The System: Civilian Shinobi

[First Test!!]

[First Test!!]

0---------------------------Team 9----------------------------     

"Lee what about that attack?" Neji asked his teammate as his eyes were fixed on the unknown genin on team 8…     

"That was faster than me with my weights off..." Lee looked in shock that someone younger than him has beaten him off in his area of expertise, yeah he can still beat him in speed by opening the gates but to see someone younger than him, faster than him surprised him, alongside that it ignited a passion to work harder…     

Neji could see his teammate going on in a tangent so he activated byakugan and examined Tobi…     

'Hmm...great chakra reserves...certainly jounin level and to use medical ninjutsu with that much chakra means excellent chakra control...He doesn't belong to a clan so how did he obtain such strength...'     


I could feel countless eyes on me as I walked back to my team… I walked towards Kabuto and said, "Are you okay? You know you shouldn't piss off an entire village just because we are in Konoha..." I could feel his struggle as he controlled his expression and politely said thank you...before I could inquire more about him my senses went haywire as a man in his 40's with a scar on his face showed up with countless chunin in tow…     

"Quiet down you worthless maggots..."     

'Man's got he is the proctor of the first exam...if he has such an important job he should be trustworthy...I could try to pass some information on to him...'     

I walked towards him as he finished his speech…     

Before he could say anything I started forming signs in the sign language… Contact...ANBU… TOAD… found… Spy… silver… hair… spectacles...High-Jounin...Threat.     

"Get back to your place genin..." I turn back as I get my number and walk to my assigned place between two foreign genins…     

[B-Rank Quest Generated: Chunin Exams]     

[Description: Your sensei has selected you to take part in the chunin exams, prove that her trust in you was valid by being promoted to chunin]     

[Task 1: Pass the first test]     

[Task 2: Pass the second test]     

[Task 3: Inpress 5 proctors during the third test]     

[Rewards: Chunin rank, more items unlocked in the shop, +50 SP,+10,000 EXP]     


After listening to the rules of the exam I could only come to a single conclusion...     

' cheat but don't get caught...but cheat from where...'     

I close my eyes and concentrate on everyone around me… there were a lot of people with different chakra levels around me but some of them stood out,     

'Kabuto was expected, I know Naruto always had massive reserves, and this Gaara guy also had some massive amount of chakra in his body...' The interesting thing was that along with them there were some other outliners in terms of the amount of chakra…     

'Sasuke has chunin level chakra reserves and that Hyuga who was checking me out earlier also is chunin in terms of chakra reserves...These were the real outliners as they are young and have great reserves, those three on the other hand...'     

There were three people in the room that immediately started to write answers as soon as the paper started and Ibiki-san stated all his rules… I focused on one of them and started to copy the movements of his arm…     

'Huh! This was easy...' Aside from the first question that I missed during my initial observation I finished answering all the questions…     

'Hmm.. still 15 minutes left before the final question though...'     

I look around before I start to mould some wind natured chakra into my mouth...I discreetly went through some hand seals beneath my desk and then fire several small needles made of wind chakra at the guy's paper who was sitting in front of me...     

'Wind release: wind senbon'     

The senbons enter the paper and then shreds it into pieces, there was a cry of alarm and the attention of everyone was shifted to the violent gust of wind that suddenly blew and the pieces of the question paper flying around… The look of horror upon the genin's face was further increased when Iruka-san said, "Number 45 you fail, 127 and 15 you fail..."     

"But I didn't do anything...ack!" Before he could say anything a proctor pinned him to a wall and proceed to intimidate him...As the commotion was still going on I decided to snipe 4 more easy targets and a lot of people were continuously thrown out…     

'...hmmm who to go after next...wait, what why does that proctor not have any chakra...those are chakra strings...Hmm, Suna sent some talented genin this time… wait what...'     

I could feel some form of energy trying to enter my body when a notification popped up…     

[Ino Yamanaka is trying to possess your body due to her low INT and WIS stats she failed to enter your consciousness, would you like to allow her to gain control, The system will lock itself during that particular duration]     


'...okay what...does she needs answers? I mean what the hell might as well...' I selected yes and my body slumped on the desk as I lost consciousness…     


I regained consciousness a minute later according to the clock on the wall and notice that my question paper had the first question answered…     

'Huh! So she already knew the answers...' I look at the clock and there were just shy of a minute left in the first 45 minutes, so I decided to stop my plan to sabotage and focused my attention on Ibiki-san for the instructions on the last question…     


'Rules of desperation either choose to fail, or choose to try and answer it and if you get it wrong you will have to stay genin forever...I would have called his bluff if I was in another village but here in Konoha, I don't know what to do...Oooo he raised quite a commotion with those rules...I dunno how it will turn out...besides I don't need to answer the question I still have 9 questions correct...'     

'And the domino effect begins...huh this guy is impressive I had to do so much work to get those guys to quit but he managed that with a few sentences…'     

One by one teams continued to back out of the exam and the number of participants started dwindling…     

'Wait, what...the Baka is raising his hand...since when was he one to quit...'     



I listen to his speech...     

'That's one way to think about it...a genin Hokage...Lol like that would ever happen… He still has guts though, quite stupid but still...'     

"Now to everyone who remains..."     

'Alright, what the hell is this question, meh! I'll skip it who would take such a risk...'     

"To the 72 people who remain...congratulations on passing the first test!!"     


'...come again...'     

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