The System: Civilian Shinobi

[SS-rank mission Part-1]

[SS-rank mission Part-1]

0"What is the expected timeframe before open hostilities break out?" Tsunade-sama looked at Itachi who said, "One week at least, although every village was preparing for war, they still need to get their resources together if they want to launch a proper attack, I'll give it one to two week."     

Tsunade-sama nodded before turning to me, "Are you sure about this Tobi-kun?" she stopped looking for any signs of hesitation on my face before nodding and saying, "Shikamaru, Shikaku, plot the safest way to infiltrate Suna-"     

*cough cough*     

I indicated that I wanted to speak so she stopped, "there is no need, for that, I have a way to get past their borders-" Jiraya-sama stopped me here by saying, "-infiltrating during peacetime and during wartime are different things Tobi-kun, here-" he tossed a scroll to me, "that contains all the weak points in Suna's normal patrol structures, now the patrol may be different but the pattern will be same after all their Shinobi are in a habit to do things in a certain way."     

I nodded politely to him before turning to Tsunade-sama, "I'll leave as quick as possible, is there any intel about the nearest possible location where I could find Suna ninja's?"     

Tsunade-sama raised an eyebrow at the request before turning to Shika who rummaged through the scrolls, "the last reported sightings of Suna ninjas was along the border of hidden rain or hidden grass-" he grimaced at that as I nodded, "Thanx that's all I needed."     

I turned to everyone else and said, "I'm packed and prepared, see you guys in a week okay-" I was about to jump away but Tsunade-sama stopped me, "Brat-" she looks hesitant before saying, "-don't get caught, if your first attack fails, retreat, no one would be able to catch up to you."     

I nodded before saying shunshined out of the room and on top of the Hokage mountain. I stood upon Lord Fourth's head and looked at the view of Konoha, various Shinobi were hopping from building to building as they hurried with their tasks.     

'Alright then, let's see... shop'     

The familiar blue screen appeared and I started searching through the extensive list of abilities.     

'where is it, where is it...'     

It took me 5 minutes to find the ability, I looked at the description and nodded lightly at the information in front of me.     

[White Zetsu's Transformation ability- 30 SP]     

[By absorbing your opponent's chakra through physical contact, mimick their physical and chakra pathways to perfection. As long as you hold the transformation, your chakra nature will change to the absorbed chakra nature.]     

'maybe I could have attacked Iwa too, but there is no way I would be able to do anything meaningful with Lightning natured chakra...'     

I bought the ability and how to use it properly appeared in my brain, a familiar pain appeared all throughout my body as I ignored it and juped away to the ANBU headquarters.     

The pain lasted for over a minute before it subsided and I created a small water puddle with a D-ranked jutsu to see if there were any physical changes. Noticing nothing different I slipped into the headquarter and after waving to some members slipped into my ANBU gear. Unsealing the weasel mask I slipped it on before disappearing through one of the ANBU back entrances.     

'alright, since the land of grass is under Kabuto's control s there are more chances of me finding someone there... what is he doing here'     

I slowed down to let Itachi catch up, "What is it, Itachi-san?"     

'Why did he leave Konoha?'     

"Kill Gaara if you have the chance"     

I looked at him in shock at his statement as he explained, "Akatsuki has already captured two of the higher tailed Jinchuriki, although there is no necessary order in which they need to seal the beasts, after sealing the 4 and 7 tails the Gedo Mezo is destabilizing, that is why we never tried to take Naruto-kun, if you kill Gaara, the Ichibi will disperse, and they won't be able to seal the Kyubi."     


I nodded as he returned the gesture before dispersing in a cloud of smoke.     

'Alright that definitely was Itachi's chakra signature and that wasn't a White Zetsu. I was gonna kill Baki and hinder with Gaara's seal but I guess...'     

I restarted my journey towards Hidden grass while thinking about what to do.'     


It took me a day of constant running before I arrived at the border of Kusa, slowing down my speed and extending my senses to the maximum range it took me just 20 minutes to find a team from Suna, it looked like a standard patrol squad of 4 members with 3 Jounin level chakra pool and 1 high-chunin.     

'Will that do? alright, that guy looks about my size.'     

'Shadow clone Jutsu'     

'Shadow Transportation Technique'     

'Wind Release: chakra flow'     

'Iryo Ninjutsu: chakra flow'     

I created 3 clones with just enough chakra to perform the following two jutsu's one time each, they each fell back into their shadows and appeared into the shadows of their target's, with a quick clean cut 3 blades were inserted into the spine of the three nameless shinobi's severing their spine into 2 and causing massive internal bleeding and as the swords exited the medical chakra healed the skin and muscles erasing any signs of injury other than a cut and some blood at their shirts.     

With a puff of smoke, my clones dissipated and their experience hit me as I stood upon the knocked off body of the last Suna-nin. After channelling some Earth-natured chakra into my feet I slammed my foot on the ground as the rest of the bodies were swallowed up and the ground returned to its initial state.     

'well stage-1 success... now for the second part'     

I carefully drew some seals on the head of the ninja and then dashed back to our border and found a cave, sealing the entrance and applying a sound-based genjutsu around the area I started to dive into the mind of the Suna nin.     

'well then hello Kuno-san, you are quite a forgettable shinobi aren't you... maybe I'm getting a little mentally unstable after all-'     

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