The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (18)

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (18)

0"I told you" - Ultear said as she wiped her sweat at the sight of such an imposing creature, a huge emerald green dragon, yellow eyes and horns that everyone present recognized immediately.     

"S-She was a dragon!" - Org exclaimed in terror as he trembled internally, only to recall the report about how a dragon similar in appearance to the one in front of them had nearly destroyed a city in its battle against Lullaby - ". . ."     

"Did you know about this?" - Siegrain asked with a frown - "Why didn't you inform me that you had a dragon? That would have solved a lot of our problems."     

"It's because she's not mine" - Ultear replied with a frown. She was beginning to lose patience with this puppet who was no longer making sense, in fact, she was only putting up with his bullshit because it was amusing to see how this man thought he was one of the many players on the chessboard, when he was nothing more than a mere pawn.     

What? She might have relaxed a lot after getting her wish and knowing there was a way she could be reunited with her mother in this timeline, but that didn't mean she didn't have the same twisted tendencies as before these changes.     

"I guess bad habits stick around a lot longer than good ones" - Ultear said in her thoughts as she shook her head.     

"How did you become friends with a dragon?" - Crawford asked excitedly because if they could control this beast, then their leadership would be as firm as the hardest stone.     

"I met her because of her master" - Ultear replied as she sighed with regret because now that Tohru had shown her true form, there was no way she could hide the truth, so the best she could do, was to lie while telling a little truth.     

"Her master? Interesting" - Crawford said contemplatively.     

Ultear gave the older man a blank stare, though inside he was watching all of his companions with disdain - "As if any of you useless fools could against a deity that can time travel and control a dragon like Tohru-san!"     

Ultear was about to say something else, when she saw with terror how Tohru was about to unleash her fury when she heard how Michello insulted his master again.     

"Doesn't that old idiot understand the trouble we're in?" asked Ultear in fury because he was not only insulting Tohru's Master, but also her, and even though they hadn't been together long, Kurama had done too much for her, much more than all the people she had ever met, including her magic teacher, Hades.     

Siegrain noticed the slight hostility in his companion's words, but said nothing about it, as he felt he was forgetting something.     

"Okay, that was enough" - said a male voice that surprised those present.     

The council members looked in the direction where the voice had been heard, only to see a little girl materialize in front of their eyes.     

The cute little girl was carrying a majestic white fox, which was showing quite a human-like attitude for a mere beast.     

"But Kurama-san, they insulted you, they deserve to disappear into oblivion!" - Tohru exclaimed in a dark voice as she glared at the humans in front of her with hatred.     

"No, that was enough" - replied the fox, and it was there that the council members understood that the dragon's master, was not the girl, but the strange talking creature.     

"Animal possession?" - Crawford muttered in surprise, only to frown after taking a closer look at the girl carrying the fox and noticing how she too had dragon features very similar to Tohru's - "Another dragon?"     

Kanna looked at the old man neutrally as she felt a deep disgust, not because he was a pervert, or anything like that, but because she could feel the growing desire to control both her, and Tohru.     

"Bad human," Kanna said neutrally as her blue eyes glowed slightly with power.     

"I recommend you don't do anything stupid that you'll regret later, human" - Tohru said as she felt the hostility growing in the small, quiet Kanna, only to frown in the direction of the council members - "We may be showing a peaceful attitude, but we are members of the [Chaos Faction] of dragons, so I recommend you not to get on our bad side"     

"[Chaos Faction]?" - Crawford said with a huge grin - "All the more reason to subdue you, we can't let someone as dangerous as you, run amok in our world."     

Tohru's expression darkened as she felt her power begin to spiral out of control.     

"Enough!" - Kurama exclaimed as he looked at Tohru calmly, then gave them a neutral look at the council members - "I've already saved your lives more times than necessary, and if you continue to display that kind of attitude, I'll have no choice but to accept Tohru's proposal to eliminate you outright!"     

"Is that a threat?" - Crawford asked with a frown.     

"Threat?" - Kurama asked as he let out an increasingly sinister laugh - "Why would I have to threaten a group of maggots who seemed to wish for everything to be under your control? Why should I have to stoop to your level when I have enough power to wipe out everyone here just by wishing for it?"     

The expression of those present changed as they felt as if huge fangs were just inches from their bodies.     

Even Siegrain, no, Jellal, was sweating just listening to the words of the strange white fox.     

It was as if they could see their deaths in front of their eyes.     

"Tohru, Ultear, we're leaving, I've had enough of these clowns" - said Kurama neutrally.     

"Gladly" - said Tohru as she gave the little fox a smile, only to return to her human form and run to Kanna to hug the little animal against her generous breasts.     

"Air!" - Kurama exclaimed as he moved his paws to try to tell his dragon not to suffocate him with her boobs, something that wasn't working.     

"Lady Tohru, you're suffocating daddy" - said Kanna neutrally.     

"Oh, sorry" - said Tohru with a slight blush, only to look at Ultear - "Let's go".     

"Ok" - sighed Ultear as she shook her head before looking at her fellow Council members - "I'm sorry, but it looks like my work ends today."     

"What do you mean?" - Crawford asked with a frown.     

"That as of today I have a new job, I'm sorry, but if it's any consolation, I'm doing it, so you don't get killed" - said Ultear while feigning regret - "Sacrificing myself for my comrades, it's the least I can do after so many years of service alongside you."     

"Let's go" - said Kurama while giving a blank look to the woman, only for the 4 to disappear thanks to Tohru's spell.     

". . ." - Crawford frowned furiously as he saw how the small group had disappeared, only to order the guards who had arrived late to search around to see if they were still around, though he specifically ordered them not to do anything stupid.     

"What do you guys think?" - Crawford asked as he looked at the remaining council members.     

"From the way Ultear-dono is, sacrificing herself for us seems like a normal thing to do" - Yajima said as Jellal gave him a blank look because that should be impossible.     

He knew the woman named Ultear Milkovich perfectly well, and he was sure that she would never do something as kind as sacrificing her life for others, much less for the council, which she considered nothing more than clowns doing their acts.     

"You're right, she's always been a kind one" - Org said calmly, although inside he felt that there was something weird about all this, after all, he had made some low moral dealings with the woman, so he more or less understood her true personality.     

"Well, we'd better put that aside and concentrate on the attack we're about to receive" - Crawford said as he looked around.     

"On that note, the projectile should have hit a few minutes ago, sir" - replied a soldier with concern.     

"Really?" - Crawford asked with a frown because this didn't make sense - "Unless it wasn't an attack from the start, but someone moving at full speed, like, for example, a dragon?"     

"Makes sense" - said Jellal's alter ego as he pondered - "Now the question is, why?"     

"Maybe it has something to do with the fox" - said Yajima while the others looked at each other confused - "I could feel a huge presence in the little fox, but this one felt exhausted, as if it had suffered a deep wound".     

"It's a possibility, but before we can continue thinking about the matter, we need more information, which we don't have, and I don't think we will manage to find out more things in our current situation either" - said Siegrain while shaking his head.     

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