My Husband, Warm The Bed

C23 This Is a Real Kiss

C23 This Is a Real Kiss

0Jian Ran looked up. She saw Qin Yue cutting the steak elegantly without making a sound. This was a perfect and eye-opening scene.    


She looked at herself again. Usually, she did not feel that there was a problem with her eating Western food. Compared to Qin Yue, she knew who was better and who was worse.    


Qin Yue cut the steak and pushed his share to her. "You eat first."    


Jian Ran smiled. "Thank you!"    


She ate the steak that Qin Yue personally cut. Jian Ran's heart was sweet. It had been a long time since she felt this way.    


After the meal, Jian Ran was full. The bottle of wine was almost finished by her. She felt dizzy.    


Her usual alcohol tolerance was not bad. Today, she and Qin Yue only drank one bottle of wine, but she felt drunk.    


Jian Ran thought, maybe she was drunk.    


In the restaurant that could see the night view of Jiangbei, she listened to beautiful music. She and Qin Yue, such a good-looking man (this man was also her husband) ate together. She didn't need to drink at all. This atmosphere alone was enough to make her drunk.    


She smiled and said, "Qin Yue, thank you for giving me such a romantic dinner."    


Qin Yue smiled meaningfully. He used his low and sexy voice to calmly say, "Go and thank Special Assistant Xu. Everything tonight was arranged by her."    


Jian Ran's heart was in a mess. She really wanted to stomp Qin Yue under her feet and ask, "Does your mother know that you speak like this? Do you still want to live a good life?"    


Of course, Jian Ran could only think about it. She really did not have the courage to stomp this aloof CEO under her feet.    


However, Jian Ran also understood that even if it was arranged by Special Assistant Xu, If not for CEO's approval, this matter would not have happened.    


After she thought this way, Jian Ran felt much better. Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, which made her less reserved in front of Qin Yue. She playfully pouted at Qin Yue. "You are a man who lies."    


Her pouting action made her lips that were dyed red like red cherries, making people salivate.    


Qin Yue's eyes darkened. "Sit over here a little."    


His voice was sexy and deep, and his tone was overbearing. Jian Ran was resisting in her heart, but her body was very honest as she sat over to him.    


"Jian Ran..." He called her name in a deep voice, as intoxicating as the red wine he drank tonight.    


Jian Ran blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at him in confusion, "What?"    


The next moment, Qin Yue wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his head and kissed her hard. At first, it was just four overlapping lips, but Qin Yue gradually became dishonest.    


Jian Ran was shocked and embarrassed, and she could not help but snort.    


Qin Yue took the opportunity to pry open her neat teeth and wrapped it around the tip of her tongue. He used his actions to tell her what a real verbal battle was.    


He kissed for a long time before it ended. He kissed so hard that Jian Ran's body went soft. Her two hands subconsciously grabbed his clothes tightly.    


Before she could recover her senses, she saw Qin Yue's fingers gently caressing her lips. He used his languid voice that was even more intoxicating than red wine to say, "This is what a real kiss is."    


Jian Ran's heart was in a mess again. It turned out that this man had always remembered what happened in the car. He was really a petty man.    


She gritted her teeth and really wanted to pounce over and kiss him fiercely like how he kissed her. No matter how proud she was, she loudly told him, "Don't think that only you know how to do it. I also know how to do it."    


However, her imagination was very rich, and reality was very bone-chilling. Jian Ran was already so embarrassed that she could not raise her head when she thought of this. She did not even have the courage to secretly look at Qin Yue.    


On the way home, Jian Ran kept looking out of the car window. She thought of many things.    


Qin Yue had prepared such a romantic dinner for her. He had just kissed her and they would sleep on the same bed at night. Something might happen. She could think of it with her toes.    


She and Qin Yue were husband and wife, so it was natural that something like that would happen. But Jian Ran felt that she was not fully prepared, so she felt a little weak in her heart.    


When the driver drove past the red woods not far from their residential area, she suddenly shouted, "Stop the car."    


The driver looked at Qin Yue through the rearview mirror. He only slowed down when he saw Qin Yue nod. He found a place to stop the car.    


Jian Ran quickly opened the door and got out of the car. She stood outside the door and said to Qin Yue, "I want to go down for a while. You can go back first."    


She thought in her heart, Wait for Qin Yue to go back and sleep first. She waited until he fell asleep before going back. Then she wouldn't have to face such an embarrassing thing as lying on the bed and covering herself with a blanket to chat.    


She did not know that Qin Yue also got out of the car. He handed a thick glove to her. "Put it on. I'll walk with you for a while."    


"I don't need you to accompany me." Her goal was to leave him. If he followed her, it would seem that she wanted to take a walk with him.    


He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, saying in a deep voice, "Let's go back together now, or walk together. It's up to you to choose."    


Jian Ran thought to herself that this man had switched to overbearing mode again.    


These two choices were not what she wanted, but to walk together was better than going home and lie down together. It was better to be in bed, so Jian Ran chose to take a walk together.    


She put on the gloves that he gave her and Jian Ran smiled. "Thank you."    


Qin Yue did not say anything. He held her hand and slowly walked along the beach park.    


It was not early anymore. However, there were quite a lot of people walking around the beach park. Occasionally, a couple would walk by them.    


Some were holding hands, some were boys carrying girlfriends, and some were hugging and kissing people who didn't care about passing by.    


Jian Ran looked at others kissing and remembered what Qin Yue had done to her just now.    


When he kissed her, she was indeed frightened. She did not even properly enjoy the first time he kissed her.    


At this time, she slowly recalled. She only had one feeling, and that was that she didn't hate Qin Yue kissing her.    


When she thought of this, Jian Ran quietly raised her head to look at Qin Yue. She met his gentle gaze again, making her involuntarily lean towards his embrace.    


The sea breeze at night was very cold, but Jian Ran, who was always afraid of the cold, did not feel cold this time. Perhaps it was because there was someone by her side who could block the wind for her.    


After they walked for a while, Jian Ran stopped and said in a hurry, "Qin Yue, do you know what I thought the first time I came here?"    


Qin Yue did not say anything, but his eyes told her to continue.    



Jian Ran pointed at the shallow sea area and said with joy, "At that time, I thought. If I had enough money, I would dig deeper into the shallow sea. Then I would build a paradise on the sea in the middle of this area. It will not be open to the public and will only be open to oneself. I'm tired. When I'm in a bad mood, I'll come up and take a walk by myself. The sea breeze, the sound of the waves... Look at the freely flying seabirds. "It's so beautiful just thinking about it."    


Jian Ran said a lot in one breath, as if there was a paradise of the sea in front of her, and she was enjoying all the beauty in her heart.    


Qin Yue listened carefully and did not interrupt her. Instead, he reached out and held her hand.    


Jian Ran smiled again, "Of course, this is just a random thought."    


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