The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Danzo Shimaru!]

[Danzo Shimaru!]

0AN-All right! I'm gonna try and explain it to all the confused people... Remember in the show when Itachi first revealed his Mangekyou, he closed his eyes and then opened them with the Mangekyou Sharingan, so Tobi used that opportunity to attack them, so Itachi this time couldn't help Kisame as he was also avoiding a slash... as For Kisame! Itachi told him to stand down and he will take care of this so he was a little alert but like everyone else, he was focusing on the Itachi, Now while Dashing with the Swift release on it is said in the manga that the person nearly teleports to the target, and Sharingan eliminates his tunnel vision, so If you are faster than someone and your reflexes are perfect, then it is quite easy for someone to retreat after dealing damage... as for the throwing the Samehada in the Inventory, he was covered from all sides with the Iron sand at that time... now as I previously stated that the masks of the ANBU are specially made so you can't see if someone has a doujutsu or not like he couldn't figure out if his sensei was a Hyuga or not...     



'Heh! I know I'm awesome...'     

Kurenai-sensei was giving me a strange look, it took me a moment to realize what it was about…     

'Right Iron Sand...'     

I chuckle nervously under her glare, "We'll talk about this later Tobi-kun… How's Kakashi's condition..."     

'Dodged that bullet for now...'     

"I could only stop his nerves from being damaged… Kakashi-san, you will still feel phantom pain so I think it's better if we move you to the hospital..." I advised to which he nodded and covered his left eye with the headband…     

Guy-san spoke up next, "Let's take him back to his room to make sure nothing leaks..."     

There was unanimous nodding as Guy-san supports Kakashi…     

'And here's my cue to sneak off… damn Kurenai-sensei is giving me the stink eye...'     

I jump beside them as they make their way towards the Jounin residence area…     

'Jiraya-sama was right, I always end up hanging around with people not from my class...'     


I was sitting next to Kakashi-san monitoring his condition and helping his nerves relax…     

'What kind of jutsu was this… it looked like a Sharingan technique but… maybe it is available in the upgraded version… '     

"So Tobi-kun..."     

"Yeah Kurenai-sensei..."     

"Would you like to explain to me, Tobi-kun"     

I scratch the back of my head as I remove my mask…     

"Well...Ummm… I first discovered this ability back when I was in the academy, I didn't know how I got it so I decided to train it secretly during the academy years… I saw how Sasuke was treated due to his bloodline… the whole village reveres him as the next Uchiha progeny, as I was a civilian by birth I didn't know how to explain my ability… and I guess it was a little childish of me back then but then during our wave mission when I said that the hunter-nin had a bloodline, the way you guys changed the mission details scared me further… then I decided that to at least not reveal my abilities unless it is absolutely required..."     

The atmosphere was a little heavy as I explained my reasoning to them… after a bit of silence, she sighed and started to walk towards me… she hugged me and said, "You are my student Tobi-kun, no matter what happens no one can take that bond away from us..." I spent some time comfortably in her embrace when Guy-san spoke up, "Tobi, did you save Lee when Gaara was about to crush his arm and leg?"     

'Huh! I always thought he was a little slow...'     

"Yes, I was worried that Gaara would harm lee so I let some of my Iron Sand mix in with his sand… the funny thing that makes his sand so powerful was the unity that holds it together… I just had to make the Iron Sand hidden within his sand to vibrate a little to break his hold on Lee-san..."     

Guy-san went a little emotional before he started thanking me and tried to hug me… the panicked look on my face sent everyone laughing and even Kakashi-san chuckled… I tried to shoot a plea to Kurenai-sensei for help but she just ignored me...     


'I'll remember this...'     

I was shooting Kurenai-sensei an annoyed glare while healing Kakashi-san when Sasuke came into the room…     


Upon seeing me healing Kakashi-san as he was resting he started firing questions about what happened… while Asuma-sensei was trying to make up an excuse some random Jounin burst into the room and started firing questions about Itachi…     


Sasuke bolts out of the room and the spiky-haired jounin shrunk under the glare of all the Jounin's present… Guy-san was the first to react, "I'll follow him and make sure everything's fine..." He dashed out of the room before I could ask if I should come too…     

I guess I'll just heal him then…     

'This got boring pretty quickly...'     


I leave Kakashi-san's home after some time making sure he was okay…     

'Taichou still hasn't got back to me… he's probably doing missions outside the village...'     

I walked back to my training spot when I sense at least 20 people shadowing me…     

'Wow! That's quite a lineu..p... who's that...'     

The people who were following me looked more like a security detail for the person who was walking in front of them… The thing that stopped me wasn't the security detail but rather the weird type of chakra he had…     

'Yeah, no doubt about it… those are Sharingan's...'     

I keep walking into the clearing in training ground 2 before leaning against a tree and waited for him to show himself while I started to mold Earth natured chakra…     

Realizing that he and his team have been discovered he walked forward and I got my first look at the guy… he was a middle-aged man with bandages covering his forehead and right eye…     

'Which has a Sharingan hidden underneath it… inspect… damn question marks again!!'     

I was sweating a little as I couldn't use Sharingan without my mask and I don't think if I can beat him with it… I let the earth natured chakra I was molding fade away and started to channel Swift release chakra to my limbs…     

'I don't like this situation...'     

The 19 people started to form a perimeter around us… Realizing that the situation could turn a little difficult I stood up and took out my sword…     

'Wind Release: Chakra flow'     

A soft hmm started to transmit from my blade as I looked straight at the old man in front of me…     

"And who might you be?"     

"My name is Danzo Shimura… I am an elder of the Hidden leaf and I have a proposition for you..."     

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