The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C137 Powerful Intruders

C137 Powerful Intruders

0They appeared in another cave which wasn't much different from the one they just left at first. But as they went deeper, it felt like their magic was being sucked away. They stopped halfway and started to investigate their surroundings.    


"I didn't find any magic circle or symbols etched in the walls."    


"I didn't find any either. There's nothing pointing to the existence of a man draining pattern."    


"That means whatever is draining our magic is deeper in the cave. Whatever it is, we have to be prepared to face it," Amaika said, starting to seal their magic. Marvis shook his head vigorously.    


"You're thinking of going further in?! No way! We're finding a way out of here and going back to Natalia. There is no way I am going deeper into the heart of a mysterious cave that drains even fairies of their magic."    


"Whatever is in there is drawing me. I cannot contain my curiosity. You can find the exit with Cheese if you wish."    


"There is no way we are separating from each other. What if something happens to us? What if you die?"    


"I cannot die. You've been frequenting theaters too much. I'm going in and you cannot stop me. You can come along if you wish to protect me. If you want to come, I can help you seal your magic so it won't be stolen from you. You'll just have to bear the environment with your bare bodies."    


"If you seal Cheese's mana, Cheese cannot fly," Cheese pointed out.    


"You can stay in Marvis's hair," Amaika gestured to Marvis's hair. She immediately flew in and made herself comfortable while Amaika sealed their magic. Marvis immediately felt his bones creak under a strange type of gravity.    


"What in the name of the gods is this?!"    


"Try to keep up, Marvis."    


Amaika walked forward quite easily while Marvis struggled with each step. It felt like he was trying to walk in water with mild current. He fought to keep the center of his gravity while keeping a close eye on Amaika. They walked for about an hour until he felt the gravity lift. Before he began to rejoice, he felt an unholy stench hit his nose along with searing heat that made his body visibly sizzle.    


"Should've just gone back," he mumbled, trying to run across. His body felt lighter but he was starting to get tired, even though he was most confident about his stamina. Amaika was still going easily, infuriating him.    


"Stupid birds with their stupid ability to deal with gravity and the weather!"    


"Cursing me won't help you in anyway. I'm sure you know that."    


"I don't need those super sharp bird ears listening in on me right now. I need them knowing if we're close to where we're going."    


"We're close but…we're stuck in a formation that we either have to complete or break out of."    


"Great! Just great! No wonder there weren't any symbols on the wall. You're doing alright there, Cheese?"    


"Cheese has been fine all along. Fairies can easily stand change in weather and gravity," the fairy replied.    


"So I'm the only one suffering? How wonderful. Next time, I would rather die than follow you anywhere, Amaika."    


The two began looking for anything out of the ordinary that could point out to being the center of the magic formation they were stuck in. Once they couldn't find it, they moved on, significantly slowing their journey. Finally, they reached a place the cave seemed to connect from the outside. It was a waterfall, a marker that could tell them where they were finally. They could also drink water and fill their bellies after hours of constantly moving. Since it was already dark, they decided to spend the night, setting up camp. Amaika unsealed their magic and Marvis felt his mana move more smoothly in his body than a few hours ago. It was simply magical. He couldn't believe it.    


While they were stuck in a never ending formation, Natalia felt stuck and bored out of her mind organizing the auction. She had completed most of it but the final details were taking a longer time to complete. Finally done at midnight, she wondered why Amaika, Marvis and Cheese hadn't yet returned. As she did, a fire ignited on her palm and a letter appeared within it. She recognized the mana to be her grandmother's and opened it.    


"Remarkable. Even in this life, he is consistently annoying," she remarked after reading its content. Before she knew what to do about it, another letter appeared on her palms. This time, it was from her mother.    


"She met the Queen? I had no idea she was in the capital. Surely, she wouldn't have encountered something intentionally foolish…no, there it is. The Queen wants me engaged to the crown prince? There should be a cap to this level of disrespect and disregard. This is tiring."    


She kept both letters and took a walk out of her room. She ended up in the garden maze, sitting on a bench outside. There, she slowly began to release her aura. Her whole body started to change. Her hair became longer, slowly changing color to white. Strange characters began to appear on her limbs, wriggling like snakes. The process was agonizing as her whole body was being remade but she bore it without flinching once. The final marker was her eyes turning completely white.    




{Natalia. It's been a while since you've called for me. What is the occasion?}    


"I've been thinking about speeding up the entire process. Have you gathered enough mana yet?"    


{Even if I have, it is not time for me to revive yet. Not only can your body and soul not bear it, it could lead to the destruction of the world again. Be more patient.}    


"I have been patient for years."    


{And I have been patient for centuries. By that logic, shouldn't I be the most impatient? Now, revert back before the other gods realize my presence.}    


She sighed, starting the process all over again. It was even more painful but she bore it again until her body was back to normal. She was a bit weak and sore from doing all that. Her instincts sensed something and she lifted her hand, catching an arrow before it could reach her face. From the tip of the arrow, she could smell poison. She looked up and saw a rain of arrows coming down on her.    


Snapping her finger, she disappeared. Immediately, a group of men appeared from the maze where she stood before, looking for her. She watched them as she floated in the sky, counting how many they were. It wouldn't be long until they spotted her presence. All of them were nearly semi-transcendental, which was supposed to be rare in their current world. She immediately knew it was the organisation chasing her.    


She appeared in front of the first one and was shot at on instinct. She disappeared, appearing beside him again, her hand slicing through his shoulder like butter. He cried out, attracting the others to where he was. She appeared behind the group, immediately taking the head off the last person there. She took the head, dropped it somewhere and appeared behind them again. This time, they were ready, releasing a volley of arrows when she appeared. She seemed to pause through them like a phantom but before they knew it, two of them had already died while they were distracted by a mirage.    


"Three down, five to go," she mumbled under her breath. She went up again and began drawing a magic circle in the air using her fingers. Her assailants were trapped in the magic circle and before they could think to break free, fire descended down on them and thorny plants snaked around their bodies so they could escape. Because of the magic circle she created, no one could hear them scream or cry for help.    


"I hope you like my new spell. I created it just for you. Now, where is that last one hiding in the bush?" She loudly said, turning around. From the forest surrounding the mansion, there was a large arrow docked, aimed at her head. The person holding the arrow was well hidden and from his mana aura, more powerful than the other ones stuck in her spell. He released the arrow, overjoyed that it finally went through her head. However, his joy soonest turned to horror when he realized that it was only a mirage.    


"I could only wonder why you're all trying to kill me. I would prefer negotiations but that would mean I would know who your leaders are first. But thank you for volunteering to be my prisoner," he heard her voice behind her and everything went black.    


"Sending a semi-transcendental to kill me, no, having so many of them on the first place, is there truly an organisation like that? Well, thanks to this kind man, I'll find that out," she chuckled to herself as she flew back to her room, the scene of carnage slowly clearing away like it didn't exist.    


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