The Epic of Azathoth

Hi ...

Hi ...

0Name: Daemon Sultan     

Title: Blood God     

Race - Human (90%) / (10%) ?     

Level - 150 ( 10% )     

Job - Blood God.     

Secondary job - Summoner.     

Craft - None     


HP - 49.000 ( 4.900 per Minute )     

MP - 1.000.000 ( 700.000 per Minute )     

BP - 10.000.000     


STR -> 1990     

VIT -> 1980     

DEX -> 590     

INT -> 1,204     

WIS -> 1085     

CHARM -> 530     

LUCK -> 560     



Skill Points - 0     

Credits - 10,000, 069     


(Damn, I love the Gamer System but, having to deal with so many numbers like that is unbearable. }}     

{{100 of the passive blood manipulation, 490 skill points spent and full set of Necromancer/Summoner. +10 points in STR and VIT at each level. ~ }}     


Lying on a large bed, four people slept gently in it, three women and one man.     

They all slept comfortably, only the women had faces of pure contentment, the sweat just made the women's jade skin ( Jade-Chan!!!) glow on them and there is a small stream of white liquid flowing from their crotches ...     

= = =     

[ HP and MP were completely restored by sleeping in a bed ]     


Like another normal day, I woke up with Eloah, Tina and Marcy lying on top of me and the same old message box.     

I lay there enjoying the softness pressing against me as I waited patiently until one of the girls woke up.     

Hmm ...''     

Hearing the small murmur, I lowered my head and looked at the long black hair that covered her face. Removing the hair from in front of her face, I looked at Marcy.     

Yes, Marcy, the little girl I had saved a hundred years ago, had become my girl.     

Looking at Marcy, she began to move as she moved up from my chest to my neck, placing her head on my neck, Marcy said.     

"Good morning... Honey. ''     

''Good morning, Marcy. '' I replied, as my hand went to her hair and stroked it.     

Feeling her warm breath on my neck and Marcy began to lick my neck.     

Finished licking my neck, I felt two small needles pierce me.     








= = =     

Not caring much about the amount of Hp lost, I felt the needles being removed from my neck and finally heard a gurgling sound as Marcy lifted her head and looked at me.     

Light gray skin, with pointed ears that were inherited from her father, and long blue-black hair, so long that it reached past her feet.     

Seeing a little of my blood still in the corner of his lip, I was brought out of my daze by his kiss.     

With a bit of the metallic taste in his kiss, he ended the kiss a line of saliva threaded between the two of us.     

''Thank you for the meal." Said Marceline, licking her red lips.     

Floating softly, Marcy stepped off my chest, letting me see her entire body in all its glory.     

Her breasts were neither too large nor too small, they were simply perfect and fit perfectly in my hands. Her ass was perfect, it couldn't have been the best in terms of size, but it was firm and soft, like a marshmallow.     

Together with her I gently left the room without waking the girls who were still sleeping.     

Leaving the room accompanied by Marcy, I closed the door behind me darkening the room again.     

As soon as we were out of there, I looked around the corner to my house. Okay, mansion some people didn't want to accept that me, their Leader and King of Avalon lived in an ordinary house, so they made a mansion for me and the girls.     

Now they live in a mansion with a Japanese style.     

How many rooms this mansion has is not important, at least for now.     

Now I need a hot bath.     

As I headed for the bathroom to take a shower, I was followed by the Vampire Queen who had a mischievous smile on her face and a thirsty look in her eyes.     

Entering the bathroom, Marcy closed the door and looked at me with a look of desire, responding in kind she threw herself on top of me.     

Filling the bathroom with clapping sounds and excited moans.     

= = =     

Marceline being the first to leave the bathroom, her face glowed with pure satisfaction as she left the bathroom.     

Since we started our relationship about a hundred years ago when she was around seventeen, it was at this time that she became the Queen of the Vampires, since then she has always been hungry for blood and sex of course as a good boyfriend (husband) I will make sure to satisfy my girls.     

Making it a point to leave them bedridden all day long.     

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