Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C97 Warm I'm Jealous

C97 Warm I'm Jealous

0Chu Mingyao's pupils shrank, but he still had a smile on his face. He looked at Gong Lingye and Chu Mingyao and bowed humbly. "It is my honor to invite you two, Mr. Gong. "I wanted to talk to the two of you when I came here, but I haven't found a chance yet! Then let's go together? "    


After saying that, she looked at Soong Yiren again." Little classmate Yu, do you mind if I invite two more people? Don't worry, I'll pay! "    


His last sentence raised his voice slightly, as if he was joking with Soong Yiren. It was as if he and Soong Yiren were already familiar with each other to the point where they could joke.    


Soong Yiren's heart was very annoyed but she still maintained her smile, "Of course I don't mind!"    


After saying that, she turned her head and said to Gong Lingye first, "uncle."    


Then she said to Gong Mochen, "Mr Mochen."    


She did not pretend that she did not know him. After all, the matter between her and Gong Mochen, as long as they searched, they would know.    


If she didn't take the initiative to bring it up, when Chu Mingyao looked at her information later, he would probably become vigilant and suspect her.    


He might as well just admit it himself.    


Chu Mingyao was surprised. "You two know each other?"    


Gong Mochen said lightly, "She is my girlfriend."    


On the side, Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. The atmosphere around him became colder. He pursed his lips, but no emotions could be seen on his face.    


"That's too much of a coincidence." Chu Mingyao felt a slight disappointment in his heart. He then thought, since Soong Yiren was Gong Mochen's girlfriend, then why did she accept the olive branch he gave her?    


Chu Mingyao was a person who liked to analyze a lot of things, and then he thought, girls with abilities might not like to be in his men's company. After all, if that was the case, regardless of whether his ability was successful or not, it would be very awkward to be labeled as having a relationship with someone else.    


However, if he dug Soong Yiren into the Haisheng Group, he also had to be wary of Soong Yiren stealing business secrets.    


Unless she broke up with Gong Mochen...    


In the midst of Chu Mingyao's chaotic thoughts, the four of them walked towards the cafe that was less than 200 meters away from the venue.    


Soong Yiren was originally between Chu Mingyao and Gong Mochen. But for some reason, she realized that Gong Lingye was beside her.    


They had already walked to the street. Because the road was not enough for four people to walk side by side, Chu Mingyao and Gong Mochen walked in front, while Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye were behind them.    


There was a red and green light in front of them. Soong Yiren saw that the light had turned green and was about to take a step forward when her hand was suddenly held by the man beside her.    


She was shocked and quickly pulled back. But he held it very tightly and did not give her any chance to escape.    


In front, Chu Mingyao and Gong Mochen had already moved forward. They were too close to each other. Soong Yiren's heart was in her throat. She turned her head and protested silently to Gong Lingye.    


Gong Lingye was in a bad mood. Therefore, not only did he not let go, but he also changed from holding hands to ten tightly clenched fingers.    


The two of them wore 'couple attire'. This way, it really made one's heart beat faster.    


Soong Yiren's palms were covered in sweat. At this moment, she was not just afraid that Gong Mochen would find out.    


She was also afraid that Chu Mingyao would find out, because once this man found out, he would very likely suspect her character. In that case, it would be too difficult for her to pretend to be innocent in front of him in the future!    


If Gong Lingye did this, he would break all of her plans!    


Just as they were about to reach the coffee shop, Soong Yiren tugged at Gong Lingye and took advantage of his attention to pull out her hand!    


Perhaps it was because her movement was too big, Chu Mingyao and Gong Mochen in front of her turned their heads to look at her.    


Soong Yiren's heart skipped a beat in an instant and explained: "I almost fell."    


Chu Mingyao smiled and said, "Be careful. A girl's skin is soft and tender. It will definitely hurt when you fall."    


A girl's skin is soft and tender? Soong Yiren still clearly remembered the happy smile when Chu Mingyao mercilessly cut off her tendons with a knife!    


She felt a surge of hot blood rushing straight to her brain, and it was very easy for her to suppress it. She just smiled. "It's mainly my first time eating with the three presidents. I'm a little nervous."    


Chu Mingyao immediately comforted her. "Haha, you're familiar with them. I'm the same age as your brother, so you don't have to be nervous. Just relax!"    


The four of them walked into the coffee shop. Because of their appearance and temperament, the waiter's eyes instantly lit up.    


They entered a half-booked private room and ordered coffee. Soong Yiren opened her mouth and said, "I'm going to the washroom."    


She walked in. After she used the bathroom, she went to the water table outside and washed her hands several times.    


Gong Lingye had just held her hand, and during the competition, Gong Lingye had shook hands with Chu Mingyao.    


He slowly said that there was an indirect hug, so there was an indirect holding.    


In any case, whenever she thought of Chu Mingyao, she would feel disgusted!    


Soong Yiren was about to come out when she was suddenly pulled by a strong force. Her body turned on the spot, and her lips... The petal was already sealed.    


Her heart was beating like a drum. She instinctively wanted to use the anti-wolf technique that she had just learned, but she instantly realized that it was Gong Lingye.    


She hesitated for a moment, but when she thought of Gong Lingye shaking hands with Chu Mingyao, she immediately felt unhappy. While he kissed her, she dodged to the side a little and was about to give him a shoulder throw.    


However, his reaction was also the same. The moment she used her strength, she immediately lost her strength and hooked him along the way. Soong Yiren fell into his embrace again.    


He held her waist. His voice was low. "It's me"    


Knowing that it was you, the one who fell was also you! Soong Yiren's heart was burning with anger. She felt uncomfortable all over and struggled in Gong Lingye's arms.    


But he kept it even tighter and narrowed his eyes. "Nuan, I am jealous."    


Soong Yiren was stunned.    


Gong Lingye said again, "You first have to drink coffee with that Chu Mingyao, and then call me uncle in front of Gong Mochen. I am very unhappy!"    


She was angry with him and glared at him. "If you don't call me uncle, what should I call you?"    


"Call me husband." Gong Lingye pressed her against the wall and reached his hand into Soong Yiren's shirt. He kneaded her. "Tell me, if it is not husband who can do this, then what is?"    



Soong Yiren shrank back and immediately stepped back. She looked at Gong Lingye's hand with disdain. "Your hand is too dirty. Go and wash it!"    


Gong Lingye was confused. "Nuan, I have never touched anyone else."    


"Didn't you shake hands with Chu Mingyao just now?" Soong Yiren frowned and pulled Gong Lingye's hand to the tap. "Don't come near me unless you wash up."    


Then she went to wash her hands again. She washed her hands and took out a wet tissue. She put it in her clothes and wiped herself.    


Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren's unusual behavior and curled his lips. "You don't like him?"    


She had suppressed her emotions for a long time when she saw him and released them without holding back. "How can I like him? I'm not blind! "    


"So, you like me?" He curled his lips, washed his hands, and kissed Soong Yiren on the cheek.    


She did not respond to him and said, "Wash three times." Then, she turned around and left.    


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