The Epic of Azathoth




''That was too fast,'' Raum said.     

"Hm ~ '' Daemon grumbled as she walked inside the house.     

Raum looked at Daemon's back as she was lost in her thoughts.     

Passing through the dining room, Daemon soon arrived in the kitchen.     

Kitchen was quite simple.     

Ignoring the entire kitchen, Daemon went to the refrigerator and opened it as if it were his own home.     

Grabbing a package of beer called Duff, he carried it into the living room.     

Flying off his shoulder and landing on the red couch, Raum was mentally talking to Beatrice.     

Yes, talking to Beatrice. The Daemon System.     


'Is that what you were talking about his personality?'     

( Yes, that personality is a problem along with his lack of emotions )     

'I don't see anything wrong, he's just calmer and quieter.'     

( It's because you can't hear the chaos that is inside his head. )     

'Is that so bad?'     

( Yes, he's thinking of accelerating the war by starting a big massacre just to improve his [Revive] skill )     

( His second goal is to achieve the title of [ Human Killer ] )     

( And his ultimate goal is to start a Cataclysm big enough to swallow the world )     

'This personality of his is quite dangerous.'     

( Yes, even for his own good. )     

( So I need you to keep him busy and stable )     

'It seems pretty complicated to do that.'     

( Yes, quite complicated. )     

'That wouldn't be nice, I just got out of there and I don't want to go back anytime soon.'     

( So keep him stable and keep him away from other humans, you can do anything as long as it doesn't hurt my player. )     

'I have a question.'     

( Speak )     

[ How was this split personality created? ]     

( You must already know that humans are beings that need social interaction. The personality you've known all along was created to protect itself, after all, because of this personality and because of its lack of emotions, it can't put itself in other people's shoes or try to feel empathy for someone else.'     

( Also... this has to do with what happened in his childhood. )     

'Although this is his original personality, this lack of emotion is much more dangerous.'     

'Couldn't you have erased this personality?'     

( I couldn't, something stopped me from erasing it, so I decided to keep his two personalities, even the [Player's Mind] can't handle it. )     

'So I just need to keep it stable so it doesn't end up destroying the world?'     

( Exactly that )     

( I'll make sure he has a harder time leveling up his crafting class, he seems to have some interest in those classes )     

[ You talk like it's easy ... ]     

( Easy? it might be if he was a ''normal'' player but this idiot can be very perceptive ... sometimes )     

'A demon saving the world, is there anything more ironic than that?'     

( Probably not ... )     

(Ah, yes, lest we forget. No matter how strange or idiotic what he's doing seems, don't try to make sense of it).     

( After all, it was because of that personality that he died ... )     

'Hm ... Right?'     

- - -     

Looking at his master after he finished drinking the second can of beer, Raum had no idea what to do.     

Why is it so complicated to think of a good viable plan where he doesn't end up destroying the world?     


[ Next Day > 04 A.M. ]     

Still at dawn, in a medium sized house inside one of the rooms of the house was a woman with long golden hair reaching her waist, completely naked for anyone to see.     

If you could say that there was someone perfect, it was that this woman was perfect.     

Her slim body, with small muscles in the right places, had red tribal tattoos that covered part of her belly and chest.     

She was not the only one in that room with her, it was a man who used her breasts as pillows.     

Having long black hair with red tips, he slept peacefully.     

He had a well-defined body, with two red spots, one running down his neck while the other was on his forehead.     

The woman slowly opened her bright red eyes. Knowing that the man was hugging her, she had her arms around the man's neck, keeping her position still, she didn't want to wake him.     

With a wry smile on her face, she can't help but think 'Master, it would be better if you were so still when you were awake.'     

'That was quite tiring, I didn't expect him to have so much energy, I even had to use my mastery to pass the time more slowly ~'' She thought to herself.     

Closing her eyes, the woman went back to sleep.     


Looking at that scene, anyone could understand what he ended up doing.     

After all, the scratch marks on the man's back could be evidence, couldn't they?     

How about the red mark on the woman's buttocks, and if you looked closer, you could see her skin glistening with sweat.     

Then, between the woman's legs, there was a milky white liquid.     

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