99 Days' Love Contract

C338 Ling Jie and Ju Sheng's Husband(2)

C338 Ling Jie and Ju Sheng's Husband(2)

0"Jason, is she from the same country as you?" Tuan Sheng pulled his voice back to reality.    


"She is from the east. But it doesn't necessarily have to be the same country as mine. " Tuan Sheng was sure that what attracted him was the determination in her eyes.    


"If I want to buy her, what should I do?"    


Tuan Sheng's eyes fell on the person on the bed without blinking.    


"Just raise this sign and bid. . . No, Jason, you're not serious, are you?" As his classmate, how could Dick not know that he was a Casanova? Today, he only brought Jason over to take a look at the novelty. He did not expect Jason to really want to bid for a pet. This. . .    


"I'm serious! One million!" As Tuan Sheng spoke, he raised the sign in his hand.    


Ling Jie, who was on the bed, although she said that she could not speak or move, she was constantly paying attention to her surroundings.    


After that person called out the starting price, someone immediately started to bid.    


Her heart also sank. She would not let anyone get what they wanted, definitely not. . .    


"One million going once! Is there anyone who wants to bid again?" That person's voice came from above.    


"One million one hundred thousand!" A bald fatty raised the sign. Ling Jie took a look and almost spat it out.    


"One million and three hundred thousand!"    


. . .    


People began to fight for it. . . .    


"1. 6 million!" The bald fatty spoke again, seemingly determined to get Ling Jie.    


"1. 6 million going once, is anyone willing to bid again?" The voice above was somewhat high.    


"Two million!" Tuan Sheng stood up from his seat and stared straight into Ling Jie's eyes.    


He was from the east! Ling Jie's heart was slightly excited.    


Tuan Sheng's bid made the fatty's face sink. He shook the fierce-looking face on his face and said, "2. 1 million. . . " His tone was obviously not that confident anymore.    


"3 million!" Tuan Sheng bid with a smile on his face.    


Fatty was completely silent. It should be said that there was no movement in the entire auction.    


Every time he increased the bid by one million, who could compete with this madman?    


After a few minutes of silence, the voice from above sounded again, "This customer bid three million. Anyone else?"    


Responding to him. Only his own reply.    


A minute later, the voice said, "This Eastern pet belongs to this guest!"    


Immediately after, the bed on the stage began to descend. A trace of fear flashed across Ling Jie's eyes.    


Almost at the same time, Tuan Sheng said, "Don't know about me. Is it possible to bring my pet back now?"    


"Of course. . . Haha! This gentleman can't wait anymore. . . " The voice had a hint of ridicule.    


"Jason, I will pay for you this three million. Just treat it as a gift from me. . . " Before Dick could finish his words, Tuan Sheng interrupted him.    


"Dikson, thank you for your kindness. I don't need anyone to pay for my things. " Would Tuan Sheng be short of money? His things had to be marked, but not given to him by others.    


Dick suddenly smiled knowingly and made a gentlemanly gesture of inviting towards Tuan Sheng.    


Tuan Sheng strode up to the table and signed a cheque of three million yuan on the spot. His eyes then turned to Ling Jie who was on the bed.    


Almost in the next second, he took off the suit he was wearing and wrapped it around her body. Then, he carried her off the bed.    


When Ling Jie was carried into his arms, there was a look of caution in her eyes.    


"It's fine. I'm here!" Tuan Sheng comforted her in Huaxia language.    


Ling Jie heard the familiar language and the caution in her eyes slowly retreated.    


Tuan Sheng carried her and left through the special passage of the auction.    


After Tuan Sheng carried Ling Jie back, he realized that something was wrong. Not only could she not speak, but she also could not move. No wonder in the auction, only her eyes were lively.    


Tuan Sheng immediately called Dyckson and asked him to ask what was going on at the auction.    


The auction quickly called to explain to Tuan Sheng that she had only taken one type of medicine and only needed an hour to return to normal.    


Only then did Tuan Sheng feel relieved. After placing Ling Jie on the bed, he took off his suit jacket. At the same time, Ling Jie's faintly discernible body was also exposed under his eyes.    


At the same time, his eyes did not move away anymore.    


Tuan Sheng claimed to be the saint of love. He had played with countless women. What kind of stunning beauty had he not seen? This was the first time, a woman attracted all of his attention.    


When Ling Jie reacted, Tuan Sheng had already ripped open the veil on her body. He looked at her without any restraint.    


She was wearing a beautiful dress on the surface. In fact, she was a lecherous Lu Lang! Tuan Sheng's image in Ling Jie's heart instantly dropped to the lowest point.    


However, she could not move or speak right now. She could only use her eyes to glare at Tuan Sheng.    


"Even his angry look is so attractive. . . " This was what he said before she was kissed by Tuan Sheng. . .    


An hour later, Ling Jie could move and talk, but she was also lost in Tuan Sheng's love. . . .    


When she woke up, it was already the morning of the second day.    


The person next to her was sleeping soundly. Ling Jie gritted her teeth and stared at this man. Her eyes swept around the room and finally landed on the flower vase on the bed. Without thinking, she picked up the vase and threw it at the man's face.    




The vase shattered, but it did not hit the man's face, but his raised right arm.    


"Little pet, you're really fierce! Murder of the owner!" Tuan Sheng glanced at his bleeding arm and said in a mocking tone.    


At this moment, the door was opened with a bang. Willow rushed in from the outside. When she saw Tuan Sheng injured, her expressionless face was filled with anger. "Did you do it?" She was about to beat Ling Jie up when she was stopped by Tuan Sheng.    


"Liu, what are you doing?"    


"young master Tuan, this woman actually dared to hurt you. . . " The most elite young master of the Tuan family was actually injured. How could he explain this to Great-Grandfather?    


"Willow, you are becoming more and more powerful. You actually dare to hit a woman!" Tuan Sheng's voice was neither warm nor angry, but Willow knew that young master Tuan was angry.    


And it was because of him.    


He lowered his head and walked out of the room. He took a medical kit from the outside and quietly treated Tuan Sheng's wound.    


Ling Jie had been stunned since Willow came in.    


Why would this man let her go? If he had not blocked it with his right hand, his hair would probably have blossomed. . .    


Ling Jie did not understand what this man's brain was thinking.    


After Willow left, Ling Jie decided to have a good talk with this man.    


"That. . . Can we talk about it?"    


"You say. . . " Tuan Sheng's eyes fell on Ling Jie and Ling Jie tightly hugged the blanket in front of her chest.    


"I originally came to Spain to travel, but my wallet was lost. . . " Ling Jie told Tuan Sheng what happened to her.    


"So?" Tuan Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked.    


"Let me go. I promise to return the three million to you! Is that alright? "    


Tuan Sheng did not answer Ling Jie's question. He only said, "You are the pet I bought. "    


"I am not a pet! I will say it again!" Ling Jie said angrily.    


"I spent three million to buy this pet. " This was the first time Tuan Sheng was interested in a woman. How could he just let it go?    


Regardless of whether she was telling the truth or not, She was only his pet.    


"I'm not! I'm not. . . You let me go. . . "Ling Jie said angrily.    


Tuan Sheng was still unmoved. He had calculated that Ling Jie did not have clothes. I can't get away. . .    


In the end, Ling Jie was defeated. This damn man just left her in the room. During the day, besides giving her three meals regularly, he would come back at night to 'play with his pet'.    


No matter how hard she resisted, she would eventually get lost under him. . .    


"Let's try, is it appropriate!" The moment Tuan Sheng entered, he threw more than ten bags to Ling Jie.    


She looked at him unhappily and continued to bury her face under the blanket.    


"You don't want to try? I originally wanted to take you out to play today. In that case. . . " Before Tuan Sheng finished his words, Ling Jie immediately said, "Go out? Really? " It had been a long time since she saw the sun outside.    


" Change your clothes and go out. . . "Tuan Sheng looked away unnaturally. When he saw the excitement in her eyes just now, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.    


In the end, Ling Jie changed into the clothes Tuan Sheng bought for her and went out with him.    


They set off from the Madrid bullfighting field, then to the Sun Gate Square, then the Cathedral of the Holy Church, the Spanish Square, the palace of Madrid, and so on.    


The entire Spanish scenic area had been visited. Ling Jie really felt that those few days were the happiest days of her life. That man tolerated everything about her except for her not being able to leave him. . .    


It was just that she was not his pet. . .    


The night Ling Jie stayed at the Grand Hotel in Madrid, she decided on an escape plan.    


During dinner, she drank a lot of Tuan Sheng's wine.    


Tuan Sheng, who was half-drunk, helped her back to the hotel. His bodyguard gave her a warning look before leaving the room.    


Ling Jie stared at the man sleeping on the bed for a long time. The sleeping him did not look like a hooligan when he was awake. He looked very childish.    


"young master Tuan. . . " Although reason told Ling Jie that she should carry out her plan immediately, her body did not move.    


She suddenly leaned over and kissed that perfect lips. Even though the man was drunk, he still reacted and pressed her down.    


The familiar temperature, the familiar feeling. Ling Jie told herself that this was the last time she let go. . .    


After cleaning up the man, Ling Jie pulled the bed sheets and the bed sheets together and tied them together. She pushed open the balcony. She fixed the head of the bed sheets on the balcony and then threw the bed sheets and sheets out of the balcony.    


It was pitch black below. Ling Jie did not hesitate and climbed down along the bed sheet. . .    


After half a year, Tuan Sheng's face appeared in Ling Jie's dream almost every day. She knew that she was sick. As a doctor, she could not cure her own illness.    


When she saved Tyrant, she did not think that she would see him again. That time, she escaped. . .    


Later on, after asking around, she found out that the man was Tyrant's good brother.    


Ling Jie had always been alarmed but the man did not come over.    


She felt relieved and at the same time, her heart also felt a slight pain.    


But she did not expect that he would force his way into her car today. It seemed that he was still being chased by someone. . .    


After parking the car in the parking lot of her apartment, Ling Jie finally realized that she had gone crazy.    


She should have thrown this man out of the car halfway, but now she was actually planning to bring him home.    



"We're here?" A man's voice sounded by her ear, and Ling Jie's body trembled.    


It was a long time before she recovered her voice, "We are here. Get out of the car. . . "    


After saying that, she got up and the man behind her obediently let her go this time. He followed her out of the car and followed her into the apartment.    


"This is your residence?" Tuan Sheng looked at the white decorated apartment. His little witch really liked white.    


"Those people probably didn't notice you were in my car. If you don't have a place to go, you can stay here for now. I'm going to work. . . " Ling Jie put the key on the door and turned to leave. Tuan Sheng grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms.    


Tuan Sheng lowered his head and kissed Ling Jie's lips. "Where are you going? My little witch. . . "    


They were too familiar with each other. They had not been together for too long. It was like dry firewood meeting a raging fire, burning in an instant.    


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