The Shinobi of Straw Hats

137. Centaurs

137. Centaurs

0Luffy has become a centaurus, he think he has. The others ignore that and they continue their exploration. They go deeper and see the ruins are everywhere.     

Jon also send the Zetsus to explore the island. Now he only have 6 Zetsu, after he left one in Fishman Island. That Zetsu will keep updating the news about the island to him. Big Mom might try something, so he need to leave a surveilance agent.     

They walk for sometime and they see the other side of the island. The other side looks like a winter island, very contrast with this side. It must be where the distress signal came from.     

Usopp suddenly say that he see a winged woman fly on the sky. He try to point at her, but she disappeared. Jon use his sharingan and see the silhouette of that said woman.     

"Usopp is right, she is there, but immediately leave. The smoke cover her so we can't see her clearly. Even i can only see her silhouette and chakra signature."-Jon     

"Then we need to be careful, she could be someone that surveying this area."-Robin     

"Yeah, we don't know anything about this place yet, so we must be careful. Altough i doubt that we can, no, i'm sure that we can't."-Jon     

Jon look at Luffy & Zoro, make Usopp nod and Robin giggle.     


"Let's just prepare for the worst situation."-Jon     

"What'd you mean by that?"-Zoro have a tickmark while Luffy didn't understand     

"Let's call the others first and tell them the situation."-Usopp     

Usopp call the ship's denden mushi, and Brook pick it up. They're shocked because Brook say something had happened. Someone attack them with sleeping gas. He just woke up and the others are gone. Now the ship is in cold zone, move far from the initial hot zone.     

"Brook, go to the center of this island where the hot & cold meet. We will meet you there and we'll move together."-Jon     

"Yes, i also planned to do that."-Brook     

"Alright, be carefull because we also found some suspicious things in this island."-Jon     

They continue their walk, until suddenly they meet a centaurus, the real one. But this centaurus have the lower body of leopard instead of horse. Luffy immediately become friends with him, but it end when he realize Luffy is not real centaurus. The centaurus attack Luffy, but get defeated easily.     

Robin suddenly attack another centaur with a giraffe body. He try to sneak attack Luffy, but didn't consider the others. Jon then inspect the defeated centaurs and find denden mushi with 'CC' imprint. He throw it to Usopp and continue to inspect the centaurs.     

"CC? Is it Centaur Clan?"-Usopp     

"Who knows, but this denden mushi can be our way to find Nami & co."-Jon     

"We have to find another clue with CC imprint."-Robin     

Jon found nothing else, not even a penny. They leave the centaurs and go to cold zone. The arrived at the end of hot zone and see a blizzard at the cold zone. The blizzard is caused by temperature difference.     

Jon then take out Mini Merry II from his inventory. Then they move to the cold zone and they see many centaurs are on the cold zone. The centaurs suddenly throw rocks at them, so Jon just make water wall to protect them.     

Luffy try to ask the centaurs to join their crew, but Jon just close his mouth. Suddenly a big figure come from behind the centaurs. Usopp recognize his voice as the one asking for help in distress call.     

The big centaur try to say something, but the crew can't hear him. The crew can't even bother to hear him because it start to get cold. Jon change his clothes to a winter clothes, but the others didn't bring their winter clothes.     

They look at the centaurs that have thick clothes and plan to take them. Luffy, Zoro, and Robin smile creepily, make the centaurs shivers. The centaurs seem to notice who they are and try to run away.     

"Sh-shit, th-they rrrr-run away."-Usopp     

"J-Jon, thrrr-throw us!"-Luffy     


Jon throw Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp to the air. Then he use 'Futon: Great Breakthrough' to fling them toward the centaurs. For Robin, he just pick her up and run on the air with Geppo, before he put her down on the cold zone.     

Jon go back to the water to store their boat. He stand on the water so he can take the boat, but some sharks suddenly attack him. Jon realize that this water are from the ocean and fishes also come here. He kill the sharks and store them for food supplies.     

He store the boat and go back to the cold zone. The others are already defeat the centaurs and wear their warm clothes. Now they threat the centaurs leader, which is an alligator centaur to bring them to the base.     

Jon & Luffy are eating again while they ride the alligator centaur, Brownbeard. Luffy have big appetite, but Jon was not, he just start to eat a lot after he master Seimei Kikan. He realize that he can use food to regenerate his chakra faster and raise his reserve with Seimei Kikan.     

Sometime later, they see 2 people are fighting. They recognise them, they're Law and Smoker. They also see many unconscious and sliced marines are scattering around. Smoker also have a hole in his chest where his heart is located, but he is still alive.     

"A Vice Admiral and a Sichibukai are fighting. I thought you are allies."-Jon     

"Straw Hats, as i thought you are here."-Smoker     

"Ah Smokey, it's you again."-Luffy     

"Why'd we meet with this guy again?"-Zoro     

"I think he try to chase us again."-Usopp     

"He must be frustated after failed to stop us in the past."-Robin     

"The Marine must be very boring and he only find entertainment when he chase us. Or maybe a marine must have a big pride that they can only chase a crew. Or maybe he want some kind of award for capturing a sensational rookie. Or maybe he didn't have another job."-Jon     

The others sweatdrop at Jon, and Smoker have tickmark on his head. Jon is not really serious, he just want to mess with Smoker. Smoker seem to realize, but someone didn't.     


"WAIT, TASHIGI!"-Smoker     

Tashigi suddenly attack Jon with her sword and Jon didn't move at all. He just cover his left hand with haki & caych the sword. Her strength isn't that much, altough she is stronger than 2 years ago.     

"Yare yare daze, so stiff and hot headed, that's not good for a swordsman."-Jon     

Jon cover his right hand with haki, then punch at Tashigi's stomach and fling her back to the marines. The others look at Jon like he is some kind of heartless man.     

"What? I am an advocate of gender equality. She train to be strong so she can fight with mens. It will be rude if i don't fight back, it will mean that i look down on her."-Jon     

"Yeah, but..."-Usopp     

"Anyway Luffy, you remember him right? Trafalgar Law, the one who help us 2 years ago."-Jon     

"Ah that's right, Tra-guy, thanks for helping us 2 years ago. By the way, where is that talking polar bear?"-Luffy     


"No need for gratitude, i just acted on a whim at that time. In the end, we are still pirates."-Law     

"You're right, we will be enemies if you also go for One Piece."-Luffy     

Smoker try to attack Luffy, but Jon flicker and kick him back.     

"Our Captain is still talking, don't disturb him please."-Jon     

"Demon Eyes, i remember you can attack me 2 years ago. Thanks to you i realize that logia can be attacked without seastone. So i start to learn what to do and find haki."-Smoker     

"Well, your welcome. Now show your gratitude by going away from here."-Jon     

Smoker have tickmark and suddenly Tashigi run and want to attack again. Just when Jon want to move, Law make his own move. He use an unknown technique and heart shaped thing come out from Smoker & Tashigi's body. Then the hearts switched and they faint.     

Law suddenly leave, so the Straw Hats also leave. Luffy want to ask something to Law, but Law just say that they need to go to the back of the facility. What they're looking for is there, that's what Law said. Law didn't say anything else and enter the facility.     

With Law's words, the Straw Hats go to the back of facility. They follow the wall to the back of the facility. They finally see the others and some giant children. But they're very shocked to see 'Franky' try to hit 'Nami'. Jon flicker and stop Franky's punch to Nami.     

Jon scold Franky, but he's more surprised to hear Franky speak with Nami's accent. They explain that Law has switched their soul with his power. Sanji is in Nami's body and he try to peek at Nami's breast, so Nami want to hit him.     

"Sigh, but you'll get hurt when you go back to your body."-Jon     

"But he will keep doing that."-Nami     

"Leave it to me."-Jon     

Jon approach Sanji in Nami's body, then he put him in genjutsu. Jon suggest that Sanji will see his nightmare anytime he try to peek at Nami's body. Sanji get confused at first, but then he realize what happen and get depressed.     

The legs that attached to Luffy have a head now. The head was found by Nami & co while being abducted. It's very strange to see legs with head, but without body. Furthermore, he is the samurai that they heard in distress call.     

They all interrogate him about the distress call. The samurai really slicing up the centaurs, which is Brownbeard's crew. But he did it just to save his son, and he sliced everybody that get in his way.     

Then he explain that Law is the one who slice his body. His legs accidentally attached to the dragon. What's more surprising is that the legs can talk because of the samurai's excessive farting.     

"So you say we talk to fart all this time?"-Jon have a dark face     

"Yes de-gozaru."-Samurai     

Jon immediately kick the samurai's balls and make him frothing. Brook also suddenly say he met the body, but he left it without knowing what happen. The samurai didn't hear anything because he's more focus on his pain.     

Usopp then make headbands to identify the switched ones. It really help for the others to not mistake them. Altough it's still very awkward to call Nami as Sanji, Franky as Nami, Chopper as Franky, and Sanji as Chopper.     

They discuss their next step and Robin seem very angry at how Franky talk with Chopper's body. But they brush it off and decide to interrogate Brownbeard. Jon want to use sharingan, but the alligator man talk easily.     

He explain about the island which was an experimental ground for Vegapunk. It was full of greenery, but then poison gas spread and destroy everything. WG left this island and then it was used by Akainu & Aokiji to fight for Fleet Admiral position.     

Almost everybody get surprised, but Jon already have a hunch before. The effect of their 10 days fight, has changed the climate of this island. That is the power of strong devil fruit user.     

Then Brownbeard explain about his crew which was defeated by Basil Hawkins. They lost their lower limbs mobility, but then someone save them. They call him Master, and said that he will be the one who save humanity, Caesar Clown.     

"Caesar? HAHAHAHAHA"-Jon     

"You know him?"-Nami     

"Yeah, he was Vegapunk's assistant, and specialized in mass destruction weapon. He fail in a big experiment, which is that poison gas that destroy this island. Saving humanity? Caesar is a mass murderer, he's only interested in destruction."-Jon have a sharp face at the end     

"Hmph, i won't believe you. Master have saved us, and he is so kind."-Brownbeard     

"Whatever, but this is bad. If Caesar is here, he must have an experiment in here, and this facility must be his lab."-Jon     

"Actually, these children could be experimental subjects."-Chopper     

""!!! WHAT?!""-All     

"Now this is not good."-Jon     

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