Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C27 You Really like Him?

C27 You Really like Him?

0Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye only looked at each other for a second before turning away.    


In fact, she had already thought of the present scene earlier. Gong Mochen did not like her. Whenever he had the chance, he would want to embarrass her.    


And these people at his birthday banquet were all from the aristocratic circle. They would definitely use money to measure people's bad habits.    


Thus, she had already set this up beforehand. When she had just activated it, she had already let the program go according to this.    


After a short period of silence, the atmosphere quickly exploded.    


Someone first said something. "Your girlfriend is a bit interesting! Why haven't I heard you mention her before? "    


Then, in twos and threes, people started to echo: "Your girlfriend is both beautiful and smart. You are too lucky! Look, she's a bookworm, and she even knows how to make intelligent robots with such high IQ!"    


"Hey, look, there is also Gong Mochen's name on the robot's arm!"    


Soong Yiren did not expect that her words and the operation of the Ruwa would actually allow her to successfully gain a group of fans from Gong Mochen's friends.    


Compared to the dismissive attitude just now, at this moment, everyone's attitude towards her had clearly become much friendlier.    


And someone had already rushed towards her. After introducing herself, she asked again, "Sister-in-law, let me tell you, this is the first time I've seen Gong Mochen unable to speak! You were too handsome just now! Do you really like Gong Mochen that much? "I think that name was also hand-carved?"    


As that person spoke, Gu Tingxue happened to pick up the Ruwa from the ground. She took a look. She said to Gong Lingye: "Mr Ling Ye, look at its arm. It really is a name carved by hand!"    


Gong Lingye glanced at it and saw the name Gong Mochen on it. He turned to look at Soong Yiren and narrowed his eyes.    


The girl's voice continued, "Miss Yu is really good to Mochen. She spent half a year to make a gift personally. It really has a commemorative meaning!"    


Gong Lingye did not say anything, but the Ruwa in Gu Tingxue's hand opened its mouth. Its eyes had an automatic scanning system. It stared at Gu Tingxue's face and responded half a second later. "Miss, you are so beautiful. Can I get to know you?"    


Gu Tingxue was immediately amused and said sweetly to it, "Okay! My name is Gu Tingxue. What is your name?"    


"I'm called Ruwa. Your voice is also very pleasant to listen to!" Ruwa said, "Can I invite you to dance with me?"    


Gu Tingxue was surprised, "You can also dance?"    


WA replied, "Do you like Knights or Waltz?"    


Gu Tingxue said, "Waltz!"    


Instantly, the Ruwa started playing the Waltz song. Seeing that Gu Tingxue did not move, it even reached out a hand to urge, "Miss Gu, please!"    


In the middle of the cabin, Gu Tingxue really danced with the Ruwa, but the Ruwa was really too small, only about 20 centimeters tall. Therefore, they could only cooperate with the dance steps, but could not make any physical contact.    


But even so, everyone also discovered that the Ruwa's' dance steps' were completely stepping on the music point.    


Instantly, the song ended. Everyone clapped their hands, and Gu Tingxue was even more amazed. If not for the fact that the Ruwa was a birthday present for Gong Mochen that Soong Yiren gave him, she might have wanted to buy it.    


Because of the appearance of the small Ruwa, the atmosphere instantly became lively. Seeing that everyone had arrived, Gong Mochen informed the captain to start the ship.    


Instantly, the motor started, and the cruise ship slowly departed from the pier.    


However, Soong Yiren, who had been distracted by a lot of things just now, once the ship left the pier, the previous nervousness once again surrounded her.    


However, due to the outstanding performance of the Ruwa, many people took the initiative to talk to her. Soong Yiren did not want others to notice that something was wrong with her, so she got up and said that she was going to the washroom.    


She walked into the washroom. The cramped space made her suddenly think of the scene of her being locked in the basement of the cruise.    


For a moment, she felt completely drained. She had used up almost all her strength before coming out of the washroom. She had escaped to the deck outside.    


Because she was nervous, she felt that her stomach was also very uncomfortable. Her symptoms were really similar to what Gong Lingye said about seasickness.    


Soong Yiren grabbed the railing on the deck and tried her best to breathe in the sea breeze. However, many scenes kept flashing through her mind like crazy.    


She had her ankle tendons broken by Chu Mingyao and was locked in the basement. She was also tied up by handcuffs and ankles.    


She still remembered the burning sadness on her face and the sharp pain that seeped into her bone marrow when Su Yunfei splashed the concentrated sulfuric acid on her.    


She even had her tendons torn off by Chu Mingyao once again, becoming a complete cripple. She collapsed on the sickbed in the basement of the cruise.    


She saw with her own eyes that her father was swallowed into the sea of fire. Then, the fire burned on her body.    


The cruise under her feet was bumpy. She exclaimed, "Ah!"    


However, in the next second, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the nightmare.    


Soong Yiren's entire body was drenched in cold sweat and her eyes were filled with panic as she looked at the tall man in front of her in a daze.    


Gong Lingye also did not expect Soong Yiren's condition to be so bad. He frowned and said, "I will call a doctor for you."    


After saying that, he took out his phone and called a doctor over.    


"Don't -" Soong Yiren grabbed his arm.    


She used a lot of strength. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and her nails almost cut his skin.    


She was like a drowning person. She looked up and asked him, "Mr. Gong, If you are afraid of a place, but have to face it, how will you overcome it?"    


He thought for two seconds and saw that she was sweating. The outline of her underwear had been clearly outlined. So he looked up and avoided her. He said, "If you have to face it, then do it again. Under the same circumstances, you will experience different processes and obtain different results "    


Soong Yiren's lips. She understood what he meant. However, she realized that she could not do it at this moment.    


Gong Lingye lowered his head and looked at his arm that was about to be scratched by Soong Yiren. His tone was calm and indifferent. "If you can't do it alone, you can call a few more people. After all, fighting alone is not a hero, but overestimating oneself."    


A few seconds later. Soong Yiren slowly let go of his hand and looked at him." Thank you. "    


Gong Lingye did not say anything else. He just stood by the fence and looked into the distance, waiting for Soong Yiren to feel better. He said, "Wait for me."    


He turned around and left. In less than half a minute, he returned with a beach towel in his hand.    


"This is?" Soong Yiren looked at him doubtfully.    



Gong Lingye's gaze meaningfully slid towards her chest.    


Soong Yiren looked down and her expression changed slightly.    


Although she was wearing a flesh coloured Traceless bra, But because she was covered in sweat just now... Therefore, the outline of half of her round chest was faintly discernible at this moment, giving people endless imagination.    


In the next second, Gong Lingye had already draped the beach towel over Soong Yiren's body.    


He supported her to sit on the deck and lowered his head to ask her, "What you said when you gave Mochen a gift was true?"    


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