My Husband, Warm The Bed

C17 Call Me Hubby

C17 Call Me Hubby

0Qin Yue sat up straight and continued to eat seriously and elegantly as usual. He did not say anything. He did not say whether the food was delicious or not.    


After getting along with him for a few days, Jian Ran knew that he did not speak much and did not care about these things with him.    


The two of them had almost finished eating. Jian Ran saw Qin Yue's red face and said worriedly, "Qin Yue, what happened to your face?"    


"It's nothing." Qin Yue got up. "I have to go out for a while. I might not come back tonight."    


Jian Ran looked at him and said sadly, "Then you have to be careful!"    


Qin Yue went back to his room to get a coat and quickly left without saying a word.    


When he went downstairs, he took out his phone and made a call. "Drive me to the hospital right away."    


On Monday, Qin Yue called to tell Jian Ran that he had gone on a business trip after not returning for a night. Jian Ran also had a new project to prepare.    


According to Zhao Junqing, the Starlight's leaders liked the proposal that Jian Ran made last time. This project was assigned to Jian Ran and she had to submit a preliminary proposal within three days.    


She only had a short three days. It would not be easy for her to submit a proposal that satisfied them.    


Jian Ran was also a person who was very strict with her work. If she directly started working, she would definitely be very dedicated. She would be so busy that she would not even eat.    


At noon, Wang Weiming walked over and looked at Jian Ran with some heartache. "Jian Ran, let's go out and have lunch together."    


Jian Ran did not even raise her head and said, "You guys go. I will go after I finish these things."    


He had worked with Jian Ran for three years. He knew that this was only Jian Ran's excuse. So he reached out and pressed Jian Ran's hand that was holding the mouse. "Jian Ran, let's go eat first, then you can come back and be busy, okay?"    


Jian Ran withdrew her hand and then looked up at Wang Weiming. Jian Ran felt that there was something wrong with his eyes. She seemed to have seen some feelings in Wang Weiming's eyes.    


Jian Ran's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that there were some things that she had to let Wang Weiming know. She could not let the misunderstanding continue.    


She pressed the standby button and got up. "Let's go"    


This was the first time Jian Ran agreed to eat with him. Wang Weiming was secretly happy. He chose a quiet shop and wanted to take the opportunity to talk to Jian Ran.    


After sitting down, Wang Weiming acted on his own initiative and ordered a few expensive dishes. He did not ask Jian Ran whether she liked it or not and looked at Jian Ran with a smile.    


Jian Ran understood, but pretended not to understand. She thought that it would be good if Qin Yue called her at this time.    


She had just thought of this when Jian Ran's phone rang.    


Jian Ran smiled apologetically to Wang Weiming. Then she answered the phone, "Hubby, I'm eating with my colleagues outside. You don't have to worry about me."    


"Jian Ran, are you showing off in front of me?" Ling Feiyu, who was on the other end of the phone, said discontentedly.    


Jian Ran smiled even more gently. "I know. I will do as you said. I will not not not eat. If you don't believe me, I will take a photo for you to see. "    


Ling Feiyu and Jian Ran had been friends for so many years. The two of them were as good as one another. At this moment, Ling Feiyu quickly understood what she meant.    


Hence, Ling Feiyu also cooperated with Jian Ran and said, "Then you should come back early tonight. I am waiting for you to warm my bed."    


Jian Ran changed into a shy smile again, "Don't say such nauseating words."    


Finishing, Jian Ran hung up the phone. But just as she hung up, another call came in. This time it was her real husband - Qin Yue!    


Jian Ran was slightly shocked in her heart. She looked at Wang Weiming and smiled embarrassedly before answering, "Hello?"    


Qin Yue's low and sexy voice came from the phone, "I asked someone to prepare lunch for you. Why didn't you go over?"    


Jian Ran could not say that she was already eating lunch. Otherwise, the scene she had just put on in front of Wang Weiming would be exposed.    


She simply gritted her teeth and said sweetly, "Hubby, I will take good care of myself. Don't worry."    


When Jian Ran said this, the other end of the phone was silent for a long time. It was so silent that Jian Ran thought that Qin Yue had hung up.    


After a long while, she did not hear Qin Yue speak. Jian Ran secretly felt that something was wrong. She did not know how Qin Yue would look at her.    


After a long time, she heard Qin Yue's low and deep voice coming from the phone. "I can only go back on Thursday. You take care of yourself."    


"Okay." Jian Ran secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, Qin Yue would be back in a few days. When he came back, he should have forgotten about this matter.    


Wang Weiming had an injured expression on his face when he heard Jian Ran call her husband. When Jian Ran hung up the phone, he said, "Jian Ran, you are married?"    


Jian Ran nodded and said, "It should not be strange for me to get married."    


Wang Weiming could not say a lot of things that he had prepared. He just smiled sadly. "I wish you well."    


Although he was interested in Jian Ran, he felt that he was not good enough for her. It was a good thing that he comforted Jian Ran that she had a good husband.    


Jian Ran smiled and thanked him. In her heart, she also praised her wit.    


Before Wang Weiming said what he wanted to say, she let him know that she was married. In the future, everyone could still work as well as before, and it would not be awkward for them to meet.    


However, that night, Jian Ran did not feel that she was very quick-witted.    


When she slept that night, Jian Ran felt that there was a person sitting beside her.    


She was originally very sleepy. When she smelled the familiar clean and cool scent of a man, she was instantly scared awake.    


She sat up abruptly, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the man sitting by the bed in surprise: "Didn't you say you'll only be back on Thursday?"    


Qin Yue replied indifferently, "I have something urgent to attend to at the last minute. I will fly back to Xiao Shan tomorrow morning."    


His original plan was to come on Thursday, but since Jian Ran had hinted that she missed him, as her husband, he could not pretend not to hear her.    


After talking to Jian Ran in the afternoon, he asked his assistant to book a flight for him for the night. He would fly back to work tomorrow morning.    


Thinking about the phone call at noon, Jian Ran blushed and scratched her head. "Did you have dinner? Do you want me to cook some supper?"    


It was eight o'clock in the evening when Qin Yue finished talking about work. After that, he immediately rushed to the airport and took the flight back to Jiangbei at ten o'clock in the evening.    



It took him more than two hours to fly from Xiao Shan to Jiangbei. He arrived at the airport in Jiangbei at one o'clock in the morning and then went back home. It was already two o'clock in the morning.    


At nine o'clock in the morning, he still had a very important meeting to attend. The secretary had booked a flight from Jiangbei to Xiao Shan at five o'clock in the morning for Qin Yue. He was going to leave for the airport in an hour.    


He was in a hurry. Qin Yue never ate the food provided by the plane, so he hadn't eaten since noon yesterday.    


He was so busy that he didn't even eat before rushing back because Jian Ran hinted that she missed him. Jian Ran wanted to make supper for him because she wanted to spend more time with him.    


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