The Epic of Azathoth

the goddess of luck has abandoned me

the goddess of luck has abandoned me

0'' Hm... this is pretty good here ~ '' Daemon said letting out a small groan of satisfaction.     

'' 530 Points available '' Daemon whispered. It's a shame that I can't get an advantage, certainly disappointing ~ ''     


'' Beatrice, isn't there a way to get credits faster? '' ~ I asked her, it was okay to say out loud that there was no one here.     

( I didn't tell her? )     

'' No? ~'' I answered.     

( When a 'Player' reaches level 50, he can enter inside the challenge tower )     

''How does the challenge tower work?'' I asked.     

(It's very simple, each 'Player' will start on the 1st floor, there are 100 floors up to top. )     

( When you finish the first 100 floors, you can unlock the Lv2 challenge tower )     

''That sounds like a lot of fun,'' I said.     

''Maybe I'll go there, but I still need to do some things ''     


[Royal Road Pass - Rank: Unique ( active ) ]     

Tele transports you to the Royal Road.     

MP 10,000     


Sighing, it was about time for me to leave the lake.     

Reaching the shore, I looked at the two, Raum was using the fire to dry his feathers and the other was enjoying the sunlight.     

Grabbing my already dry underwear, I put it on while grabbing the water bottle from the inventory and the bag of French fries, taking a big gulp of water, I needed this.     


After, I finished eating the bag of chips, still hungry, I took a piece of wolf meat from the inventory and pierced it with a twig, and left it on the fire.     

Being watched intensely by five pairs of eyes, I looked at them and asked, '' Do you want some? ~ ''     

Shaking my head in confirmation, I pulled out two more pieces of wolf meat from the inventory, although I don't think this is enough.     

Leaving the two pieces of meat hanging by the fire, I realized that this would take a long time.     

I'm hungry, I don't want it to take too long.     

Creating a ball of fire in my palm, I began to focus on it. Sending out small amounts of mana ended up only increasing the size of the fireball.     

( Conditions met [Great Fireball] successfully created! )     

[ Great Ball of Fire ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Uncommon ( Active )     

Throws a large fireball toward the target, causing a large explosion.     

Causes 50 DMG + INT     

Effect: Burn,     

Causes +10 burns for 10 seconds.     


'' That's not it ~ ''... I thought.     


( Conditions met [Great Chaos Fireball ] successfully created! )     

[ Great Chaos Fireball ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rare Rank ( Active) ]     

Throws a large fireball towards a target and explodes in a range of ten feet.     

Causes 200 DGM + INT     

Effect: Burns,     

Causes +10 burns for 10 seconds.     


( What are you trying to create?)     

The most basic spell in Skyrim, flames ~ '' I replied to her.     

( Instead of putting in small amounts of mana, let it out all at once )     

Listening to her advice, I walked to a distant place, created a fireball, and let it all out.     

Creating a big trail that led to the lake, maybe I overdid it.     


( Conditions Met [Flames] successfully created! )     

[Flames ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rank - Uncommon ( Active ) ]     

When using flames, they shoot fire from your hand.     

Mp 10 per second.     

Effect: Causes +10 burns for 10 Seconds.     


( By fulfilling certain requirements the title [ Pyromaniac ] was obtained )     


Increases the damage of all fire-based spells by 100% and increases "fire resistance" by 40%.     


''Hey, I'm not a Pyromaniac ''     

( Not what is written here )     

''There's a mistake here''     

( It's impossible to make a mistake )     

I'm sure there's a mistake, please correct it ~ ' '     


( ... )     

Ignoring me, I started using flames to roast the wolf meat.     


Finishing burning the meat, I threw a piece to Nidhogg who devoured the whole piece in one bite, threw a piece to Raum who started eating the meat in small pieces, while I took the last piece by the bone and chewed.     

'' And after all this, I didn't gain the skill [of cooking] can I gain it if I use instant noodles?'' I thought to myself.     

That's a good question.     

'' If I ... ~ ''     

( No, stop it, you'll have no skill doing this )     

"It's impolite to read my thoughts"     

'' And for science, humanity needs to know that! ''     

( No! humanity doesn't need to know that )     

''Humanity needs this, imagine how much they will evolve knowing this''     


( No such ability exists! )     

'' Why didn't you say that before ''     

( Because no "player" would ask if **** can be reached )     

Call a GM     

( I won't call a GM because of that )     

'' Tch ... petty ''     


'' Cough ... cough, let's let her go ~ ''     

( Yes )     

''Please open my tickets ''     

( All? )     

''Yes ''     


[ ...     

[ ...     

[ Babylon Gate ( Empty ) ]     

[Blue Stone]     

[Bottled Firefly]     

[Fishing line]     

[ Sword of Rupture - Ea ]     

[ Necromancer/Invoker Set ]     

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