The Shinobi of Straw Hats

110. First Task

110. First Task

0Dragon give a mission that surprise Jon, but also make him happy.     

"Donquixote Doflamingo, also known as 'Joker' in Underworld. We have follow their track because they have supplying weapons to many kingdoms that are in war, or pirates. The weapons cause many civilian casualties and Joker always give fuel to the war."-Dragon     

"So that he will not lose his customers?"-Jon     

"Exactly, what i want you to do, is to stop a transaction that will happen in Alabasta. You will steal the weapons so we can use it for our plan. I have make a team, and you will follow them and learn how we work."-Dragon     


"In a week, so prepare yourself!"-Dragon     

"Alright, is there a tailor in here?"-Jon     

"Of course, why'd you ask?"-Dragon     

"I need something, don't worry about it. Also after this mission, can i get 2 weeks off? I have some business in Alabasta."-Jon     

"Ara, did you miss your blue haired princess?"-Robin suddenly come inside the office.     

"Geh, don't be too blunt, sis!"-Jon     

"Why not, she will be my sister in-law in the future right?"-Robin smile     

"Hmm, fine, i will give you a month. After a month, a ship will come for another mission that you will follow. So train by yourself in that time!"-Dragon     

"YOSHA!"-Jon got excited     

After some detailed explanation, Jon leave the office and go to the tailor. He need to make a new identity, and transformation jutsu is not enough. The jutsu will wear off if he is too injured or his chakra depleted. He also can't cover his sharingan with that jutsu. So he need a clothes that cover his whole body, and he have an idea.     

*knock knock*     

"Come in!"-Woman voice     

Jon open the door and come inside. He see a middle aged woman with brown curly hair is sewing a clothes with a machine.     

"Ah, Jon-chan, why'd you come here?"-Woman     

"Eh, aunty Lisa, so you're the tailor, i don't know that."-Jon     

"Well, you would know if you don't train all the time. So what's your business here? I assume you search for the tailor?"-Lisa     

"Yeah, i want to make something for my first mission."-Jon     

"Ara, so Dragon have give you a mission?"-Lisa     

"Yeah, just when i start to get bored seeing all this white ground and rocks."-Jon     

"So what'd you want to make?"-Lisa     

Jon then show his design to Lisa, he has make this since he know he will need to hide his identity in this 2 years.     

"Hmm, it's an interesting design, but are you sure you want to cover your eyes with this white cover? Can you see clearly?"-Lisa     

"Don't worry aunty, it's not a problem for my eyes. I need to hide my identity for these 2 years, and people recognize me through my eyes."-Jon     

"Oh that's right, you are called 'Demon Eyes' afterall. When did you need it?"-Lisa     

"In a week, and i want it to be made nice & fit with tough materials."-Jon     

"Hmm, a week is too short for this kind of design and materials. It will be a little crude."-Lisa     

"Sigh, that's fine then, but can you make it again for a month after my mission? I will get a mission again at that time."-Jon     

"A month will be enough, i can make it looks like your request."-Lisa     

"That's great, i can't wait for it, thanks aunty Lisa."-Jon     

"Don't worry about it, i'm happy to make something new too. The guys here always want the same designs, my artist side can't stand it. If it's not for the girls, i will be crazy from making same clothes everytime."-Lisa     

After finishing his business, Jon leave and go to train again. He will not use ninjutsu in his missions if he can. It will expose his identity, so now he train his swordmanship. But he will still use 2 straight swords because it can be a training for him.     

'My swordmanship is not enough, i need another plan if someone very strong appear.'-Jon     

'Just use my chakra won't you.'-Kurama     

'Your chakra?'-Jon     

'Yeah, that red bubbly chakra cloak. It will be a substitute for your chakra. You can use fire chakra on your swords and it will be a perfect disguise.'-Kurama     

'Hmm, that's possible, it will looks like animal transformation, so they will think it's a zoan devil fruit with fire properties. Good idea Kurama.'-Jon     

'Yeah yeah, so let me take some action too kid.'-Kurama     

'You want to switch with me when i fight? Sure, but we will only use 1 tail, no more than it, except we are in trouble.'-Jon     

'Alright, alright, i don't care as long as i can have some actions.'-Kurama grin widely     

Jon then continue his training and he keep training like that for a week. After a week, Jon finally leave Baltigo to fo his mission. He will also meet Vivi again after more than half a year.     

Jon go to Lisa's workshop first and take his order. Altough Lisa said that his new clothes will look rough, but it's pretty good. But it seem she didn't satisfied yet, and promise to make the next one perfect.     

Jon store his new clothes and go to the ship that they will use. At the port, he see a ship that has been disguised as a pirate ship. It has a Jolly Roger of a skull with sun glasses and 2 crossed swords.     

"This is our mens disguised as a pirate crew in Grandline. They have worked for some years in Paradise, and robbing many pirates and underground forces. This will be their last mission as pirates, so they are tasked to rob weapons from Donquixote Family."-Dragon     


"Because Joker will always find & destroy those who mess with his business. We will make a new pirate crew after this. We have done this many times, don't worry."-Dragon     

"So it will not be strange if pirates robbing an underground force. Also it will looks like Joker destroy them because they never show up again?"-Jon     

"Yeah, and Marine won't care about that, except if we are the one who rob it."-Dragon     

The journey will take about 9 days, and they will arrive 2 days before the transaction. Jon also tasked to infiltrate the blackmarket in Alabasta port city, Nanohana to find any information. After Crocodile's defeat, the underground base move from Rain Base to Nanohana. A port city is the best location for any transaction to happen.     

"What do you want me to get?"-Jon     

"Anything you can find. I will give you a tool to contact me and send your information securely. Also, in the next month of your vacation, i want you to keep the tabs in underground. I have many people there, but it's not easy to find information."-Dragon     

"Alright, i don't like writing report though."-Jon     

Jon then leave with the crew after they finish stocking supplies. On the ship, Jon introduce himself to the crew and so do they. But there's someone that didn't seem to be pleased with him joining their mission.     

"Don't worry about Ted, he's just jealous because Mr. Dragon train you himself."-Captain Hoff, a middle aged man with a sun glasses say to Jon.     

Ted is a teen with blond hair and seem a little younger than Jon, a 15 y.o. He joined 3 year ago after being rescued by RA from a slave trader. He really admire Dragon and want to be trained by Dragon. But he never had the chance, so seeing Jon that has just join being trained by Dragon really make him jealous.     

"I don't really care about that, i just want to fight soon."-Jon     

"Did you really like fighting that much?"-Marx, a black guy with long hair chime in.     

"That's right, i like the excitement i get from fighting a strong opponent, i always feel alive when i fight. Battle is the best way to grow, only sparring can't help me reach the top."-Jon grin     

Jon talk with them for sometime, then he go to the rear deck and train again. He focus on training his kenjutsu, and try to find a suitable style for him. He had tried to train like a swordman with kendo before, but it's not suitable for him. So he switched to kenjutsu and it felt comfortable, he just need experience.     

Jon also often make a clone and spar with it, or use some clones to imitate a crowd battle. His clones are as good as him in kenjutsu, they're his copies afterall, so they are good opponents. But now, Jon just training normally in kenjutsu.     

When Jon train, there is someone that peek from behind the wall. It's Ted, he is very curious to why Dragon want to train Jon, so he follow Jon. Maybe he will get a clue that can make Dragon train him.     

"I know you're there, no need to hide."-Jon     

Ted got surprised, and look around, there's no one beside him. So he know Jon has found him, and he get out from his hiding. He walk and then sit on the railing, and Jon still training, not minding Ted at all.     

"Can you tell me how to make Mr. Dragon train me?"-Ted     

"Why should he train you?"-Jon     


"If you want him to train you, then give him a reason why he need to train you. He is the supreme leader, he is busy and didn't have time to train any random person. I have big contribution and make a deal with Dragon, so he train me. But what is his reason to train you?"-Jon     

Ted can't answer that, he hasn't make big contribution, and he's not very strong that can make Dragon see him as great potential.     

"Why'd you want Dragon to train you?"-Jon     

"So i can become very strong, and will not be afraid again."-Ted     

Jon look at Ted and he ask Ted to fight him. Ted try to refuse, but Jon just attack with his punch. Ted didn't have a choice but to fight back. Jon only use a little of his power, and he defeat Ted easily. He can't even call that a fight, Ted is so weak that he lost in one weak punch.     

"Have you ever train?"-Jon     

"I have, but i still can't get strong, that's why i want Mr. Dragon to train me."-Ted     

Jon then ask Ted to show his so called training. Ted did what Jon ask and sometime later, Jon sigh and massage his head. Ted always stop his training once he got tired. So of course he will not grow stronger fast, he never push his limit.     

"Why'd you stop?"-Jon     

"Because i'm tired."-Ted     

"Then you will never grow stronger. People grow by pushing their limits and surpassing it. If you keep giving up to situations, you will never change."-Jon     

"Bu-but, everybody stop training once they got tired."-Ted     


Everyone on the ship are surprised hearing Jon's yell.     

"If you want Dragon to train you, then show him that you're worthy. You're weak, but you don't even try to change it. You just wait for opportunity that you don't know if it will come."-Jon     

Jon then tell Ted to follow his training, Jon will decide when Ted can stop. Ted gulp his saliva and shaking, because Jon look at him with evil grin. Ted can't escape, so he can only nod to Jon and agree. For the next days, Ted follow Jon's training routinity.     

Jon always make Ted can't move after training. Even if Ted still have sore muscle after previous training, Jon will still force him to train. Jon didn't even try to heal Ted's sore muscle. It's something he need to face if he want to get stronger.     

Jon focus on training Ted's physics, and never train fighting techniques. Ted can find figting style later, but with only a few days, he can only train his body. Jon also believe that he can find his style in real battle. They keep training, and finally, they arrive in Alabasta.     

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