, I will never fall in love with you in my life!"    


Below the reef, Gu Tingxue pulled Gong Lingye and was about to go up when she realized that there was still Gong Mochen up there. Suddenly, she felt a little embarrassed. "So Mochen is also here. We seem to have disturbed them..."    


Gong Lingye saw the two people who seemed to be about to kiss on the reef and his eyes darkened. He had an inexplicable feeling of displeasure in his heart. "Mochen did not show it on normal days."    


However, the two people on the reef seemed to have noticed their arrival and turned their heads at the same time.    


Their eyes met. Gong Mochen suddenly let go of Soong Yiren's chin, then turned around and left without saying a word.    


When Soong Yiren saw Gong Lingye and Gu Tingxue, she only smiled at the two of them and did not pay any attention to them. Instead, she directly sat on the reef with her back facing them and began to eat the grilled fish.    


Her sadness had ended. She still had more things to do. She only allowed herself to lose control this time.    


Gu Tingxue came this time to find Soong Yiren. She hesitated for a moment but still let Gong Lingye help her up the reef and came to Soong Yiren's side.    


"Miss Yu, actually I have always wanted to find a chance to talk to you..." Her voice was soft. Even if she did not smile, her eyes were still in the shape of crescent moons. It was very lovable. That type: "I really like Ruwas, so I wanted to ask you, can you help me make an AI robot?"    


After she finished speaking, she added, "I know that it's not easy to make one. I'm not in a hurry. You can do it when you have time. "I can give you a deposit first"    


Soong Yiren looked at Gu Tingxue and then glanced at Gong Lingye who was beside her. She smiled faintly and said, "Miss Gu, actually your boyfriend's company must have a lot of such talents. They are probably more skilled than me and it will not take half a year..."    


"Mr Ling Ye is not my boyfriend." Gu Tingxue blushed and explained, "Because I think the robot you made is very cute. The robots in their company don't look good..."    


Before she could finish, suddenly, a sharp wind blew in Gong Lingye's direction.    


Gong Lingye seemed to have eyes on his back. When that thing was about to hit him, he quickly rolled and barely avoided it.    


At the same time, something hit the reef. It made a clear sound and left a clear mark on the reef.    


Soong Yiren's face changed and her heart was alarmed but she did not know where the nail came from.    


Just as she looked around to find a way to escape, Gong Lingye had already jumped up from the reef and quickly said to Gu Tingxue, "Tingxue, no matter what you see, do not have any reaction. Just focus on walking forward and walk in the opposite direction from us!"    


Saying that, he grabbed Soong Yiren's wrist and took her to run down the reef.    


Gu Tingxue Her face instantly turned pale. She wanted to chase after Gong Lingye, but when she thought of his instructions, she did not move even half a step.    


However, the strange thing was that a few more steel nails were shot out from that direction, but none of them were aimed at her.    


She ran two steps and was worried about Gong Lingye. Just as she was hesitating, something flew into her body. She felt numb and soon fell to the ground.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren was pulled to a reef by Gong Lingye. There was the sound of steel nails hitting the reef beside her. However, perhaps because Gong Lingye's footsteps were very fast, he really did not hit them.    


However, when she heard that the sound was not as dense as before and thought that they were about to escape danger, suddenly, a bullet shot over, right in front of them!    


Gong Lingye's footsteps suddenly froze. Soong Yiren almost lost her balance and was pressed into his arms.    


At this moment, they had already circled to the other side of the island. Therefore, in the direction of the BBQ by the sea, no one could see that a speedboat was heading towards the reef. There was a person holding a gun on the speedboat and locking Soong Yiren tightly.    


"Hands up!" One of them said.    


Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren raised their hands.    


The man said again, "Gong Lingye, your woman's life is in our hands now. You just need to call your men and give Xiao Yuan's project to us, and we will let her go..."    


At this moment, Soong Yiren completely understood.    


No wonder Gong Lingye wanted to drag her along with him and leave Gu Tingxue alone in danger. Actually, he was saving Gu Tingxue!    


His choice at the critical moment made the enemy think that she was Gu Tingxue. So, they would not deal with the real Gu Tingxue at all!    


He pulled her along and ran, but it was to give Gu Tingxue a chance to live!    


Hehe, Gong Lingye was indeed ruthless! In order to save his own woman, he put her in such a dangerous situation!    


However, even though Soong Yiren understood what Gong Lingye was doing, she did not think that she could escape danger through debate. After all, no one would believe her words.    


The only thing she could do was save herself!    


After hearing what the people on the ship said, Gong Lingye also spoke. "I can give you the project. But you have to make sure Tingxue is fine."    


"Of course. We also do business. " If it wasn't a last resort, we wouldn't want to kill anyone. " As the man spoke, their speedboat had already reached the reef. Someone jumped up and pointed the gun at Soong Yiren's back.    


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