99 Days' Love Contract

C341 Liu Yu and the Peaceful Mu Yifeng Were Shot(2)

C341 Liu Yu and the Peaceful Mu Yifeng Were Shot(2)

0After several times, the manager of Mingyi Restaurant personally came over.    


In the end, An Xin walked out of Mingyi Restaurant with the 5,000 RMB meal money that the manager gave her.    


Because Liu Yu had told her to wait for him, she didn't dare to leave Mingyi Restaurant. In the cold night, she quietly shrank her body and stood in front of Mingyi Restaurant, waiting for Liu Yu.    


This was what Liu Yu saw when he drove over.    


He hurriedly parked the car by the side of the road and ran towards An Xin. "What's going on? Didn't I tell you to wait inside?"    


"You're here?" An Xin smiled and raised the money in her hand. "I think this restaurant is too expensive. Have someone return the money to me. Let's go somewhere else to eat, okay?"    


Who was Liu Yu? What had he not seen before? When he saw the five thousand yuan, he immediately understood that comfort was waiting for him to be chased out by the people of Mingyi Restaurant.    


His face was cold. Just as he was about to bring An Xin into Mingyi Restaurant to argue, An Xin pulled him back. "Liu, I'm really not used to eating such an expensive meal. Why don't you accompany me to the roadside stall?"    


Under her expectant face, Liu Yu finally nodded. It was also from that time onwards that he had a knot in the Mingyi Restaurant. This was also the reason why when Mooh Yifeng went mad at the Mingyi Restaurant, he had taken care of the Mingyi Restaurant so quickly. Of course, these were the words that came later.    


He walked around the roadside stall peacefully, accompanied her from the other end of the night market to the other end, watched her smile, and watched her eat to her heart's content. . .    


Every expression on her face, he kept them in his eyes, and then put them in his heart.    


"Look, there's still 4,500 left!" After coming out of the night market, he waved the money in his hands like a show-off.    


Liu Yu looked at her and did not say anything. Being stared at by Liu Yu so attentively, An Xin was also stunned for a moment. When she reacted, she stuffed the money in her hands into Liu Yu's hands.    


"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beauty before?"    


"I'll send you back! Where do you live?" Liu Yu looked away and asked.    


"Wait, I still need to buy something!" After saying that, An Xin ran towards the other end of the street.    


Liu Yu followed her with doubt.    


Finally, he saw An Xin standing in front of a furry toy shop, looking at the toys in the window with a drooling face.    


Liu Yu had never thought that An Xin, such a carefree girl, would actually like furry toys like little girls.    


He looked at her and his gaze fell on the biggest panda in the window. It was as if she had taken a fancy to this panda.    


"Hehe. . . It hasn't been bought yet. . . " An Xin said happily. Then, she quickly walked into the store.    


She haggled with the shop owner for a while and finally bought a palm-sized toy bear.    


When she left the store, she looked at the panda reluctantly.    


In the end, Liu Yu sent her comfort downstairs before going back. . .    


After that, because of Miss Mu, and also because of Liu Yu's intentional or intentional actions, they interacted more and more.    


It was all the way until Mu Qianhan left Mooh Yifeng and disappeared from C City to find Liu Yu peacefully.    


"Where did Qianhan go?" She asked Liu Yu calmly.    


"I don't know. " Liu Yu had a tired look on his face. During the recent days of the war between the Fengxing Group and Mooh's Group, he had been having a sleepless night, and his brain was in a mess.    


An Xin said in a huff: "You don't know? It was your young master Feng who forced her away!"    


"Relax, don't mess around. We can't get involved in the matter between young master Feng and Miss Mu. " Liu Yu knew young master Feng's temper very well. No one could change young master Feng's decision.    


"You can't get involved. You can't ask. You can't say. Liu Yu, can you change anything other than these words? Qianhan is my friend. . . " After saying this, An Xin left.    


Watching An Xin leave, Liu Yu was stunned. In his mind, he repeated An Xin's questioning and could not participate. He couldn't ask, he couldn't say. . .    


Did he do something wrong? Was he wrong?    


After that, because he wanted to help Mooh Yifeng find Mu Qianhan, Liu Yu did not go and find comfort for the time being.    


Until one day, Ang Zizhu secretly pulled Liu Yu to a corner. "Master, have you seen my sister recently?"    


Hearing Ang Zizhu's question, Liu Yu was stunned. Could it be that his disciple had found out?    


"No, what happened to your sister?"    


"My sister asked me about your preferences and said you guys are good friends. I thought she left early and came back late with you. . . " Ang Zizhu muttered and headed towards the office.    


Leave early and return late? Liu Yu then remembered that he had not talked to her in the past month. He took out his phone from his pocket and called her. There was the sweet voice of the broadcaster over there. Sorry, the number you have dialed has been cut off.    


Liu Yu frowned. He called one after another. Didn't comfort never stop? No matter when he called her computer, she would always be there. Ah. . .    


Liu Yu had been calling An Xin non-stop throughout the afternoon. However, he couldn't get through to her. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and went to Ang Zizhu's office.    


"My sister didn't stop!" Ang Zizhu turned on his phone and checked for a while before saying, "I forgot. My sister changed her number half a month ago. . . Master, don't you know?"    


Did An Xin change her number and not tell him? Liu Yu's face turned pale. He turned around and left Ang Zizhu's office.    


The latter looked confused. "What happened to Master?"    


After Liu Yu came out of Ang Zizhu's office, he took the elevator directly to the secretary's office on the second floor.    


He pushed open the door of the secretary's office, and everyone in the office looked at him.    


An Xin turned her head and glanced at him, then continued with her work. Liu Yu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He ignored everyone's reactions and directly grabbed An Xin's arm.    


An Xin said coldly: "Liu, do you need something? Please let go. It's not good to pull and pull like this. . . "    


Liu Yu turned around and looked at her. He did not understand why she suddenly became so cold.    


"Calm down, let's have a good talk. . . "    


"Sorry, Liu, I don't think there is anything to talk about between us. And I still have work to do. . . " There was a smile on his peaceful face that kept people away from him.    



After Liu Yu had not given her a call for a month, she had already given up on her peaceful life, from anticipation to coldness in her heart.    


Liu Yu stared at her for a long time, then finally let go of her hand and left.    


She smiled at her colleagues, then returned to her seat to work.    


Liu Yu had never figured out what was going on. They did not quarrel the last time and only parted on bad terms. Why did An Xin treat him so coldly after a month?    


He was also not in the mood to go to work. After giving Mooh Yifeng a leave of absence, Liu Yu waited outside the comfortable office.    


It was time to get off work. He walked out of the office with his colleagues with a smile on his face. When she saw Liu Yu, she was slightly stunned, and then she moved her eyes away.    


"An Xin, let's talk. " Liu Yu grabbed her arm.    


She looked at him and pulled his hand away. "Liu, this is my private time. I have no obligation to talk to you. Someone is waiting for me. . . " After saying that, he turned around and left. The moment she turned around, tears flowed out from the corners of her eyes.    


Looking at the comfortable back view, Liu Yu finally followed from afar.    


He saw An Xin's bright smile and got into a Lamborghini. Without thinking, she drove the car and chased after him.    


The Lamborghini drove all the way to a famous nightclub in C City. Liu Yu looked at An Xin. He followed a young man in.    


He punched the steering wheel hard. He wanted to get out of the car to chase An Xin out, but found that he couldn't find a reason. Who was he? Who?    


Time passed bit by bit. An Xin still did not come out. Liu Yu was getting more and more irritated. His eyes fell on the furry panda that was half a man's height in the backseat. After they parted on bad terms the last time, he bought this stuffed panda to apologize to An Xin. Later young master Feng asked him to find Miss Mu, and the stuffed panda was kept in his car.    


After staring at the furry panda for a long time, Liu Yu got out of the car angrily.    


In the nightclub, An Xin was sitting together with the previous Lamborghini owner, with a stiff smile on his face.    


"Brother Luo, I've seen sister-in-law a few times. Don't you want to show us something intimate?"    


"That's right, Brother Luo, kiss sister-in-law. . . "    


The surrounding people started to jeer.    


Brother Luo's gaze landed on An Xin, "An Xin, look at how everyone is so enthusiastic, let's kiss?"    


An Xin was stunned for a moment, then stood up. "Wenluo, you might be thinking too much. There is no relationship between us. . . "    


Brother Luo's expression immediately changed when he heard that. The surrounding people also looked towards them in unison.    


Brother Luo stood up abruptly and grabbed onto An Xin's right arm. "An Xin, are you messing with me?"    


"Wenluo, let me go. " Wen Luo raised his left hand and slapped Wen Luo.    


Being slapped by a woman in front of all the brothers, where would Wen Luo's face be? "You cheap woman, pretending to be noble?" After saying that, he pulled Wen Luo onto the sofa with ease. An Xin kicked Wenluo. Wenluo raised his hand and was about to slap her in the face.    


However, he was suddenly stopped by a hand.    


"Who is this young master?" Wen Luo turned his head furiously and saw the ashen-faced Liu Yu.    


"Liu Yu. . . " An Xin called out.    


Liu Yu reached out his right hand and pulled An Xin up from the sofa, pulling her behind him.    


An Xin held onto Liu Yu's suit, breathing in the familiar scent, feeling inexplicably at ease.    


"Who are you. . . " Before Wen Luo finished speaking, Liu Yu raised his right hand and attacked him.    


"Don't ask me who I am. You only need to know that she is not someone you can touch. . . " Liu Yu's tone was filled with anger. He punched again and again, and it was not polite at all. It made Wen Luo scream. The people next to him were scared by Liu Yu's expression. They shrank their bodies and did not dare to approach.    


"Liu Yu, let's go back. . . " Seeing that Wenluo was about to be beaten to death by Liu Yu, they peacefully pulled Liu Yu's arm.    


Liu Yu turned around to look at her, then let go of Wen Luo.    


At this time, the owner of the nightclub heard that the young master of the Wen family in C City was beaten up, so he brought his men over. When he saw Liu Yu, he was immediately stunned. A few seconds later, he smiled and said: "Brother Liu, why are you here? If you want to teach me a lesson, just tell me. Why do you have to do it yourself? "    


It turned out that the owner of this club was a subordinate of the Yu Shengen. He had met Liu Yu once and recognized him at first glance. Liu Yu took off his suit jacket and put it on for comfort. Then he said to the owner of the club, "You are Young Master Sheng's man, right? Tell him that if he wants to cause trouble, come and find me, Liu Yu. "    


"Brother Liu, how can I trouble you with something like this? I'll handle it. " The boss of the club smiled.    


"Okay. " Liu Yu knew that the owner was giving face to Young Master Sheng and young master Feng, so he didn't say anything more. He supported himself and walked away.    


It was quiet in the car. Liu Yu drove seriously. When he got into the car and saw the furry panda in the backseat, he didn't make a sound.    


"Sorry. " Liu Yu suddenly said.    


An Xin turned around and looked at him. "Sorry about what?" He had always been very confident in everything, and she had never heard him say sorry to anyone.    


Liu Yu drove the car to the side of the road and stopped, then looked at An Yi seriously. "I'm sorry for everything! And I love you. . . "    


Hearing the words' I love you ', Comfortable tears started flowing down his face.    


"Calm down, don't cry. . . " Liu Yu panicked a little when he saw comfortable crying.    


"Liu Yu. . . " An Xin fell into Liu Yu's arms.    


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