Young Master's Reborn Wonder Wife

C25 I'll Reward You with Two Candies

C25 I'll Reward You with Two Candies

0Hearing her question, a trace of panic flashed across Jian Qin's long eyelashes. "There are a lot of herbs on the mountain over at my house, so I found some and learned some."    


"Self-study?" Aunt Nan could not help but be surprised, "To be able to learn to this extent at such a young age, it is simply inconceivable. Jian Qin, do you want to go to the capital to study? There are even more good teachers there to teach you."    


Although western medicine was highly sought after in both the domestic and foreign countries, there were still many experts in medicine in the country. Jian Qin used the combination of acupuncture and medicine that she learned from herself to achieve great results in the future.    


"Let's wait for Fu Jingshen to recover." Jian Qin lowered her eyes and said lightly.    


"Yes, yes, yes. When the time comes, you and Master Shen will go to the capital together. Master Shen's home is actually in the capital, but..."    


Aunt Nan wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


Jian Qin tilted her head. "But what?"    


"Nothing? Jian Qin doesn't need to worry about going to the capital. Master Shen's family is over there. Even if you go to the capital, Master Shen will definitely take good care of you."    


Aunt Nan originally wanted to talk about the Fu family, but after thinking about it, Jian Qin was so young. If she was told about the turbulent situation in the Fu family, it would scare her so much that she didn't dare to marry Master Shen, then the loss would outweigh the gain.    


Jian Qin heard this and didn't say anything. Seeing that it was getting late, she packed her schoolbag and prepared to go back.    


"Stay here and eat dinner before going back."    


Aunt Nan stopped her and said to her.    


"No need."    


It was getting late. She didn't know if the Shen family had a curfew.    


She wasn't afraid of the Shen family, but she didn't want to have any conflicts with them either.    


"I'm a bit blind at night, so I can't drive at night. Chen Ye and Master Shen have something to do in the study, so they might not come out until later."    


Aunt Nan quickly said.    


As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator beside them rang. Chen Ye and Fu Jingshen came out of the elevator and entered the living room.    


"I just called your father. I have some matters to attend to and passed by Shen family later. It just so happens that I will send you back after dinner."    


Fu Jingshen said to her in a low voice.    


Only then did Aunt Nan heave a sigh of relief.    


It was not easy for her to drag it out until now, because she wanted Master Shen and Jian Qin to stay for a while longer.    


Aunt Nan placed the fried medicine on the table and said to Fu Jingshen, "Master Shen, Jian Qin spent a lot of effort to fry this. You drink it while it's hot, I'll go and cook. Chen Ye, come and help me out."    


"Ah? How could a man like me know how to cook?"    


Chen Ye looked confused.    


"Let me do it."    


Jian Qin was just about to step forward when Aunt Nan quickly said, "No need." She grabbed Chen Ye's ear and ignored his shouting and directly carried him into the kitchen and closed the door.    


"Chen Ye learned fast."    


Fu Jingshen said lightly. His slender fingers picked up the medicine on the table. "Thank you for your hard work. Sit down and rest for a while."    


Jian Qin sat down on the sofa next to him.    


Fu Jingshen drank the medicine. Although he was mentally prepared, the bitter taste still made him frown. He endured the bitter taste and drank the medicine.    


A fair hand was handed over and two hard sugar were placed in the palm.    


He looked up and saw Jian Qin's smiling face, "You are so obedient. I will reward you with two sugar."    


Her voice was soft as if she was coaxing a child.    


Fu Jingshen,... ""    


Seeing that he did not accept it, Jian Qin directly stuffed the candy into his hands, leaving a strawberry taste. She peeled off the candy paper and stuffed it into her mouth, then leaned against the sofa and turned on the television.    


The medicine was very bitter. The medicine that she had just tasted until now had a bitter taste on the tip of her tongue.    


She did not expect that Fu Jingshen could still finish drinking it.    


Endurance was okay.    


Seeing her like this, Fu Jingshen seemed to understand that she really did mean it on purpose. It was like a child wearing adult clothes and thinking that he was an adult.    


He couldn't help but chuckle and look down at his palm.    


"I don't like peach flavors. Is there any other flavors?"    


"Let me take a look." Jian Qin took out a handful of sugar from her pocket and went forward to pass it to him. "You can choose what flavors you like."    


Her palm, the tip of her finger was slender and there was a thin cocoon in her palm. It could be seen that she was not spoiled out of habit.    


He looked up and saw that there was a smile on her usually cold face. The joy in her eyes was clearly easy to see and her mood seemed to be good.    


But almost instantly, Fu Jingshen suddenly thought of the young man in the afternoon, and the love letter in the car. An inexplicable impulse attacked him.    


He remembered Jian Qin saying that she did not like him seeing her as a child.    


It seemed that it was necessary to change his mind.    


Fu Jingshen's eyes darkened. He gently held her hand, stood up, and kissed her lips.    


Sweets spilled all over the floor.    


Jian Qin was so shocked that her eyes suddenly widened. Almost instantly, she reflexively threw a punch at him.    



Fu Jingshen seemed to have guessed her movements and firmly grabbed her wrist.    


Obviously, he had professional training. Jian Qin's hand was caught and did not have the strength to fight back. Her eyes were full of panic and annoyance. She opened her mouth and bit at him.    


The smell of blood was heavy.    


Fu Jingshen groaned in pain. He lifted his eyelids but did not let go of her. Instead, he took the opportunity to pry open her teeth. The rich and sweet strawberry smell spread between his lips.    


Only then did Fu Jingshen let go of her and sat back on the sofa. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and lightly bit on the candy. He looked at her casually and said with a faint smile, "I like this."    


"Fu Jingshen! I will kill you!"    


Jian Qin's face was full of anger, and a bloody killing intent flashed across her eyes.    


Fu Jingshen narrowed his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth, as if nothing had happened from the beginning to the end. He laughed lightly, "You want to kill me? Why?"    


"I kissed you?"    


The bitter taste in his mouth did indeed dissipate a lot, and what replaced it was the sweet fragrance of the candy.    


Fu Jingshen put his hand on the armrest and pressed his fingertip against his forehead.    


Hearing this, Jian Qin felt even more furious. A pair of eyes that were about to turn ice cold looked at Fu Jingshen, and she clenched her fists tightly, "If you dare to touch me again, I will definitely kill you!"    


The disgust in her eyes was real. It was not an act.    


But just now, the panic and fear in her eyes were real.    


Was she afraid of being intimate with men?    


For some reason, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


"If that's the case, then why did you agree to the marriage? You don't think marriage is child's play, do you?" Fu Jingshen looked at her with a faint smile, trying to see something from her eyes.    


But she quickly looked away. Her voice was cold and had some calmness. "If I knew you were such a person, I wouldn't have agreed."    


"From what you said, you knew me before?"    


Fu Jingshen asked softly.    


He knew a lot of people, but this little girl was very young and had such a cold personality. Even in the past, he would pay more attention to her.    


But he was sure that he did not know this little girl.    


Before, he thought that she came prepared, but after coming into contact with her for the past two days, he realized that she did not have any ill intentions. Instead, it seemed that she really came to treat his legs.    


"I don't know."    


Jian Qin sat on the sofa in a fit of anger.    


Fu Jingshen estimated that her anger had mostly dissipated.    


Although the little girl had a big temper, she did not hold a grudge.    


Fu Jingshen deliberately wanted to tease her, "I snatched your candy. It's my fault. Otherwise, I'll return the candy to you."    


"Fu! Jing! Shen!"    


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