The Epic of Azathoth

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

0Scáthach and I were welcomed by the girls who were here with some additions - like Luna Lovegood and Bonnibel ( Princess Gum ).     

In particular, they didn't have many people we could invite to Scáthach's party.     

Scáthach had no acquaintances in this world, although she had visited us several times.     

"Happy Birthday!     

Eloah, Valentina, Marceline, Hermione, Luna and Bonnibel, they all said at the same time and confetti was flying everywhere.     

Scáthach was surprised by the party, but as soon as she recovered and smiled happily, she started chatting happily with the girls.     

I arrived inside my house and let out a satisfied sigh as I flopped down on the sofa with a bottle of cold beer in my hand. Having a cold beer after doing something bad is quite satisfying.     

''Looks like you did something bad...'' Luna pointed across the room. All the girls made a point of looking at me accusingly.     

''Hmm... Have I become that predictable?'' I meditated with an amused look on my face.     

''Non! You have that smile on your face. You always had that smile on your face whenever you did something wrong. Eloah said with an amused smile on her face after hearing my words.     

"Hmm... I didn't notice that'' I said with a shrug as I turned on the TV. I still needed to resurrect the Red Dragon of Domination.     

''So, what harm did you do this time?'' Marcy and Luna asked as they sat down next to me.     

I started to tell them everything I did. By the time I finished the story, they had all lost interest. Currently, they were interested in something completely different.     

How are you going to resurrect that dragon?" asked Luna with stars in her eyes.     

I started to tell my plans with the soul of the Red Dragon of Domination - while I was paying attention to what the Demons and the Fallen Angels would do. After all... I threatened to kill them all and yet I killed that Fallen Angels guy.     

[ - Lilith: Underworld - ]     

Four Devil Kings were gathered inside Sirzechs Lucifer's office. Sirzechs finally finished telling the other two Devil Kings, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus, about everything that had happened.     

For the first time in centuries, Falbium Asmodeus did not feel like falling asleep. You said that the Red Dragon Emperor agreed to be your pet and spoke to him respectfully, right? While Azazel, Leader of the Fallen Angels, was dying with his brains blown out? Ajuka asked and Serafall nodded.     

"I think we should gather more information before informing the Devil's Council." Ajuka Beelzebub said and everyone agreed.     

"We also need to hide the involvement of the Queen of Ria-tan or the Devil's Council will demand her head. She is young and simply reacted without thinking of the consequences.'' Serafall said and once again the four Demon Kings agreed.     

They knew that the Queen of Rias Gremory was the daughter of Baraqiel. Trying to execute her would instigate another war, something they could not do now. Dealing with Azathoth was the priority for now.     

''Since Ddraig knows about him... other dragons might know something about him too.'' Ajuka meditated.     

''Then let's visit the Dragon who is already on our side,'' Serafall said and the other three immediately agreed.     

Serafall immediately got in touch with Mephisto Pheles. After all, the aforementioned Dragon was part of his nobility. Mephisto Pheles wasted no one's time and immediately agreed with the Demon King.     

''He's at Dragon Mountain, let's go.'' Serafall said and all four of them disappeared using their own Teleportation circles. The four of them appeared on Dragon Mountain. For a minute, they simply stood still as they looked around.     

Moments later, a loud roar was heard and a purple dragon landed in front of the four. The Dragon was previously known as the Dragon King, but he decided to reincarnate as a demon. He had two reasons for making this decision.     

First, he wanted to participate in the ranking games, and second, he wanted the Dragon Apples. They just grew in the underworld, a certain race of dragons needed them for their survival. The dragon's name was Tannin, and he was also known as the Blaze Meteor Dragon.     

''How can I help you Demon Kings, it must be something serious for all of you to come here together?" Tannin asked in a respectful tone as he knelt down slightly.     

''You could say that.'' Falbium Asmodeus grumbled. The other three gave him a look and he simply shrugged his shoulders.     

''Tannin... What can you tell us about a being known as the Azathoth?'' Ajuka asked, getting straight to the point. Tannin frowned, her draconic eyebrows furrowed.     

"I've never heard that name before.'' Tannin replied and shrugged his shoulders disinterestedly. ''From the look on your faces and the way you guys are treating about this guy... I have to assume that something serious enough has happened for you guys to come to me. Let me guess. He is quite dangerous, stronger than the four of you combined, and you want possible information from him.''     

''Let me make another guess. The cause of all this was Rias Gremory and his peerage.''     

The red-haired Demon King decided to remain silent.     

''You would make a great diviner!'' Celebrated Falbium Asmodeus. ''You could try to get into the business, you would definitely make a lot of money.     

''Maybe I will try.'' Being a Dragon, Tannin couldn't pass up a chance to earn more riches.     

Cof! Can Tiamat give us more information?'' Ajuka asked and Tannin gave him an unsure look.     

"I can't tell you for sure..." Tannin said and the Demon Kings decided to visit the Forest of Familiars. Moments later, the four Demon Kings disappeared leaving behind a worried former Dragon King.     

'Is this guy really that strong?' thought Tannin thinking it was just an 'exaggeration' of the Demon Kings.     

The four Demon Kings appeared in front of Tiamat's cave. Tiamat is the only female dragon among the Dragon Kings. She was also known as the Chaos Karma Dragon.     

After a loud bang, a huge dragon head came out of the entrance of the cave. The color of Tiamat's scales was pale blue. ''What do you want? I'm busy.'' The Dragon Lady grumbled.     

''You were sleeping. Ajuka joked and Tiamat snorted.     

''I was busy sleeping.'' Tiamat insisted and Ajuka could only smile wryly after hearing his words. Ajuka pretended to cough to get her bearings.     

''What can you tell me about someone called Azathoth?'' Ajuka asked and Tiamat's reptilian eyes narrowed.     

''Someone you shouldn't mess with and ... God.'' Tiamat replied and all four Demon Kings felt a great headache and looked at each other.     

"I think it's too late for that..." Falbium said dryly and the Dragon Lady's eyes focused on him.     

"Ajuka... it was nice to meet you. Goodbye" Tiamat said hurriedly and his head disappeared inside the cave.     

The four Demon Kings were standing outside his cave with dumb looks on their faces.... ''Come on, Tiamat, that's why we're asking for information. Can you at least tell me about him?'' Ajuka shouted loudly as she continued to cast dirty looks at Falbium.     

''Help us for old time's sake...'' Ajuka exclaimed and after another bang, Tiamat's head appeared.     

''What do you want to know?'' Tiamat asked as he let out a defeated sigh.     

"Everything you know," this time it was Sirzechs who spoke. Tiamat closed his eyes, trying to remember all the details.     

"Suspiciously and because I until a few moments ago remained kneeling before this new presence. I have confirmed one thing: this guy is strong.'' Answered Tiamat ironically and with a tone of debauchery.     

''Be more serious!'' Exploded Sirzechs, finally with all the pressure on his shoulders. ''We are the ones who will be killed if we don't find a way out. Said Sirzechs coldly and a crimson aura started to come out of him.     

Tiamat smiled disdainfully and said revealing countless sharp teeth: ''Not us! You will all die.'' Answered Tiamat coldly - As he replied Sirzechs in the same coin and let the aura flood the place.     

- ''Demons have been a bunch of idiots, arrogant, jealous, lustful... a lot of things. It was time for you to get what you have long planted. Someone arrogant and proud who is stronger than Big Red has threatened you with extinction... For thousands of years, the three Great Factions thought they were the best, he's just showing you all how wrong you were...''     

''That's just what you've planted. Or Karma. Haha-Haaha!'' Laughed Tiamat and went back inside the cave.     

She for hundreds of years has had to deal with the demons coming into her forest - killing her cubs and trying to tame her with their status.     

Whenever things went a little too far, Ajuka came to 'advise' her not to kill them.     

Yes, this was Karma for everyone the demons had ever harmed.     

''That didn't occur well.'' Serafall said dryly and Falbium simply shrugged as the other two frowned.     

''We need to inform the Devil's Council about this development.'' Ajuka said in a defeated tone.     

''I will do that since I am partly responsible for the whole mess.'' Sirzechs said while shaking his head.     

''Don't worry, I will be there too...if you are responsible, then I am equally responsible.'' Serafall said, his eyes downcast. Moments later, the four of them disappeared because they needed to make an appointment...     

A meeting that none of them were looking forward to. They were sure that the Devil's Council would use this chance to gain more power... ( They don't have much left. )     

[ - Location Unknown - ]     

"Are you sure about this, my lord?" A gray-haired man asked another gray-haired man.     

'"Yes, of course. That will be the best... with this new piece on board, we would be able to cause so much chaos and destruction.'' the second gray haired man said and began to smile wickedly.     

''What do you think would happen if the demons and the Church pissed off this interesting new guy?'' The second silver haired man questioned.     

''He would probably kill everyone involved.'' the first silver haired man said and the second nodded.     

''There will be complete chaos.'' the second man said and started laughing.     

''I will inform Kokabiel to proceed with the plan, my lord.'' said the first silver haired man and left the room...     

[ - Pov: Azathoth - ]     

I almost died laughing when I saw some guys plotting behind my back and I couldn't believe that one of them even called me a new piece on the board.... It was so much fun.     

I also liked the fact that the Devil Kings are looking for my information instead of getting excited. Well, I wouldn't have a problem anyway. Probably the only person who would know about me would be Big Red.     

The Fallen Angels have also been added to the extermination list.     

It seems that they will join the demons in a fight against me. All for the cause of Azazel's death and for the greater good.     

Besides the demons and the fallen angels, there are some lesser gods to be killed for thinking nonsense about my little wife.     

My list has started to get quite long...     

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