The Epic of Azathoth

[ 6/? ] Years... The beginning of the Great of Avalon.

[ 6/? ] Years... The beginning of the Great of Avalon.

0I thought only one more chapter would be needed, but it wasn't, my bad.     

{I am noticing that the amount of comments is dropping a lot, I would be very happy if there were more comments (of any kind), then I would have more people to talk to. }     


When Daemon, Eloah and Valentina came out of the "ID" Valentina looked around in awe, intending to say something, she ended up not saying it because it might end up being an invasion of privacy on her part. She had only known the two of them for a few hours.     

"Valentina, lie down on the couch," Daemon said, looking at her, he reassured her. "Don't worry most of the time you will be asleep."     

"Umu. '"She murmured, walking over to the couch, for Daemon had asked her to lie down and close her eyes waiting for him to begin.     

Picking up a small white paper, this paper wrapped a small white pill.     

Handing her the pill, Daemon explained how it worked so as not to make her more nervous than she already was.     

''You will need to take this pill, it will make your body completely relaxed. Then I will start the operation without any problems.'' Daemon said.     

Taking the pill from Daemon's hands, Valentina asked. ''How long will it take before you finish?''     

''At most 1 hour.'' Answered Daemon while looking at his wrist, he continued. ''I'll have to inform the others outside so they don't think you ran away or something bad happened to you.''     

Unwrapping the pill, Valentina looked at it and swallowed it.     

Relaxing on the couch, a minute passed and Valentina began to feel as if she were sinking into a cloud.     

Closing her eyes with a peaceful expression, Valentina was sleeping peacefully.     

Without saying much Daemon took out two test cubes from his inventory, in one of them there was a golden liquid that looked like gold.     

While the other had a crimson red liquid.     

And finally, he took out a small black "chip" with silver stripes.     

As he opened the test cube with the golden liquid, it began to move as if it was coming to life.     

Dropping the small chip into the test tube, the parasite began to surround it as if it was evaluating it, after a few seconds the chip began to sink inside the parasite, making it one with the chip.     

Seriously watching the "parasite" stop moving, Daemon approached Valentina and carefully opened her pale lips, letting the parasite fall into her mouth.     

Closing her lips, he looked at his watch reading [6:10].     

Waiting five minutes, Daemon picked up the other test cube containing the crimson liquid.     

Hearing the little pops that occasionally came out of Valentina's body, Daemon didn't seem to care much about it, or rather, he knew exactly what was happening to her body.     

Opening his lips, Daemon this time poured the crimson red liquid into his mouth.     

Looking again at the clock on his wrist, this time he struck the clock [6:15].     

In ten minutes the popping coming out of Valentina's body stopped and she began to sweat and her face turned red.     


In another ten minutes her face returned to normal, her once almost flat chest grew to the size of a closed fist.     

Now she can no longer be considered a "trap" ...     


Valentina's eyelids fluttered a little, already knowing that she would gain resistance to the medicine he had given her, Daemon had expected this to happen.     

This was the function of the crimson red liquid, [Superior Adaptation] The user could quickly adapt to any situation, automatically gaining the attributes/characteristics needed to handle such situations.     

While the crimson red liquid provided [Superior Adaptation], the golden liquid strengthened her entire body now she has a superhuman physique and lastly, the "chip" Daemon can't remember where he saw this, but the "chip" had almost the same function as her "status" showing her "stats" points and her abilities.     

But there was a catch, it was connected to the brain...     

As the "user" grew, the "chip" grew with the user.     

Looking at Valentina who looked like she would wake up soon, he checked her "status" for anything abnormal that might have happened.     


Name: Valentina Miller     

Race - Human     

Title - Fallen Genius     

Class - Available!     

Level - 16     

Alignment - Gentle Neutral     

Hp - 500 ( 50 Per Minute )     

Mp - 2.000 ( Sealed )     

STR - 50     

VIT - 50     

DEX - 50     

INT - 200     

WIS - 200     

CHARM - 200     

LUCK - 99     


Thought - sleepy ... hungry ... want a hug ... want a maid's outfit?Approaching Daemon.     


Abilities - Physical over human, Resistance to abnormal states, Evaluate, Quick thinking, Management, Cleaning, Cooking, Superior adaptation, Evolutionary chip.     


Seeing no abnormal status in her, Daemon gave an internal nod while Eloah behind him already seemed to have seen this result.     

Opening her eyes still half groggy, she asked. "Daemon... Are we done yet?''     

"Yes, we are done." Answered Daemon approaching her.     

Settling down on the couch, Valentina sat on the couch still groggy, she still didn't notice the changes in her body.     

Sitting down next to her Valentina looked at Daemon, but before she could say anything she was pulled by him and was greeted by a big hug, returning the hug she passed her arms around his neck before resting her head on his shoulder.     

"Daemon... did it work?" asked Valentina.     

"Yes, everything worked fine." Daemon replied.     

Another five minutes passed and Valentina began to return to normal.     

In those five minutes, Daemon was lightly stroking Daemon's back, while it seemed that Valentina was already returning to normal.     

Realizing her position, Valentina began to be embarrassed and spoke nervously. 'Daemon... didn't I say anything strange?''     

"'Huh? ... No, you were silent the whole time.'' Daemon replied as he continued. ''You should check all the information on the chip.     

Removing her head from Daemon's shoulder, Valentina asked. ''How long have I been asleep?''     

''About 30 minutes.'' Daemon replied, looking into her eyes Daemon moved closer to her and stole her lips.     

As the kiss started to get wilder, Valentina said between kisses. "Daemon ... we can't ... e ... if anyone comes here.     

Stopping the kiss, Daemon said. "'I will alert your disappearance, you should check your body and all available information, on the right, there is a bathroom to use it.     


Getting off Daemon's back, Daemon gave her head a light caress before straightening up some of her clothes.     

Having straightened up, Daemon made his way to the entrance.     

After climbing all the stairs leading up to the entrance, Apha2 and 4 were standing at the entrance of the cave.     

Seeing that the older group was already discussing Valentina's disappearance, they turned their attention to Daemon.     



( Pov. change, Daemon. )     

Looking at them, discussing the man with the scar on his face Pietro approached Daemon and asked in a respectful tone.'' Sir one of our people is missing, we can't find him.''     

Not wanting to waste time Daemon went straight to the point. ''I found her yesterday passed out in the forest, like you, she was also contaminated with radiation, so I healed her.''     

Stepping forward the older man of the group spoke in the same way as Pietro, ''Sir, are we contaminated with radiation? Can you heal us like you helped him?     

''Him? Are you referring to Valentina? if so he's actually a woman.'' I said, changing my tone to a colder one.     

Surprised at the change in my tone, being surprised at my tone Pietro surprised at my tone spoke quickly to ease the situation. ''Sir, he didn't mean that.''     

'Never mind I'll just waste my time arguing with them.' I thought as I watched them.     

In a week I'll have the dose to cure you all at once, so wait until then. I said, as their faces looked much better now that there was a cure.     

''I have nothing more to say, as soon as Valentina is completely better she will come to you. ''     

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