The System: Civilian Shinobi



0I stood on top of 4th Hokage's head as I look at the view of Konoha…     

'How long are you gonna hide...I am completely in the open...'     

4 Chakra signatures have been following me for about an hour now…     

'They probably aren't here to spy on me as the third exam begins in just two hours...Let's test what they are after ...'     

I jumped down from the mountain and let myself fell freely…     

'Are you watching Hayate-sensei, today is just gonna be a start...'     

I threw two Kunai attached with Ninja wire to the mountain in order to break my fall… Once I arrive at the base of the mountain I circled around the Konoha main market and proceeded to make my way towards training ground 2…     

'So they have a sensor...No one is in the vicinity so let's start...'     

I jump towards the nearby shadow and do a modified hand seal for my new favorite jutsu…     

'Shadow Transportation jutsu'     

I sink in the shadow and lie in wait for the 4 Ninja's following me… They stop a little distance from me and started communicating between them using hand signs…     

They broke their formation and started looking around for me… I could feel the shadows connecting in the shade of the forest… I teleport behind what turned out to be the sensor because as soon as I emerged from his shadow he tried to jump away to avoid me…     

'Should have just run...'     

'Swift release'     

'Wind Release: Chakra Flow'     

'Shadow Transportation jutsu'     

I used my Katana that was covered in wind chakra to cut him and his kunai into two pieces before darting back into the shadow of a nearby tree…     

'That's right panic, your sensor is gone… you guys are just sitting duck now...'     

They started communicating between them before one of them came forward to search the area while the other two took started moulding chakra for jutsu's…     

'Hmm… wind and earth, Let's take out wind first...'     

'Shadow Transportation jutsu'     

I cut off his head and then dive back in his shadow to teleport behind the one who was providing recon...     

'Shadow Transportation jutsu'     

Two more blade swings and I had a pile of sand jounin's lying in front of me… I felt a little Nauseated but I searched their bodies and other than some shuriken and kunai didn't find anything useful...     

'Idiots, never allow a shinobi to get a home-field advantage...'     

I use Earth Release to manipulate the earth and bury the bodies into the ground… I look up at the sun, 'Damn I am almost late... something is up with the Chunin Exams...'     

'Shadow Transportation jutsu'     


I arrive in an alley that was close to the edge of the marketplace and at a remote location… taking a second to survey the area I jump up on the rooftop and proceed to make my way towards the arena…     

'The Shadow transportation jutsu is very impressive, as long as the shadows are connected I can travel at a very fast pace… It won't work that well outside the land of fire though… maybe in the land of lightning...'     

I walk into the arena from the participant's area… 'Huh! Everybody's here already, who's this...Inspect'     

[Genma Shiranui]     

[Lv- 126]     

[HP- 3200/3200]     

[CP- 1550/1550]     

[CONTROL- 67.2%]     

[Allegiance- Konoha]     

[STR- 145]     

[DEX- 175]     

[INT- 170]     

[WIS- 122]     

[CHA- 155]     

'Right the proctor for the third exam...' I scanned everybody in the arena and there were a lot of ANBU's present hiding in the shadows…     

'The security's tight...wait...Kabuto… what are you doing here!'     

I abandon my plan to go towards the middle of the stadium and walked towards Taichou…     

"Taichou, I found the spy hidden as an ANBU"     

"Which one!" There was urgency in his voice so I motion towards the one that is patrolling in the area where Hinata-chan and Ino-chan are staying…     

"Do you have the ANBU outfit..."     

"Yes, Taichou!"     

"Change into it and meet me at the back entrance in a minute...also lock onto his chakra he is rather slippery..."     

"Yes, Taichou!"     

I duck back out of the stadium and go into the nearest alley… A quick equip later I walk out and rush towards the back gate…     

"Did he move?" I shook my head no so he started commanding…     

"Tobi hide above the roof, only attack if you see a clear path of attack, everyone else you know what to do..."     

With that, he made way towards Kabuto in order to lure him to our trap… Shikagi-san went beside the gate and disappeared into the shadows… Chigiri took her place on the opposite rooftop of us and started syncing everyone's minds for communication purposes… and Kagami stood above the entrance to the back gate…     

[Chigiri Yamanaka is trying to link your mind to 3 other people]     


I allow Chigiri to open up a communication channel as I heard her voice…     

'Tobi, can you hear me?'     

'Yes, Chigiri-san'     

'Why is it always difficult to communicate with you… anyway, Taichou everyone's ready… Tobi can you tell us where Kabuto is...'     

'Yes, sensei is talking to him through standard hand-signs… he has taken the place of a healer so sensei said there is an emergency and his services are required...'     

'Everyone get ready… Shikagi will start the attack...'     

There was a barrage of affirmative replies at Taichou's command, and I started to concentrate on the location of Kabuto…     

'what...I can see him through the wall...'     

That was the surprised comment of Shikagi-san before he concentrated and started moulding chakra in his shadow…     

'Tobi is transmitting his location… I won't be able to maintain this type of visual feed for long so I'll cut it off after the first attack...'     

Chigiri explained as Kabuto and Taichou exited from the back entrance…     

I unsheathe my sword and coat it with wind chakra… Taichou exited first and Kabuto followed him when Shikagi's shadow attached itself onto his and he suddenly stopped...     

'Shadow Imitation technique'     

'Mind-Body Disturbance Technique'     

'Gentle Fist'     

'Demonic illusion: False surroundings technique'     

'Secret sword art: Moonlight dash'     

As soon as he was captured in the shadow, Taichou landed a junken strike on each of his shoulders disabling the use of his hands… Chigiri disturbed and took control of his nervous system... Kagami used a genjutsu in order to further fool his senses and I insert my sword straight through, cutting off his spine in the middle…     

Seeing him suddenly crumble everyone dodged back and prepared for battle when I spoke, "It's alright, I cut of his spine in a very specific place, he won't be able to move without extensive treatment but he isn't in any danger of death..." I sat down and started treating his wounds after seething my sword… I closed all his open wounds and internal bleeding using force cell replication… I took off his mask and saw his pale white face and glasses...     

"It looks like you are up to no good again! Genin Kabuto Yakushi!"     

'One down!'     

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