The Epic of Azathoth

[ The dungeons are not too easy? or am I too Op? ] Part 2/?

[ The dungeons are not too easy? or am I too Op? ] Part 2/?

0{ another cap maybe I'll end up posting another one later today. Did I make them too strong or too weak? }     


As soon as the man said this, he and the raven were swallowed by a white light.     

After being swallowed by the white light, the bed they were on began to organize itself, not only the bed, the little balls stopped floating from side to side and began to emit a stronger light illuminating the whole room.     

Being engulfed by a white light, Daemon and Eloah were in a white room, everywhere was just white, white, and more white.     

Watching the blue screen in front of Daemon, showed all the monsters he could face.     

But before that... he will create some "War Machines" he already had this plan in mind, he just didn't have time to put it into practice.     

Stretching out his left arm, a black ball appeared in his hand.     

Lowering his arm, the ball split in two and now the two balls took on a humanoid form.     


As soon as the transformation was over, in front of Daemon were two black humanoid beings with only one red eye and robotic bodies, dressed in a gray cape over them, standing in front of him, both were equipped with a simple sword or at best another ''monster''.     

This ''monster'' was hidden inside his arm, as it was also part of him.     

- 50.000 Mp x2     

Above their heads was a red "Halo".     

Daemon looked at each of them first and used ''OBSERVE''.     


( Image here)     


Name: N/A     

Race: Robotic Monster ( Humanoid Robot )     

Class: Not available     

Level - 0 ( 0% )     

HP - 15.000     

MP - 5.000     

STR - 300     

VIT - 300     

DEX - 500     

INT - 100     

WIS - 100     

CHARM - 0     

LUCK - 0     

Thoughts about yourself: You are their creator.     


Abilities - Superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, energy blasts, optical camouflage, Hive Mind system, genius intelligence level, Master Fighter, ]]     


{I put the description of some abilities that could generate some doubt }     


[ Energy Blasts ]     

N/A Can fire energy blasts through his robotic eye.     

[ Hive Mind System ]     

N/A Can mentally communicate with all N/A to share their thoughts.     

[ Genius Level Intelligence ]     

As an artificial intelligence, N/A will learn inhumanly fast and can download information and data directly into its mind.     

[ Master Fighter ]     

N/A is a capable and dangerous fighter who can use his brute strength to take on opponents stronger than him.     

[ Equipment ]     

[ Single-edged blade ]     

With only one "edge", this simple sword can penetrate even the toughest defenses.     

Effect1: Penetrating, it ignores the opponent's armor.     

Effect2: Exothermic manipulation, a single-edged blade can raise its temperature to extreme amounts to cut or cause damage.     

[ Robotic Cloak ]     

A simple robotic cloak that significantly diminishes the presence of its wearer.     


"Is that what you told me before?'' Eloah asked, looking at the two robots in front of them.     

"Um, that's the one," Daemon replied, with a simple nod. "But that's not all of it."     

Getting a little curious, Eloah asked, "There are more?     

''Yes." Saying this he repeated the same process as before.     

-50.000 Mp x2     

Looking at the two "monsters" in front of him, their appearance was that of a robotic dog, only about the size of a Kodiak bear (according to Google, this bear is the largest in the world), looking at the two monsters in front of him, they were certainly killing machines.     

When their appearance, a large metal body with a sharp tail, and large metal paws could not only tear and crush metal easily.     



( Image here )     


Name: N/A     

Breed: Robotic Monster ( Robot Dog )     

Class: Not available     

Level - 0 ( 0% )     

HP - 15.000     

MP - 2.500     

STR - 500     

VIT - 300     

DEX - 300     

INT - 50     

WIS - 50     

CHARM - 0     

LUCK - 0     

Thoughts about yourself: You are the creator.     

Abilities: superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, rip, tear, bite, optical camouflage, pack tactics, clear hearing and vision, Hive Mind system ]]     

Looking at them in surprise, Eloah said, "Now I understand what you meant by Killing Machines, if there is a large group of them, few people could survive them."     

"Yes, that's the idea, make a lot of them and have them destroy the dungeons for me," he replied, proud of his creation. Now we can leave.     

Turning his attention to the blue screen, Daemon chose the dungeon of "boars" and "mega boars", so that a blue portal appeared in front of him.     

Before entering the portal, Daemon turned and looked at the two humanoid robots and said. "You will be "Apha1" and "Apha2".     

Having finished their "horrible" appointment, the first to enter the portal were "Omega1,2", followed by "Beta1,2", then Daemon entered inside the portal.     

Entering inside the portal, Daemon was now at the entrance to a cave, or the end of it.     

The only thing he knew was that "Alpha1,2" and "Omega1,2" were killing everything in front of them at insane speed.     

Why wasn't Daemon getting any Exp? He had simply let them kill the French fries.     

So with this thought in mind, he walked over to one of the dead boars, either they died from a deep cut in the neck or a large bite crushing the head and neck.     

Walking over to the first corpse lying on the ground, Daemon looked over the boar's body where there was a HUD with the option to "Skin     



Clicking on the "Y" option appeared another HUD above it for Daemon.     

( You want to skin all the boars? 10x )     


'A new option?' he thought, choosing the ''Y''.     

( Sturdy boar skin was added to the inventory, 10x )     

( Large boar thigh was added to inventory, 20x )     

( Boar ribs added to the inventory, 10x )     

( Big boar canine has been added to the inventory, 20x )     


And that was it, Alpha1,2 and Omega1,2 were killing any boar that got in their way, in the end they were waiting for Daemon who was following them collecting all the stuff.     


And he got a lot of it.     

( robust boar skin was added to the inventory, 30x )     

( Big boar thigh was added to the inventory, 60x )     

( Boar ribs added to inventory, 30x )     

( Big boar canine has been added to the inventory, 60x )     


( I was in doubt if boars have tendons, as I couldn't find anything that said that, I won't put it in, as there are few uses for them as well)     


Now, Daemon and Eloah, don't have to depend on the "store" to buy food.     

Watching Apha1,2 and Omega1,2, standing in front of a white door that looked like smoke.     

"It even looks like that entrance door of a Dark Soul boss." He thought.     

Walking up to the white door, a notification appeared to Daemon.     

[Alert! Barrier ahead].     

[ Do you wish to face the area boss? ]     


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