Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C242 Showing Affection in front of Him!

C242 Showing Affection in front of Him!

0Backstage, a notification came from Soong Yiren's phone. It was from Gong Lingye. "Nuan, don't worry. I have already instructed Aa Mian to secretly surround this place. You and Miss Beiming will not be in danger. " You all should act according to the situation and keep the audio and position of Zahara and ares to be shared. "    


Soong Yiren replied. "Alright, Tianqi just called and said that he will be there soon. We will deliberately give Chu Mingyao a chance to meet him! "    


"Ok, be careful." Gong Lingye replied, "I have always been here."    


Not long after, the staff had already packed up the things at the backstage. Beiming Mo said to them, "Everyone has worked hard. This afternoon, we will take half a day off. Everyone, bring the things back to the company and have a good rest!"    


Everyone was happy to hear that and waved goodbye to her.    


At that moment, a man walked over and asked, "May I ask where the bathroom is?"    


"Sir, you're wrong. This is our event site. The bathroom should be in the mall. You should go to the mall to take a look!" The staff member said.    


"I'm sorry," Wang Yao said. Chu Mingyao's bodyguard said.    


After he left, Chu Mingyao walked over. The staff member was holding something in his hand. He even took the initiative to reach out and give it a hand.    


"Thank you." The staff smiled and thought he was Beiming Mo's friend.    


Chu Mingyao successfully walked closer and wiped his shoulders with Beiming Mo, who was packing.    


His arm hit her, so the lipstick in her hand hit the ground.    


She quickly bent over to pick it up. Chu Mingyao had already bent over and picked it up.    


He handed it over and locked his eyes on her face. "Miss, I'm sorry!"    


Beiming Mo did not look at him at all. Her first reaction was to check if the lipstick was broken.    


She took it and opened the lid. Sure enough, it was broken into two pieces.    


She raised her eyes. This was the first time she met Chu Mingyao's eyes.    


Two and a half years had passed since they last met. The man in front of her seemed to still be the same as in the past. However, when she knew all the ugliness, Beiming Mo only felt that the Chu Mingyao in front of her was disgusting to the bone!    


However, she did not show it at all. She just looked at him with some anger and then looked at her lipstick. What she wanted to say was clearly self-evident.    


Chu Mingyao had been locking Beiming Mo's face tightly in front of him. He did not miss any of her expressions.    


He wanted to see something similar to shock, panic, or any other expression of loss of self-control in her eyes. However, he failed.    


Although the girl in front of him looked exactly the same as Beiming Mo, her tiny expression did not reveal any reaction of knowing him.    


The confrontation just now was just a split second. The next second, Chu Mingyao said in shock, "Momo!"    


Beiming Mo's heart was disgusted. He actually called her that! She did not even think about what kind of face he had when he chased after her back then!    


She frowned, "What?!"    


"Momo, it really is you!" Chu Mingyao's eyes were filled with surprise. "Didn't you go to the remote mountainous region to teach? How could it be..."    


He looked Beiming Mo up and down, his eyes filled with the joy of reunion after a long separation.    


Beiming Mo looked at him speechlessly. "Who are you?"    


Her words carried a bit of Imperial City accent, she learned it after coming here.    


Chu Mingyao was about to explain awkwardly when Luo Tianqi appeared at the door and quickly walked over. "Xiaozi!"    


Beiming Mo immediately went over. There was a smile on her face. "Hubby!"    


Luo Tianqi's breathing trembled when he heard that. Although he knew it was not Lee Xiaozi, his heart was still moved in an instant.    


He had already come to Beiming Mo's side and said to her: "Sorry, I am late."    


Beiming Mo curled her lips. "I asked you to come and support me. You will only come after I finish! No, I'll punish you later!"    


Luo Tianqi smiled. "I will let my wife punish me!"    


After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes and looked at Chu Mingyao, who was standing there in confusion. A familiar look slowly surfaced in his eyes. "You are..."    


Chu Mingyao looked at the interaction between Beiming Mo and Luo Tianqi. He thought of the information that said Lee Xiaozi had a strong relationship with Luo Tianqi in America. The two of them had been in love for three years.    


He began to wonder, could Sabrina really be Lee Xiaozi?    


After all, Lee Xiaozi was not a symbol. She was a real person. There was a lot of information that could not be made so flawlessly out of thin air!    


Just as he was getting more and more confused, Soong Yiren, who had changed into normal clothes, walked out from behind the scenes. When she saw the crowd, she said with light footsteps, "Hey, Tianqi, you are here?"    


After saying that, she turned around and was very surprised. "Director Chu?"    


Chu Mingyao nodded. The embarrassment on his face disappeared and was replaced by a gentle look. "I have been under the stage just now and saw your performance. Nuan, you did well!"    


Dozens of meters away, Gong Lingye heard Chu Mingyao calling Soong Yiren through Ares. His eyes immediately turned cold.    


"Thank you, Director Chu, for your compliment! Actually, I am quite nervous!" Soong Yiren smiled and said, "Why are you here?"    


"I saw you and Miss Sabrina, so I came over." He said, "Miss Sabrina is very similar to an old friend of mine. I almost got the wrong person!"    


Beiming Mo heard their conversation and turned her head, "Baby Nuan, you two know each other?"    


"Yes!" Soong Yiren continued to explain, "This is the CEO of Haisheng Group, Mr. Chu. Don't you know?"    


Beiming Mo's tone was slightly stiff, "Oh, so it is Director Chu!"    


Chu Mingyao heard the displeasure in her words, so he smiled and said, "Sorry, I broke your lipstick. What brand and color is this? I'll go and buy one..."    


Before Beiming Mo could say anything, Luo Tianqi put his arm around Beiming Mo's shoulder and said, "Mr. Chu. No need. My wife only uses the lipstick that I gave her."    


Beiming Mo turned her head and smiled at Luo Tianqi. "Then I want two. You can buy them for me later!"    



Luo Tianqi nodded. "Yes, my dear!"    


Within -01 miles, Xuanyuan Che heard Beiming Mo and Luo Tianqi's interaction. An indescribable emotion rose in his heart.    


He should have gone to help her. However, it seemed like she really did not need him from the beginning to the end. Even if it was an act, she still had an actor to cooperate with...    


On the other side, Chu Mingyao gave a coy laugh and continued, "Indeed, I went to the wrong place and accidentally bumped into Miss Sabrina's lipstick. It's noon now. I'll treat everyone to a meal as an apology, how about it?"    


Soong Yiren hesitated for a moment and looked at Beiming Mo, asking for her opinion.    


Chu Mingyao looked at Soong Yiren as if asking for help.    


Soong Yiren was helpless and could only say, "Sabrina, why don't we go together?"    


Luo Tianqi looked at Chu Mingyao and then said, "If we have more friends, then we can go together!"    


Beiming Mo nodded when she saw him say the same thing. "Alright." She looked at the broken lipstick in her hand again.    


In front, Chu Mingyao and Soong Yiren walked side by side. Beiming Mo muttered to Luo Tianqi from behind, but she deliberately did not lower her voice. "The birthday present you gave me is broken!"    


Luo Tianqi smiled. "Alright, alright. I will make two more when I return!"    


"If I make up for it, it will be different from the original one!" Beiming Mo did not seem to be happy.    


"Then I will give you all the numbers later!" Luo Tianqi said.    


"Really?" Beiming Mo turned her eyes and smiled.    


"More real than pearls." Luo Tianqi rubbed her hair.    


In front, although Chu Mingyao was talking to Soong Yiren, he was still paying attention to what was happening behind them.    


When he heard the words of the two people behind him, he felt more and more that Sabrina really seemed to be Lee Xiaozi.    


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