My Husband, Warm The Bed

C8 No Emotional Basis

C8 No Emotional Basis

0Xu Huiyi was stunned for a moment before she realized what had happened. "Jian Ran has experienced that kind of harm and betrayal. In these three years, she had no one to rely on. If she was not stronger, who could she show weakness to?"    


As he spoke, Qin Yue stopped walking and looked back at her gloomily.    


Xu Huiyi immediately added. "But you will treat her well in the future."    




The meeting room was on the 23rd floor. Sales Department was on the 19th floor. When the elevator reached the 22nd floor, the door opened and Ma Danna from the Public Relations Department walked in.    


Jian Ran did not like people like Ma Danna so she stood to the side and did not want to greet her.    


Ma Danna glanced at Jian Ran and then faced the elevator door. She raised her head high and said, "There are some people. Don't think that no one knows about those ugly things that you did in the past when you changed a city."    


Jian Ran heard it and heard it. She did not want to spend energy to care about Ma Danna, this kind of woman who caused trouble.    


Jian Ran's attitude of not caring about anything annoyed Ma Danna. She turned around and gave Jian Ran a fierce glare, "Jian Ran, don't tell me you don't know that our CEO is married?"    


Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled. If she did not know that Qin Yue was married, Who else would know?    


Ma Danna wanted to seduce Qin Yue in her heart and recognized Jian Ran as well. So she said, "CEO let Special Assistant Xu send an internal email this morning and announce to the entire company that he is married."    


Jian Ran was busy with the recruitment of Starlight Company today. She was so busy that she did not read the company's internal email. She really did not know about this matter.    


Now that she knew, she could not help but feel a little sweetness in her heart.    


Qin Yue said that he would be jealous if he saw other men being close to her. The prerequisite was that he had already stated to everyone that he was married.    


Thinking of this, Jian Ran felt happy in her heart and could not help but laugh.    


Ma Danna had unrealistic fantasies about Qin Yue. When she saw Qin Yue's married email this morning, her heart turned cold.    


After being depressed for half a day, she wanted to pull someone to be depressed with her. Once she had this idea, she thought of Jian Ran.    


She wanted Jian Ran to have a taste of the taste that she had tasted before. Who would have thought that Jian Ran would actually have such a carefree expression? It really made her angry.    


Ma Danna was so angry that she stomped her foot and gritted her teeth as she thought that she could not do anything to Jian Ran now. But one day, she would catch hold of Jian Ran's weakness and make Jian Ran not to be so arrogant anymore.    




Because of yesterday's lesson, after Jian Ran got off work today, she did not waste any time to rush back home as soon as possible. She hoped that she could make dinner before Qin Yue got off work and could not starve him anymore.    


When she went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, Jian Ran called Qin Yue.    


When Jian Ran called, Qin Yue was holding a temporary meeting with a few higher ups.    


He raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet before picking up the phone. "Is something the matter?"    


Jian Ran said, "I'm at the supermarket. Do you have anything you like to eat?"    


Qin Yue said calmly, "I'm not picky about food. Just do as you see fit."    


When Qin Yue said this, Xu Huiyi and Liu Yong were beside him. When the two of them heard him say this, they exchanged looks at the same time.    


If they said that CEO was not picky about food, Then I'm afraid there's no one else in the world who can be picky.    


When Qin Yue returned home, Jian Ran was busy in the kitchen.    


She was wearing an apron and her long black hair was casually tied up in a bun, revealing her fair neck. She was cooking with a spatula in her hand.    


Seeing her like this, it wasn't hard to imagine that she was also so outstanding at work.    


Qin Yue stared blankly for a while before he walked to the kitchen. "Jian Ran, I'm back."    


Jian Ran turned around and smiled faintly. "Go and change your clothes first. It will be dinner soon."    


Qin Yue stood still and did not move. "Jian Ran..."    


Jian Ran's hands did not stop moving. She turned around and looked at him. "What's wrong?"    


"I'm going to change my clothes." Qin Yue originally said that she didn't need to be busy cooking after work. He asked the cooking aunt to prepare it, but in his heart, he felt that eating the food personally cooked by his wife was also not bad.    


The way he felt at home was to go home after work and eat the hot food cooked by his wife instead of being cooked by the cooking lady.    


Jian Ran prepared three dishes and a soup. There were white sliced chicken, onion stir-fried meat, green stir-fried lotus root slices, and Golden Needle Mushroom minced meat soup.    


At noon, she saw that Qin Yue only ate some light dishes. Jian Ran guessed that he liked light food, so she made these few side dishes.    


Qin Yue changed his clothes and came out. The dishes were already on the table. When he saw the onions on the table, he frowned slightly, but soon he acted as if nothing had happened. Jian Ran naturally did not notice it either.    


Jian Ran brought the soup over and first served a bowl to Qin Yue. "I have been busy for the whole day. Let's drink a bowl of soup first."    


"Okay." Qin Yue took the bowl and took a sip.    


Jian Ran picked up the onions and put them into Qin Yue's bowl. "The onions are very healthy. Eat more."    


"Okay." Qin Yue nodded.    


However, he did not eat immediately. Instead, he drank the soup slowly.    


After he finished a bowl, he added another bowl. He also ate a few pieces of white sliced chicken and some lotus slices. He did not touch the bowl of rice and onions Jian Ran had picked up.    


Jian Ran noticed it and lowered her head to eat the rice in big mouthfuls. Her heart felt a little sour.    


Jian Ran did not speak again. Qin Yue also did not like to talk at the dining table. The atmosphere was very quiet for a moment.    


After the meal, Qin Yue was in charge of washing the dishes. Jian Ran did not say anything and turned around to return to the room.    


She knew that the relationship between her and Qin Yue was not that close yet, but she still could not help feeling sad when she saw him dislike her dishes so much.    


However, she thought about it carefully again. Their marriage was a marriage without any emotional foundation, and it was just for the sake of marriage.    



Although they were already husband and wife, the two of them did not know each other, nor were they intimate to the point of picking food for each other. It was her carelessness.    


In the future, she would try her best to be as respectful as a guest to him in life, and definitely wouldn't do anything out of line again.    


After thinking it through, Jian Ran also did not bother about the matter of picking food just now.    


She turned on the computer and prepared to carefully read the plan for the Starlight project. This Friday was the opening day. So many people had been busy for such a long time, so they definitely could not make any mistakes.    


Jian Ran just opened the folder when the phone on the side rang.    


Jian Ran saw that it was her best friend Ling Feiyu who called. When she picked up the call, she heard Ling Feiyu's fiery roar, "Damn girl, where did you die? Why didn't you tell me when you moved? You want to scare me to death?"    


Ling Feiyu was Jian Ran's high school and university classmate. Back then when Jian Ran betrayed her family, she was the only one standing by Jian Ran's side.    


Jian Ran decided to come to Jiangbei to develop. Ling Feiyu did not even think and dragged a simple suitcase along with Jian Ran as they left the bustling capital to Jiangbei City.    


She was worried that Jian Ran would do something stupid by herself. She originally wanted to accompany Jian Ran for two months and wait for Jian Ran to settle down before returning to the capital.    


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