Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C280 Bei Mingmo's Two Brothers

C280 Bei Mingmo's Two Brothers

0Soong Yiren's heart skipped a beat. Su Mi was missing. Was she locked up by Chu Mingyao or was it related to Su Yunfei's disappearance?    


Thinking of this, she took her phone and sent a message to Chu Mingyao, "Mr Chu, the Haisheng terminated my contract with me today."    


Chu Mingyao quickly replied, "Nuan, I'm sorry. It was Big Brother who implicated you!"    


Soong Yiren replied, "It's fine. Originally, I joined the Haisheng because Big Brother was there. Now that you are leaving, I don't want to stay anymore."    


Chu Mingyao was touched and could not help but say, "Nuan, don't worry. In the future, when we go overseas, we will have enough money to spend. Big Brother will work hard. You don't have to worry about anything!"    


Soong Yiren immediately sent a touched emoticon and then said casually, "Su Mi might also be fired. They said Su Mi is also Mr Chu's person..."    


This time, Chu Mingyao called directly. "Nuan, don't misunderstand big brother. There is nothing between us! I don't like girls like that! " When I promoted her, I only thought that she had a good appearance and temperament. She was also quite smart, but she was not the type that I liked! "    


Soong Yiren let out an "Oh" sound. She muttered to herself, "I didn't see her today. They said that she was at your house."    


Chu Mingyao immediately denied it. "She went to my house a few days ago. Due to some work matters, it was inconvenient for me to come out, so I let her go. But she left that night. Nuan, believe me!"    


Soong Yiren heard that Chu Mingyao was in such a hurry to clarify a matter and could also tell. This time, he was not lying.    


So, if Chu Mingyao did not hide Su Mi, then would Su Mi and Su Yunfei disappear at the same time? Would there be a connection between the two?    


She chatted with Chu Mingyao for a while more, hung up the phone, and called Gong Lingye. "Lingye, I suspect Su Yunfei and Su Mi are together. Help me check Su Mi's network. Oh right, her previous name was Zhang Cuixian..."    


After hanging up the phone, Soong Yiren left the Haisheng and prepared to find Yu Ruoxin to give her a surprise.    


Yu Ruoxin's workplace was an office building in the center of Ning City.    


When Soong Yiren arrived nearby, she found that there were a lot of people around today.    


The taxi driver said that there seemed to be a celebrity coming over to film, so he parked the car at the corner and let Soong Yiren walk a few dozen meters by herself.    


She got out of the car and passed by the filming location. Out of curiosity, she looked over there.    


In front of her, she saw a young man wearing a suit. In the cold winter season, he was receiving the cold wind baptism.    


He was leaning against a prop car, holding a phone and making a phone call. His movements were beautiful and unrestrained. Surprisingly, he was a domineering CEO.    


His slightly drooped hair was blown up by the wind, revealing his full forehead. The contours of his facial features were clear and sharp. Between his brows, there was a kind of mature man's grace, yet also faintly revealed a hint of playfulness.    


Soong Yiren raised her eyebrows and walked closer.    


Coincidentally, there was a scene over there that ended. An assistant hurriedly went over and put on a down jacket for the man, then passed him a warm hand cup.    


The man took it and politely nodded at the other party. His gaze inadvertently swept over Soong Yiren and then paused.    


Soong Yiren had the idea of playing a prank in her heart. She gave the man an ambiguous smile and then very exaggeratedly compared her heart with him.    


The man was stunned, then he smiled embarrassedly. The water that he had just drank choked in his throat, and he coughed violently.    


Soong Yiren was pleased with herself and raised her eyebrows at him. She turned around and walked away elegantly.    


She did not expect to meet Beiming Mo's cousin Beiming Xiao today.    


Beiming Mo's father had an elder brother. Her elder brother's family had two sons. The eldest son, Beiming Shen, and the second son, Beiming Xiao. The eldest son was 31 years old this year, and the second son was 28 years old.    


Originally, Beiming Mo's father and her elder brother's relationship was very ordinary. When they were young, during the New Year, Mrs. Beiming brought the Beiming Xiao brothers and Beiming Mo out to play. In the end, the three children ran away. In the end, Mrs. Beiming only managed to find Beiming Mo.    


The two brothers were lost for two days and found out that they were kidnapped and sold. When they came back, they were already fascinated. The medicine, they went to the hospital to lie down for a few days. At this point, Beiming Mo's father's elder brother did not like Beiming Mo's family.    


However, people were not as calculative as the heavens. He and his wife encountered an air crash during a trip and both of them passed away. Hence, Beiming Mo's father brought the two brothers back home to take care of them.    


Soong Yiren remembered that her eldest brother Beiming Shen was rather calm and did not really like to play with them. He was busy with his own matters all day and she almost did not speak much to him.    


However, Second Brother, Beiming Xiao, was a lively and active person. Because he was only half a year older than Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo, he had teased them a lot when he was young. In short, with him around, they would definitely be able to start a war with him.    


It was just that later on, Beiming Mo's father hoped that the two of them would learn management and be able to inherit the family business. But the two brothers, one wanted to conduct a geological survey and the other only wanted to enter the entertainment industry.    


Later on, it was unknown who said something to the two of them. After the two of them went to university, they seldom went home. Other than the New Year, they did not spend the rest of their time with each other. Beiming Mo's father went back to him.    


But every time Beiming Xiao saw Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo, he would tease them.    


Time flew by, and four years passed. Soong Yiren's impression of Beiming Xiao, who still loved to play, had changed. It seemed that his fame had also started from the 18th line and gradually became popular.    


Time was indeed something that was caught off guard. When they met again, they were all different.    


The filming over there was still going on. Soong Yiren had already gone to Yu Ruoxin's office building.    


She walked to the front desk and was just about to tell the front desk that she was looking for Yu Ruoxin when she saw Second Elder Sister who she had not seen for a long time.    


Yu Ruoxin was wearing a business suit and her hair was neatly cut into short hair that reached her ears. She held a stack of documents in her hand and said to her colleague beside her, "This is the information that Jack needs for his meeting at night. Take it and copy it. I'll be able to finish the form very soon. The meeting tonight is at Sea Star Hotel. We'll go and arrange the meeting in advance. "    


As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and stepped on the carpet with her high heels. Her actions were very straightforward.    


Soong Yiren smiled. She, Second Elder Sister, was indeed no longer like in the past. She became confident and outstanding and no longer needed to cling onto any man.    


Seeing that Yu Ruoxin should be very busy today, Soong Yiren did not disturb her and planned to do so. Wait till tonight to call the other party and make an appointment to return to the country together.    


She came out of the office building and was about to take a look at whether Beiming Xiao was still there when she received a call from Gong Lingye. "Nuan," she said. I found out that Su Mi recognized a gan-grandpa. The gan-grandpa is in charge of the cemetery in the western suburbs. Su Mi might be in the cemetery in the western suburbs. "    


Soong Yiren was shocked. Her family members were buried in the cemetery in the western suburbs!    


And that day, that unknown person sent flowers...    


Could it be that the person who gave the flowers was Su Mi?!    


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