The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (34)

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (34)

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[Elementia's Charizard, the Armored Lizard Pokémon]     

[This Pokémon is a Fire/Steel type]     

[Evolved form of Elementia's Charmeleon. This Pokémon gave up its ability to fly freely for much greater defensive power to defend itself against Pokémon living in its territory, and although it can still move through the air, its movements are much slower than its original Kanto version because of how heavy the metal covering its body is]     

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[Elementia's Charmeleon, the Armored Lizard Pokémon]     

[This Pokémon is Fire/Steel-type]     

[Evolved form of Charmander. This Pokémon lives in volcanic mountains and commonly feeds on coal or other much smaller Pokémon, is potentially dangerous when hungry, and has constant fights with the Wartortle of Elementia over territory]     

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"Kanto Initials now in regional form?" - Leon said with surprise because it was not what he expected.     

"Yes, I have to admit that I didn't expect them to react this way, much less to mutate so fast, although I want to guess that this is due not only to their adaptive ability, but also to the dormant DNA inside them" - answered Kurama while he started mumbling technical things that not many of the champions understood, in fact, the only ones who understood more than one thing, were Cynthia and Sonia, for obvious reasons.     

"I'd like to see Elementia's Charizard" - said Leon curiously - "I want to check how powerful it is".     

"Sure" - replied Kurama as he shrugged his shoulders and took out a Pokeball - "I haven't had much time to train this friend, but I think it's possible that it might entertain you a bit during the battle."     

"Perfect" - smiled Leon as he took the Pokeball from his signature Pokémon, and although this was a huge disadvantage, he honestly didn't care much because this wasn't an official battle, but just a simple practice.     

"Let's go outside" - Kurama said as he shook his head.     

The champions quickly followed him until they reached a strange clearing that seemed to be distorted.     

"This reminds me of the story from my hometown that talked about Giratina's home, the distortion world" - Cynthia said curiously.     

"This is a special dimension that was created for situations like this, no one will bother us here" - replied Kurama while shaking his head - "I'm ready whenever you want".     

"That's good to hear" - smiled Leon while throwing his Pokeball - "I choose you, Charizard!"     

"Zard!" - roared Leon's Charizard as he glared at the silver-haired man fiercely.     

"I choose you, Charizard!" - Kurama exclaimed as he threw his Pokeball.     

"Zard!" - roared Kurama's Charizard, who unlike his opponent's Charizard, this one was covered in a strange organic armor that made it look like some sort of silver Jet.     

Lionel's Charizard was startled by this variant of its race, though it quickly returned to normal.     

Kurama's Charizard watched his opponent closely with seriousness, after all, he could sense its power even with the distance they were at.     

"I give you the first move" - Kurama said calmly.     

"Charizard, use Fire Blast!" - Leon exclaimed seriously as he watched his friend launch a powerful fire attack.     

"Receive the attack, Charizard, and I want you to use Acceleration" - said Kurama calmly.     

"Acceleration?" - Cynthia asked in surprise because she hadn't heard about this move.     

"It's the unique attack of Elementia's Charizard evolutionary line, it's basically a two level speed increase and one level the attack" - answered Kurama calmly - "Possibly they got this technique to compensate for their speed reduction because of their new elemental type."     

The champions showed different kinds of expressions because even though it made sense, it was a bit unbalanced for the same Pokémon to compensate for its base stat reduction with its unique move.     

"That doesn't change anything, my attack is still going to hit you!" - Leon exclaimed as he watched the fire attack in the shape of the Kanji "大", hit his opponent directly, creating a curtain of black smoke.     

Kurama smiled slightly, something the champions noticed immediately.     

"Leon..." - Sonia said with concern.     

Leon frowned because he didn't expect this reaction, unless...     

"That Charizard has an ability that absorbs fire attacks..." - Leon said seriously.     

"Exactly" - answered Kurama as they all heard the sound of a powerful roar.     

The smoke disappeared, showing that the Elementia Charizard's body was now an intense red color and releasing an enormous amount of heat, as if the natural armor covering its body, was being heated to unimaginable temperatures.     

"Elementia's Charizard's ability is [Forge], which increases my Pokémon's speed and offensive power when it receives a fire-type attack or an attack that has the probability of burning" - Kurama answered seriously - "Though it obviously reduces its speed when it receives a water-type attack."     

Leon's expression darkened for a few seconds, though it quickly returned to normal - "You got me."     

"Yes, but that was because you didn't know about my partner" - Kurama replied calmly - "Now, Charizard, use [Metal Claw]!"     

"Zard!" - Charizard disappeared from his place, and appeared over his opponent with his claws now much bigger and sharper.     

Lionel's Charizard let out a roar of pain as it spread its wings to move away from its attacker.     

"Follow up with [Meteor Smash]!" - Kurama commanded as he watched his Pokémon's fists shine like stars.     

"Use [Protection], Charizard, then counterattack with [Dragon Pulse]!" - Leon commanded as he narrowed his eyes. His plan was simple, his opponent was Immune to fire attacks, which blocked half of his repertoire, not to mention that the plant and flying type moves he used as cover, were ineffective, [Thunder Fist] wouldn't do much damage, and even if [Seismic Toss] was a fighting type attack, it had a fixed damage, which left only one way, use a special move to move the Charizard away from Kurama and then use [Focus Blast] to be able to deliver a super effective lethal hit.     

Kurama narrowed his eyes before he understood what was going through his opponent's mind, though there wasn't much he could do, mostly because not having been able to train this Elementia Charizard much, he hadn't been able to expand his repertoire of attacks, leaving only the ones he already had and a few he learned after Kurama taught him how to best use his moves.     

"Now!" - Leon exclaimed. His Charizard's eyes glowed slightly before releasing a mighty breath of draconic power.     

Kurama's Charizard let out a roar of pain before watching as his opponent created a silver orb with his hands and threw it directly at him - "Zarddddddddddddddddddddd!"     

Kurama shook his head as he watched his Pokémon fall to the ground unconscious, so before it hit, he returned it to its Pokeball.     

Leon nodded with a small smile before returning his Pokémon to its Pokeball, though he had to admit that the battle had been more difficult than he thought despite how quickly it had passed.     

"Thanks, that was interesting" - Leon said as he pondered - "That aside, I'm much more interested in our actual battle now, I'm going to be looking forward to it."     

"I think so too" - nodded Kurama as he snapped his fingers.     

The group blinked for a few seconds, noticing how they had returned to the building, though Kurama had disappeared.     

"That was weird" - Cynthia said as she shook her head - "Anyone wants to come with me to investigate the city?"     

"Sure" - nodded the champions as they walked inside the hotel, so they could change into more comfortable clothes.     

* * * * *     

"What do you think, Arceus?" - Kurama asked as he looked back and watched how the god of the Pokémon world had appeared.     

[They are interesting humans, I can feel a strong connection with their companions, one of my greatest desires] - nodded Arceus as he started to think - [Though I feel it's better if you let me create the trio that should protect this region, it's something the others have]     

"I don't think it's necessary, besides, that could create a huge imbalance in the current system" - Kurama replied while shaking his head.     

[Well, you have a point] - mused Arceus while shaking his head - [And what do you think with the idea of my children being able to enter this continent when needed?]     

"That's easy to arrange, besides, as I said, this continent is one where everyone can live in harmony with the other living beings and with the elements, that's why I decided to call it Elementia" - said Kurama with a small smile - "The presence of the Legendary Pokémon will only make the basic ecosystem of this region richer, creating a greater amount of life."     

[Ok, I'm going to inform my children about our conversation] - said Arceus as he disappeared from the place, leaving a thoughtful silver-haired man.     

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