The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C82 Welcome Party

C82 Welcome Party

0The person in charge of greeting and getting the delegates settled was the Second Prince, Timothy. He was someone heavily involved in international politics and trade so he was more familiar with the delegation from other nations. However, since the people of Polivia were very conservative and liked to keep to themselves, his standing was lower than his sister's. Nonetheless, he was a strong contender for the throne alongside his sisters.    


The delegation were welcomed in the guest palace where they were all staying. The unique architecture of Polivia and the sky tube always awed foreigners when they came to Polivia. A welcoming party was held for all the wedding guests in the Queen's palace, where everyone basically attended except Natalia.    


"It's a pleasure to meet your highness of Polivia again," Marquis Orland greeted. The princess gave a courteous response, still holding Sebastian's hand. He had on a neutral expression as always, less pleased because his sister could not attend so she wouldn't be seen.    


"It feels like a gaping hole in high society without the Adamantine family," he said, looking at Sebastian.    


"I really thought with us gone, you'd finally shine. Was I wrong, Marquis Orland? It must have been torture being in my shadow all this while. Please, allow me to congratulate you on your engagement to Lady Borisque. I hope your union brings prosperity for Ducroft."    


".....I'm glad to you haven't changed at all, Lord Sebastian."    


"I didn't think we were so close for you to be addressing me by name. Now, if you'd excuse us, we have other guests to greet. Please enjoy the party," Sebastian said, turning away with Princess Temara on his arm.    


"You didn't have to be so rude, you know?"    


"I don't like what I don't like," Sebastian replied stubbornly.    


"You and your ridiculously high standards. It can be a real pain in the arse sometimes, you know?"    


"If it gets you to swear more often, I won't mind doing it," he smirked.    


"You are so strange," she whispered back, shaking her head.    


"I heard the relationship between the First Princess of Polivia and Lord Adamantine was estranged. I guess those rumors were entirely wrong," Crown Prince Reagan rudely interrupted their conversation. The faces they gave him was identical, an expression of annoyance before they fixed it up to a fake smile.    


"People like to talk, your Imperial highness. I would never behave in a manner that would embarrass her highness," Sebastian replied.    


"I can believe that. You are, after all, the older brother of the famous flower of the capital. By the way, I'm sorry for your loss. It must've been hard going through with the wedding despite not being able to mourn your own sister properly. I heard the two of you were very close."    


In an instant, the atmosphere changed. People intentionally avoided the topic while talking to them but they leaned in, curious to hear the response Sebastian would give to Reagan.    


"I didn't know your Imperial highness was such a benevolent person. Thank you for caring about me. Meeting her highness has really changed me and this was also thanks to my sister. I really hope you would enjoy the wedding because it brings me great joy as well," Sebastian responded with a genuine smile. Beside him, Princess Temara blushed beside herself.    


"So this is why her highness instructed us not to talk about Lady Adamantine during the welcome party. I had no idea she was deceased," Lady Lorelei commented to herself. Beside her, Duchess Everon spat out her drink in a sudden bout of laughter. She immediately caught attention because she was choking on the liquid. Shaking her head in disappointment, Lady Lorelei led her out of the room.    


While the party went on, for better or worse, Natalia was enjoying her night resting on her very comfortable natural heat and comfort pillow, Marvis. She played with the dragon pendant in her hand, finally remembering it after months. She could still feel the mana of the dragon with the warmth it constantly radiated but she didn't know what to do with it. She called the one person who would know what to do with it.    


{I didn't notice it before you have an impressive mana storage built. If this was in the old days, you would be considered a genius among geniuses!}    


"Thank you. I feel like I've hit a wall and I can't progress no matter what. I also don't know what to do with the dragon you trapped."    


{The answers to those inquiries are linked. To progress, we're going to have to make an upgrade to the circle you use. For a magic circle to increase its efficacy, you need to place a conduit that purifies the mana for easy absorption. For my ascension, I used the seed of Yggdrasil. To continue absorbing mana, using a dragon for a conduit is more than enough, especially at your level.}    


"Okay then. Now that you're a goddess, what happened to the fairies?"    


{They all reside with me in the heavenly court. They like it there and they tend to my mansion so I don't have to worry about anything}    


"So basically, they do all your work?"    


{Yes. It's something that's easy for them to do and it's safer for them inside the mansion so they won't get kidnapped or coerced by the other gods, especially now that I'm running around the heavenly court trying to find out what happened to the original gods}    


"Original gods? Do you mean the gods that resided in the heavenly courts before other gods started ascending?"    


{Yes. There were originally ruled by the Queen of the gods, Nataroth. The goddess of…..}    


"Destiny. I thought she was a myth."    


{Many humans think she is. The original gods are said to be more a part of nature than sentient beings that rule the heavenly court but there was indeed a time the original gods ruled over the heavenly court and the earth. One by one, all of them died, their traces erased from the world. Nataroth mourned them day and night, crying for her children and lover that she lost. She was the last to die, betrayed by the elder gods.}    


"She had a lover? And Children?"    


{Nataroth is the first born god of this world, the first creation. When the universe yielded Nataroth with its knowledge and the gift of time, she began shape the world with that knowledge. Then, the universe yielded Egerth, the god of nature, her lover. From the god of nature, humans and other races were born, including mine}    


"How did she die?"    


{She was experiencing heavenly tribulation and failed to ascend because of the interference of the other ascended gods.}    


"Wait, but she's an original god! Why is she ascending?"    


{The universe is billions and billions of years old. Did you really think we are the only ones that reside in this eternal cosmos? There are original gods much older and much stronger than Nataroth. There are civilizations that can destroy this world and its gods in a fraction of a second. Nataroth saw a deadly future and tried to avoid it by instructing the gods to withdraw from Earth but as you may have thought, the ascended gods were not pleased with that decision because…..}    


"They get most of their power from human worship."    


{Exactly. How did you know?}    


"I….. don't. The words are just coming out of my mouth."    


{Hmm…..okay. Let's fix your circles before I return. I can't spend too much time here, you know}    


Instead of returning to the ball, Lady Lorelei and Duchess Everon loitered about the hall, having fixed the issue of the spilt wine already. They both dipped their legs into the pool in the Queen's garden, looking up at the skies. From a short distance away, they could hear a lady giggling and the voice of a man beside her.    


"The moon looks brighter tonight."    


"So, you're really not going to say anything after embarrassing yourself like that inside the welcoming party?! Do you know how damaged your reputation has become?! Your chances of finding a husband was already slim before, now it has become zero!"    


"Can you stop scolding me anytime you like? I didn't ask for your help."    


"It was….my fault you laughed, right? I was at least responsible so I took responsibility."    


"Then, why are you still here? You're the one that said you never wanted to see me again after what I did. Why are you sitting beside me knowing damn well how I feel?!"    


"Ugh, that party feels so stuffy I could suffocate off the pressure alone! The world is….much bigger than the one I have known since I became a lady. I wanted to escape from there, even if you're my reason for doing so," Last Lorelei responded in a small voice.    


"So has your prejudice finally gone or you still trying to figure out which noble lady is having a tryst right behind us?"    


"Don't raise your voice, I'm still confirming!"    


Duchess Everon laughed and took her gaze back to the moon. It's been a long time she was able to sit down peacefully beside Lady Lorelei but the only thing on her mind was how Natalia was going to survive the royal wedding without repercussions. It was something she was dying to see.    


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