The System: Civilian Shinobi




Hello everyone, thank you for sticking around, during my month-long break I wrote a story which is now posted on webnovel so check it out if you want!     

www. web novel .com /book/the-uncrowned-king(litrpg)_19289475305908905     

Also, my other Fanfiction on HP universe will get regular updates starting today     

www. web novel .com/book/the-system-pureblood-gamer_18465472405783405     

Thank you for Listening Enjoy!!     


'Alright if I had time then I would have infiltrated this place with shadow clones but I need to make this quick, first order of business create chaos all around the place...'     

'Shadow clone Jutsu'     

I created 3 Hyper charged shadow clones who had all a fourth of my chakra, they immediately used Zetsu's transformation technique to take the appearance of the Iwa-nin whose chakra I absorbed earlier. I opened my supplies and gave them huge stacks of explosive notes. They melted down into their shadows getting into position. As now I was working with only a fifth of my chakra I too dived into my shadow and moved through the village into the general area where Gaara was supposed to be located.     

'alright, no dispersions means all is going according to the plan.'     

I extended my senses and found a massive well of chakra to the east of me, slowly I started to creep towards him and when I was just 500m from him I stopped.     

'alright, this should be enough-'     

I created and dispersed another shadow clone and withing seconds explosions started ringing all around but mostly behind me. My clones spammed some large-scale Earth release Jutsu around before dashing into alley's and dispersing, except one of them who transformed himself into a kid and mixed into the ruckus.     

'at least I have some chakra to work with now.'     

Unsheathing my sword, I activated the Mangekyou Sharingan and dashed towards Gaara. I noticed two familiar chakra signature's around him so I placed a simple genjutsu on my mask and ignored them as I used the swift release to dash straight at Gaara from his blind spot, Temari's eyes widened but before she could realize what was going on my sword was already pushing forward towards Gaara's heart.     

A wall of sand appeared out of nowhere and deflected my strike, which instead of passing through his heart buried into his shoulder, before he grunted in pain I flicked my sword in upwards direction detaching his hand from his body as I dashed back to evade the swing of Temari's face.     

'give me this at least-'     

As I was dashing backwards, I shot some chakra strings that grabbed Gaara's left arm and pulled it towards me. I looked at it for a second before putting it into my inventory as Gaara turned around to look at me with insanity in his eyes.     

'shit, I don't want a Jinchuriki rampage-'     

His chakra was bleeding through his tenketsu's and was disappearing into the sand all around me. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was trying to do as he gestured with his right hand and the building around me collapsed, turning into sand, it rose up into the air, folding onto itself as it began falling towards me.     

"Sand Coffin!!" Gaara screamed as the sand was covering everything, long shadows formed on the ground and as soon as one of them connected to mine I used a wall of Iron to hide from their view before dropping into the shadow and appeared from a shadow some distance behind them.     

"Sand Burial!!" A large amount of sand pressed on the ground and compressed as I let wind natured, chakra flow through my sword once again.     

'Swift release'     

I dashed once again but this time Gaara seemed more alert or maybe it was because he had a demon inside him as he dodged instinctively, I diverted my blade in a sweep intending to damage Kankuro or Temari and as they jumped back I looked at Gaara straight in his slightly demonified eyes.     

'heh, sucker, Sharingan Genjutsu-'     

Using my one available Mangekyou Sharingan to put both him and the Ichibi into a hypnotic sleep I grabbed hold of his body as he slumped forward. I manipulated an Iron wall to cover my escape as I dashed into a nearby alley and channelled swift release chakra through my body to dash forward, simultaneously I created a Kage bunshin who took Gaara from me and continued to run away as I jumped into the shadows once again.     

Kankuro and Temari were running towards me as I checked the genjutsu on my mask.     

'Hmm, this is perfect-'     

I used Zetsu's transformation once again and turned into the same Iwa shinobi and ran towards them with the sword. Recognising the sword once again Temari seemed enraged as she swept her fan wide while channelling all her chakra into the Jutsu.     

'Not good!'     

Abandoning my plan to knock them out and making sure the blame lays down on Iwa, I jumped back while going through a couple of hand signs, "Earth Style: Stone Wall"     

'wow, it was so easy to use the jutsu now that I have a primary earth affinity...'     

Releasing the transformation I jumped back into the shadows and transported away as big blades of wind natured chakra sliced through my wall and then continued to dismantle the buildings.     

'tch, women and their temper, now she's all open to dispatch-'     

I retreated as I felt hundreds of Shinobi rushing towards the area, I appeared beside my clone who was guarding an unconscious Gaara, as Shinobi were already fanning around to search through the area I aimed my sword and pushed it straight through the middle of his forehead.     

'What the-'     

My senses screamed at me to moved as I dashed away at full speed as malicious chakra burst from Gaara's body and exploded out, the ground shook as cracks began to appear and the sand waves erupted through from the centre of Gaara's body like waves.     


I let some more Iron sand out of my inventory and covered myself in a spherical ball as the waves continued to crush anything in their path 1 km around the area.     


A notification appeared in front of me and as I had nothing better to do, I glanced at it.     

[Killed Sabuko no Gaara]     


[Shukaku dispersed for 2 years]     

'wait I succeded?'     

The waves calmed down and I immediately dropped down the iron barrier, all around me was a wasteland, I was standing in the centre of it and about 100m away Gaara's body looked broken.     

'aww, shit-'     

I immediately started dodging as I was being peppered by shurikens from all directions...     

'damm no other way-'     

I let the transformation drop and controlled every shuriken and Kunai coming at me, Iron sand hovered around me as I made a platform around me and started rising into the air.     

'sometimes having Sharingan is a curse, I count at 1566 shinobi around me and more are coming...'     

"Tobi Uchiha of Konoha" I focused on the voice as Baki appeared in front of me flanked by a platoon of ANBU guards...     

'well, I guess my Sharingan isn't a secret any longer...'     

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