The Epic of Azathoth

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

0I copied most of this chapter from another fic: The Epic of Leviathan.     

I was already planning to take mc to that world. And the author wrote well and described well what I initially intended to do.     


''You are right... it seems I have been too lenient with you, even after you all attacked me. Seven days, I give your race seven days, and if you cannot pay me proper remuneration for my efforts, then I will slaughter your entire race.'' Daemon said smiling pleasantly. That smile seems anything but 'Friendly'. The people who managed to piss him off were frozen in fear if he was more serious... everyone there would piss themselves. It would not be pleasant at all to witness that.     

You had to be wondering how this happened in the first place, right?     

What made me want to destroy an entire race.     

Yeah, I'm breaking the fourth wall, but who cares?     

Such a thing is insignificant... Now.     

To answer your question, my young Padawan... It happened 20 minutes ago when I, decided to visit my dear wife in the world she lives in.     

It's her birthday and as a responsible 'husband' I was going to pay her a visit.     

No big deal. No drama involving an invasion of gremlins...     

Without the slightest effort, I had torn through the space between entire universes and had arrived in the world where she lives.... Not exactly in her world - The Dimensional Gap is an endless void, where in every direction there is a mix of iridescent colours. It was like looking into a Kaleidoscope...     

There was a big red lizard trying to stop me from entering the world - saying that he is the 'Protector of the world' and that I could not enter ... Only to receive a slap from me - Right in the lizard's face.     

[ World - Tits Have Power = DxD ]     

Everything on the surface seemed to be completely peaceful and normal in this world, but that was not the case. There was a whole new world hidden in the shadows or sub-dimensions connected to this world.     

It was the World of Supernatural Beings. There were mainly three factions in the Supernatural World, the three Biblical Factions, and then there were the Gods of all the pantheons from all over the world. The Supernatural World is a complex world.     

Suddenly, the entire world, with its gross subdimensions, began to tremble due to the power of one being....     

Knowing that Scáthach wouldn't notice he was there - Daemon let some of his power leak out - A little more is all dimensions would collapse.     


( Sixth Heaven )     

Archangel Michael was sitting inside his office with a serene look on his face as he went about his paperwork. He was also one of the Seraphim and since the death and passing of the Biblical God, he had become the Leader of Heaven.     

Suddenly Archangel Michael froze and moments later he frowned. 'It must have been my imagination.' he thought and shook his head. With a smile, he decided to resume his paperwork as the whole world began to shake due to the raw power of some being.     

'That's not good. What kind of being could possess that kind of power? That is simply unimaginable...'. Michael thought as he stood up from his chair. 'I need to look into this matter.'' Michael thought.     

Michael's office door opened as the rest of the Four Great Seraphim entered the room. ''Did you sense that brother?" Raphael hastily questioned Uriel impassive to a stupid question from his brother.     

''If you didn't notice, we can still sense him.'' said Uriel dryly, but Raphael didn't understand that his brother was being sarcastic and simply nodded.     

''Yes, I was going to go out and investigate.'' said Michael, but his sister took his hand.     

''Brother, allow me to accompany you.'' Michael almost grimaced when his sister, Gabriel, almost whimpered.     

[ Takamagahara ]     

"Susanoo, I'm warning you again. Avoid disrespecting anyone.'' a young black haired woman said in a serious tone. The woman was known as Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess in Japanese mythology and Japan was her territory.     

The black haired young man in front of him nodded like a good boy. 'You need not worry about anything, sister. I'll be on my best behaviour.'' the man said with a smile and his sister didn't believe him for a second.     

The black haired man was the God of Calamity in Japanese mythology and he was the strongest God in the Japanese Pantheon, so Amaterasu had no other options. She had to take him with her.     

They both sensed the arrival of the new being and they both disliked the fact that this being had decided to appear on their territory. They knew that the being was strong, so they couldn't force it out if they didn't want to be destroyed.     

They simply wanted to negotiate with this being. Moments later, the two disappeared in a burst of magic.     


The Olympians also sensed the arrival of a mysterious being, but for now they decided not to interfere as the being did not appear in their territory. As long as the being did not enter their territory, they were completely fine with that...     

[Mount Kailash]     

Both Shiva and Durga, along with all the other gods and goddesses of Hindu mythology, noticed the arrival of this mysterious new being. They also sensed its power, but also decided to follow the decision that the Olympians made.     


Several gods from various pantheons of the world decided to take a similar approach with the whole situation... they would not act if the being was not invading their territories...     


Everyone was in the forest where he felt that terrifying presence, Devils, Archangels, Fallen and Gods of the Japanese Pantheon.     

He was a light skinned man, tall and muscular, with long black hair spiked with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. Eyes that looked more like a Kaleidoscope - those eyes - seemed to see through every one of them.     

He was with a smile on his face and ignoring the presence of those people who were the Leaders of their respective Factions.     


Feeling the disruption he caused around the world just by his arrival - He planned not to use so much raw power like that next time.     

"'Ahem... I am Amaterasu, from the Japanese Pantheon. Can you tell us who you are?''. asked Amaterasu politely.     

''I know...'' He replied cheerfully. Amaterasu seemed to freeze:     

''My name is Azathoth or you can call me Daemon. I don't mind formalities.'' Azathoth replied dismissively.     

''... What are you?'' asked Azazel.     

Smiled Azathoth sensing the arrival of another group.     

Azathoth bluntly replied to Azazel, ''Many things... God, Almighty, Supreme Lord and Creator of All Things.''     

''... Impossible.'' Archangel Michael whispered very softly.     

Michael was not the only one there surprised by what Azathoth said... But they chose to remain silent.     

Moments later, a circle of Gremory and Sitri Teleporters appeared and Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri arrived along with their counterparts. Everyone was stunned as their eyes landed on everyone who was already present here.     

Both Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan frowned due to the arrival of their cute little sisters.     

''Rias, you shouldn't be here. You should leave immediately.'' Sirzechs said in a firm tone and Rias scowled.     

"So-Tan." Serafall said as he launched himself at Sona. Sona choked in horror when her sister pulled her in front of everyone, she blushed like a storm.     

"Excuse me, I think we have much more important matters at hand.'' Archangel Michael coughed and gestured towards the all powerful and unknown guest.     

Once again, attention was on Azathoth, ''Well, I'm in no hurry. Go ahead, deal with your sisters. I'll enjoy the family drama with some popcorn.'' Answered Azathoth in a shrug and the demons didn't know how to react.     

''Ahem... Are you guys aware that you are currently in our territory?'' Amaterasu once again questioned him and Azathoth merely scratched behind his ear.     

''Actually it's the opposite... who gave you permission to occupy one of my planetary systems without my permission?'' Azathoth questioned back coldly, making everyone stiffen.     

''You...!!!'' Susanoo started energetically as he began to release his Divinity. Amaterasu raised her hand and looked at Susanoo. Azathoth just looked at them being amused by the situation.     

''... I am completely fine with you staying in our territory. I only ask that you avoid causing trouble.'' Amaterasu said in a polite tone. Just as Azathoth was about to say something, but the demons decided to speak.     

''Your territory? This is the Devil's Territory, who gave him the authority to allow him to stay here?" Rias questioned and everyone looked at Sirzechs, who was trying to stay invisible by standing still.     

"This is the devil's territory because we allowed the demons to operate in this city due to the peace treaty, you stupid brat!!!'' Susanoo growled and Rias almost cringed in fear. Her eyes turned to her brother.     

Sirzechs didn't know what to do, so he decided to remain silent. ''Hey! Don't talk to Buchou like that!" Issei Hyoudou, the protagonist with the strongest armour in the plot, shouted and Susanoo almost attacked the stupid idiot. Unfortunately, Amaterasu stopped him, grabbing his shoulder.     

Azathoth's eyes landed on Rias' peerage. Akeno was trying to poke a hole in Baraqiel's head with her gaze.     

- 'Yes. It's getting boring already. Watching them is boring. It would be better to watch an Indian drama than this.' Azathoth thought about his situation. He should just end this farce and wait for his wife. She was already coming to meet him....     

"Look! I don't care about your peace treaties or your territories. I will do whatever you want. If you're not happy with that, tough luck? It's been a while since I killed an entire race.'' He said in a dismissive tone and once again began to unleash his power....     

Everything around us began to tremble, the ground beneath his feet began to crack and the air around him began to boil. The whole world began to shake. The entire group in front of him turned pale with the power he was casually releasing.     

The weakest members of the group began to gasp as they fell to their knees. All the members of the Rias and Soma Pairs were on their knees panting.     

"Please stop!" Shouted Sirzechs, his voice almost pleading. Once again, Azathoth was in control of his powers. The group let out a sigh of joy.     

''Heh...'' He snorted dismissively, ''You guys can't even breathe properly just because I released a small amount of my power? ... what a joke.''     

''Who exactly are you?'' Archangel Michael asked as he looked at him cautiously.     

''Azathoth.'' Answered Azathoth dryly. ''Did the white pigeon not hear what he said moments ago?     

The pigeon - Archangel was speechless at the response he received….     

''You.'' said Azathoth and pointed at Issei, not exactly Issei.     

"Me?" Answered Issei pointing at himself.     

"“Not you. Y Ddraig Goch.'' Spoke Azathoth and everyone around watched what was going to happen with interest.     

"Yes, sir?'' Everyone froze when, in a flash of red and green, the Boosted Gear appeared in Issei's left hand.     

"Are you happy with your current life?'' Azathoth asked, surprising everyone, specifically the Owner of the Boosted Gear.     

"What the hell are you talking about?" Issei Hyoudou asked hysterically, he was completely confused by the reaction of the proud Dragon tucked inside his left hand.     

"...I hate it!!!" Ddraig shouted back, his voice full of disdain and Azathoth nodded slowly in understanding.     

"...If I say I can return you to your former glory.... What will you do?' he asked and everyone held their breath.     

'Then what will I need to do to get out of this miserable state? Ddraig asked and Azathoth simply smiled.     

'Nothing much... Just... become my pet.'' Azathoth replied.     

''No! I will not allow you to do that.'' Rias shouted hysterically as he jumped in front of Issei.     

''... I wasn't asking for your permission and it's not like any of you could stop me.''' Pointed Azathoth, but she stood her ground, she's brave but dumb.     

Noticing the grey haired maid discreetly preparing a Teleportation circle. Both Sirzechs Lucifer Serafall Leviathan and were preparing for a conflict. Amaterasu and Susanoo noticed their subtle movements but did nothing to stop them.     

''May I ask why you are doing this? Doing something like this would upset the delicate balance we achieved after the Great War.'' Michael said in an almost pleading tone.     

''Because I can...'' Azathoth said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The fallen angels decided to stay silent as they used at least one neuron of their brain and noted that they had no way to stop Azathoth.     

Grayfia Lucifuge discreetly waved Serafall Leviathan and activated the Teleportation circle. A huge circle of Teleportation with a circle of Lucifuge appeared under the feet of the nobility of Rias and Sona, a bright glow surrounded the entire group, but when the light boiled over, the group was still there.     

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and surprise. ''Did you guys really think I would allow them to run away?" He asked with a smile. Seeing this Susanoo tried to Teleport, but also failed.     

''Um... I'm not with any of them." proclaimed Azazel. He's a smart guy.     

"Can I ask you something?" he said with stars in his eyes.     

"You mean stop them from Teleporting?" Azathoth asked and Azazel nodded readily. Shemhazai was holding Baraqiel, who was staring daggers at him. He wasn't even close to being a threat to him, so he just treated him as if he didn't even exist and had carried on like that.     

''I can control and manipulate space at my whim.... Stopping someone from teleporting is a very easy thing to do.'' Said Azathoth, they were paying close attention to every word that came out of his mouth.     

"... So, theoretically, you can get something from my office from here, if you want.'' Azazel asked, and in the next moment, the entire office landed in front of him. Azazel simply sweated, but he still nodded with stars in his eyes.     

'So, what's your decision? I've wasted enough time and now I'm bored.'' he said aloud.     

''Yes, save me from this hell. Save me from this miserable place!'' Ddraig replied loudly and Issei Hyoudou appeared in front of Azathoth. Using his soul powers to extract the Dragon Soul from the Boosted Gear.     

The Boosted Gear lost all its colour and Issei collapsed to the ground. With his other hand, he stopped a huge stream of Destruction Power. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed that it was Rias who attacked him.     


'This is your so-called Power of Destruction? I feel insulted.'' he grimaced and Rias' aura and the attack disintegrated into purple dust. Rias lost consciousness, but before he could land on the ground. The members of his pariate grabbed it.     

"That's Power of Destruction.'' he said with a nod. Placing the soul of the Red Dragon Soul of the Domain within a subspace.     

"What have you done with it!". Sirzechs Lucifer shouted as he launched himself against Azathoth with the Power of Destruction surrounding him and Azathoth simply froze him along with all the demons with his space powers.     

"I got what I wanted... Do you guys really want to continue this farce? I'm getting bored and I can kill you all." He simply wanted to get his girl and then take a bottle of cold beer in his hand.     

"What have you done with them?" Grayfia said with an icy tone.     

"He's still alive, but his Sacred Equipment is gone. He won't be able to use it anymore.'' He said, pointing at the boy lying at his feet. ''I simply destroyed her energy... she is exhausted. She will wake up later. I'm feeling magnanimous, that's why I let them live.'' He smiled.     

"Magnanimous? You must be joking?" The Queen of Rias asked with a lot of venom in her voice. Even though she was frozen, lightning crackled around her.     

Azathoth raised his eyebrow and now that he was thinking that he really was tolerant of them. If it was something from 400 years ago, he would have already killed them all without caring if he was right or wrong.     

"You're right... it seems I was too lenient with you, even after you all attacked me. Seven days, I give your race seven days, and if you cannot pay me proper remuneration for my efforts, then I will kill your entire race.'' I said coldly and everyone's blood froze in their veins."     


That was all that made me want to kill them.     

Now, in the present future. I was looking at each of them bored.     

''I was being Magnanimous, but you provoked him yourself. Remember, seven days.'' I said, reminding them as I turned to the rest of the leaders. "You want an offer like that too?" I asked and they all shook their heads at the same time.     

Hearing the sound of metal hitting metal against metal behind me, I don't have to turn around to know who it was. But, it seems these people have gained a new light on their faces. Let me guess, they think she would fight me?     


"What's going on here?'' Queen of Shadowland spoke up demanding answers.     

"Well... Miss Scáthach. We have an important guest. Buff!!!'' Answered Azazel, too bad he looked at another man's wife the wrong way and got his brains blown out.     


"Oops!". I smiled as if I had done something really bad, I continued, 'Too bad, he was an intelligent person, I thought. If only he didn't look at my wife the wrong way...'' I spoke and they all seemed too shocked by Azazel's death to give me a proper answer.     

I already knew what some of these men thought of my wife and how even a married man like Sirzechs was trying to get through to her. Well, the demons are all going to die anyway....     

"What are you doing here?'' Scáthach asked and smiled at me. She treated Azazel's death like air.     

"Can't I invite my wife to celebrate your birthday?'' I told her and smiled back.     

''What a responsible man you are...'' She replied and kissed me on the lips.     

Pulling my beautiful and sexy wife into my arms, I started dematerializing us.     

''One week...'' I said repeating myself for the last time to get them all ready with everything they had.     


Hey guys!     

Almost a month one chapter... man, I initially didn't expect it to take this long.     

The next chapter will be in a few days, a week at most. Sooner, if I'm generous, which I rarely am.     

Peace and Pudding!     

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