The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C62 Peaceful Death

C62 Peaceful Death

0The rumors about Sebastian grew worse and more malicious by the day. From him bausing his connnection to the first princess to abuse his workers to him treating everyone as if they were beneath him because he was from the kingdom of Ducroft. Temara was worried about him but he didn’t stop, imposing more daunting deadlines on the workers and carrying out his plans speedily. The person that was meant to stop him, Amaika, was focused on something else, something they considered important.    


Finally, the day they anticipated seemed to have arrived. The pieces of their plans had come together and they had come to present it to the Queen. There was a commotion in the Queen’s palace as Temara and Sebastian walked there together with the laborers who drew carts to the Queen’s garden.    


“To cause quite a commotion, I do hope you have something reasonable to present, Lord Sebastian” the queen said, her cold tone tinged with curiosity.    


“I am sure I would be able to impress your majesty. If you would follow us to the garden, I want to present what I have been preparing for the last three months to your majesty”    


“Alright, I shall follow you”    


They made their way with the Queen in front. From a corner of the Queen’s palace, a curious king joined them. The Queen merely glanced at her husband and continued walking until they reached the garden. Under Amaika’s watchful eyes, the laborers set up and prepared to display the goods. The servants from the first princess’s palace set up chairs for the King and Queen to sit. Sebastian walked forward to meet with Amaika.    


“Are there any problems?” he whispered.    


“You’re asking me that at this crutial moment? I thought you were someone that didn’t second guess your decisions”    


“I am not. We might have been sabotaged”    


“’re not wrong. Well, we will just return in that case”    


“I can’t give up like that!”    


“What are we whispering about?” Temara dipped her head beside them, staring at them both. The two froze, turning their head slowly to look at her.    


“Nothing, your highness. We will begin now”    


“Okay then, I wish you two the best of luck!” she cheered sincerely.    


Natalia appeared in her bathroom, clutching her spinning head. Using the last of her strength, she changed her clothes and lay on her bed. Her shaky hands lifted the pouch she held, pouring the rest of the poison into her mouth. She coughed after swallowing most of it, spilling dark fluid all over her dress. Using magic, she burned the pouch, making her weaker.    


{After taking the rest of the poison, your body would begin to shut down within a couple of minutes. Your body would start to feel heavy and in a few more minutes, you will achieve the state of near death. You only have three hours in that state for me to heal you before you actually die. Don’t die, Natalia}    


It wasn’t like Madaline’s instructions were unclear. It was that it wasn’t so easy. Having experienced death before, Natalia could tell she was lingering at death’s door. She wondered; if she actually die, will death turn her away once more or would she finally be rid of her mortal coils?    


Outside, there was a large commotion following the return of the noblemen that escaped the forest. The mansion fell into panic as several soldiers from the dukedom and the town flocked into the forest, including the royal soldiers that accompanied the royal family. They rushed to control the situation, protecting the noblewomen that rushed back into the mansion.    


Only the Queen remembered Natalia, rushing up to her room. She ripped the door opened and walked in on exactly what she feared. Natalia was convusling in bed, struggling to breathe as the posion seeped deeper into her body. The Queen sat by her side, holding her hand while she helplessly called for someone, anyone to help.    


“Y-Your…..majesty, why?”    


“.......I have dwelt in guilt for a long time. I know the sins we committed against you. Even if this is all I can do for you, I won’t…..let you die alone” she said, holding Natalia’s hand tighter. Natalia’s vision was failing her already but she could tell the Queen was crying from the wetness she felt on her hand.    


“W-Will….you….listen….t-to…my…..request then?”    


“I’d do anything, I swear on my honor”    


“Tell my husband…….that I hope…..we don’t meet again in another lifetime”    


The Queen finally understood the relationship between the two. It was just so pitiful that she only found at when Natalia’s life neared its end. All she could do was sit there and watch a flower wither.    


Natalia’s breath slowed until it only came out in short pants. Her eyes fluttered shut and she sighed, mumbling something. The Queen wanted her to say it again but as she leaned on Natalia’s face, she soon found out that Natalia wasn’t breathing anymore.    


A heartwrenching cry emerged from the throat of the queen. It was perfect for the atmosphere outside of the mansion. Most of the monsters were dealt with by the Grand Duke and the Crown prince. Even the King came out to fight, incuring some fatal injuries from the dragons that seemed to only target him. The royal guards and the crown prince suffered serious injuries, soon retreating to the backlines. They underwent treatment in the hands of the physicians called by the merchant association which put most of them in a deep sleep, including the King.    


The sun went down and the Grand Duke had calmed the situation on his own. He was covered in blood and various injuries but his steps didn’t falter as he ran into his own house, going to check up on his wife. When he walked in with the Basilisk’s gall, he found the queen weeping over the lifeless body of his wife. Her eyes were closed and there was a smile on her face, like she was just resting peacefully but he couldn’t feel any signs of life.    


“No, it can’t be. You can’t die. YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME, NATALIA! You can’t……”    


“How dare you?! How dare you come in here after all you’ve done?! Her last words were ‘I hope we don’t meet again in another life’. However you have treated her, I’m sure she didn’t deserve it. I’m sure you’re glad that she’s dead and you can now have the one you love”    


“Shut up” Fredrich said coldly, plunging his hand into her chest. He withdrew her heart, still beating. Her body fell to the floor, her face contorted in shock. He walked out of the mansion with the beating heart still in his hand, throwing it at the feet of the crown prince. William jumped, terrified as he looked up at the calm, almost demonic face of the Grand Duke. beside him, Francesca shook like a leaf, holding on to his injured arm.    


“Don’t worry, I will send you to be with your mother soon”    


His hand swept down, taking their heads off cleanly. He did this in front of others, incurring a public outcry. But when they saw the king’s head fly, they were all as calm as a lake. It was clearly a takeover. Seeing him kill the royal family so easily, if they so much as spoke out, their heads would fly next.    


“I sent them to accompany you in the afterlife, Natalia. I……will not apologize, not yet. One day, when we meet again, I will apologize then”    


The proverb, you don’t realize what you have until you lose it, definitely applied there. Without taking the time to mourn, Fredrich immediately took over, declaring himself the next king.    


From the balcony of the deceased Grand Duchess, a particular black clothed man entered. He walked in, glancing at the corpse on the bed. He touched his chest, still feeling the binding she placed on him. She was not dead yet. But she was vulnerable. He had the chance to leave her there and wait for the three hours to pass so she would completely die.    


“What are you waiting for? We don’t have much time before the guards come back to carry her. Are you thinking of backing out, Cage?” the cold voice of the woman that tormented him for the past few months came from the doorway. She walked to the bed, picking up the light body of the Grand Duchess. Cage rolled his eyes, taking the body from her hands.    


They were on track with the plan as a carriage waited in the now-abandoned western entrance of the mansion. With all the guards attending to the monster rampage, they had the opportunity to sneak out of the mansion, heading straight into Traisen. The real part of the plan….had only begun. They passed into the town, bypassing the town guards that still remained. Everyone was holed up in their houses due to the monster rampage threat so they passed by uninterrupted until they finally reached Countess Quartz’s home.    


“She feels cold and lifeless like a real corpse. Hard to believe she isn’t dead”    


“Your duty isn’t to talk. We don’t have much time. Lay her up here”    


They placed her on a new bed while Countess Quartz’s maids changed her clothes and cleaned her up.    


“Now what?” Cage asked as they entered the room once more.    


“Now……we wait”    


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