The Shinobi of Straw Hats

111. Back to Nanohana

111. Back to Nanohana

0Jon & the crew arrive in Alabasta's port city, Nanohana. Jon already transformed into our Lord Kazuma (source: Konosuba) in his tracksuit. Now he walk around Nanohana after spreading his clones. They have 2 days before the transaction, if there's no change.     

'Kazuma' get inside a bar to hear some news from the drunkards. He order some food and booze before sitting alone in the corner. The one that serve his order is a girl with nice outfits that support her assets. So as 'Kazuma', he look at those assets with passion. He can't be out of character, it will be a blasphemy.     

Then he eat while eavesdropping the conversations in the pub. There's no usefull information, until a guy with desert attire come and whisper something to the bartender. He talk with some code, and then the owner call the waitress and she guide the guy to a door beside the bar table.     

'Kazuma' has read the conversation with his sharingan. So after he finished his meal, he go out and enter with another appearance. Now he change into white haired Kaneki (source: Tokyo Ghoul) with his half mask. He said the same thing to the bartender and enter the same door.     

He follow a corridor and then come inside a big room. He didn't found this place in the past, his skills were not good enough back then. Now after he learn more about infiltration from RA, he is much more skilled and can do infiltration easier.     

'It seem to be underground facility, and it seem to connect with some other places. There's no way this many people only come from that bar.'-Jon/Kaneki     

Jon/Kaneki see many people are here and there are many tables in the center. Around the room, he see many chambers too. It seem the chambers are used to discuss their business. Then a waitress come and ask Jon for his business. Jon just say he's still waiting his business partner, so the waitress guide him to an open table.     

Jon sit and try to eavesdrop, but it seem everybody here is very tight lipped. So Jon go to the toilet, and he make a clone. The clone transform into Rize (source: Tokyo Ghoul) that will act as his business partner. After that, they act accordingly and enter a chamber.     

"Please don't let anybody come near, we have some 'private' business here."-Jon/Kaneki wink to the waitress.     

The waitress see at 'Rize' and understand. She got a blush and nod, before leaving hastily. Jon & his clone enter the chamber and he look around. He try to find any spying device, but find none. Trust is very important for a place like this. If customers find out this place spying them, they will make this place shut down.     

Jon then make some clones and they open the ceiling then enter the ventilation. They will spy the other chambers that are in business. Jon now can make up to 50 clones with his sudden increase in chakra. So he can make his spying work more efficient.     

Jon then wait for an hour to not raise suspicion from the people here. Then he go out with 'Rize' and leave from that place. He left the clones to continue their spying work here. He find out that this place is used by many underground forces, so it's his chance to spy on them. He already found out some transactions from drugs, weapons, until slaves here.     

'I don't care about drugs or weapons, but slaves are my limit. I have heard it, so i won't pretend to not know it.'-Jon     

Jon then go to the port and search the ship that bring the slaves. After some searching, he find it and slip inside. It's a pirate ship, and they got money from capturing people and sell them to a slave trader. He search the rooms and after sometime, he find a room full of cells. He find many people being cuffed with those bomb collars.     

'Lockpicking the collars will take a long time and they will find out before i finish. I work alone here, not like in Sabaody where i have my friends, and i only need to save Caimie. I need to find the keys first.'-Jon     

Jon go to find the keys in every room. He almost spotted by a guard, but he knock out the guy and hide him. He finally find the key in captain's room, and the captain is actually making out with a prostitute.     

'Damn, this guy can't wait to have fun after his business end.'-Jon     

Jon can't wait longer or the buyer will come soon. So he insert a sleeping gas inside the room. After he make sure they sleep, Jon come inside with a mask and he take the keys. He also see some crates and box filled with money and treasures, so he take them all. It must be the payment from another transactions in the past.     

Jon come back to the cells room and look at the slaves. He tell them to keep quiet if they want to get out from here. Some of them almost scream, but the other slaves stop them. Then Jon free some people and ask them to free the others with the keys while he guard the entrance.     

It will take longer if he didn't use the keys, even with his clones. He remember that these collars are different from each other. In Sabaody, there's Rayleigh that knock out the guards, but here, he is alone.     

Then, Jon lead these people out from this place. They're in group, so they can't move stealthily & attract the pirates. Jon already thought about this, so he use his new adamantine chains. No one has see this ability, so they won't find his real identity.     

Jon defeat the pirates fast before any reinforcement come. After he finished the pirates, he tell the slaves to follow him. They run fast, following Jon toward the desert. Some people that looks like reinforcement chase them. They hide behind a rock formation, and Jon make an earth dome to hide them. He make it looks like a rock formation to fool the pursuers.     

"Sir, thank you for saving us, but what should we do now?"-Girl A     

"We will wait for a moment, then i will send you to my friend. You are free to do what you want after this."-Jon     

The ex-slaves cheering and got happy, but some are not.     

"Sir, some of us didn't have a place to come back. What should we do after this?"-Girl B     

"Do what you want, you can live here or find another place. It's your life, don't let other decide what you should do!"-Jon     

"May i ask who are you, sir?"-Man A     

"I can't tell you my name, but i can tell you something else. I am from RA, and we hate slavery, that's all."-Jon     

Everyone thank Jon & the RA, and some people seem to discuss something before nodding. They actually want to join the RA, surprising Jon. He never intend to recruit them, and he didn't have the capability to accept them.     

"Uuh, i can't decide it, only our leader can do that. So i will still bring you to my friend, then i will ask my leader. We will give you answer in 2 days."-Jon     

The ones that want to join nod and thank him again. Then after the pursuers leave, Jon make a clone to guide them to Katorea. It's near, and there are some ex-rebel that still stay there. Jon will ask Koza to help these people, he is glad that he have some friends in this place to help.     

Jon come back to his ship and meet his team. They are talking about the ruckus in the port earlier. Jon didn't tell them anything and go to call Dragon. He tell Dragon the story, and Dragon didn't have any problem with some new members. Now Jon need to tell the captain, because he will bring the ex-slaves back to Baltigo.     

Jon come out and call the captain, and the crew. He tell them what happen earlier, surprising them. It's just their first day, and Jon have done many things alone. They are very impressed and understand why Dragon decide to train Jon.     

After that, Jon come out and drag Ted to train again. Ted get a new motivation after hearing Jon's action. He understand that he still have a long way to go. Now he know that he won't be strong just by being trained by Dragon. He know he can't rely on others to grow stronger.     

The next day, Jon just stay on the ship and train. He has spread his clones, and they have covered the whole area. He just need to wait for their information quietly. Just when he think about it, a clone dispelled and he got an important information. Jon immediately call the crew and gather them.     

"It seem our information is a little off, they change their schedule. The transaction will happen tonight. They also change their location to the open sea."-Jon     

"What? How will they meet on the sea? This is grandline, they can't use compass and map here."-Crew A     

"Maybe they will trade on the log pose route to the next island."-Navigator     

"It will be unsecure to trade in the log route because there are ships that will passed by."-Captain     

"They will use vivre card of someone that is on Joker's ship. The ship will move away to random direction to avoid any tracking."-Jon     

"Uhh, then how will we find them?"-Captain     

"I will slip to the ship that part from here to meet Joker's ship. Dragon has made a vivre card for me, so you guys follow my vivre card to find me later. Don't trail too close to the ship!"-Jon     

"Alright, we will follow your plan."-Captain     

Jon then go and search the ship that will buy the weapons from Joker. He find it after sometime, and slip inside. He hide in the captain room, under his bed. He will hear any information from here, so he don't need to be on guard all the time.     

The night come, and the ship leave the port. Jon is still in the captain's room, and the guy has just come back. Jon is sleeping while he wait, he want to save his energy. He wake up when the captain come and know it's almost the time.     

Jon see the captain leave his room after sometime. Then Jon get out from his hiding and call his team. They have follow the ship when they saw it move before. Jon nod and then he change his clothes to the one that he ask Lisa to made.     

"Finally i can do some real cosplay."-Jon     

Jon change his clothes, and it's Deadpool costume. Even tough Lisa said it's not good enough, but it's actually good. She just didn't satisfied and want to make a better one. Jon then take out 2 ninjato swords instead of katana like Deadpool and put them on his back.     

"Sigh, it will be better if i have modern style pistols."-Jon     

There's no modern style pistols in this world, and the one here didn't suit the costume, so he didn't use pistols. Jon then make sure that he has prepared everything and slip out from the room. Then he stealthily go up to the crow nest and see someone there. Jon tap the pirate's shoulder and he look back.     

"Well, hello there, may i join you here?"-Jon     

"!!! Who're yo-"-Pirate A didn't do anything, but Jon suddenly knock him out.     

"I guess that's a yes."-Jon     

Then Jon sit quietly on the crow nest while drawing something on a paper. He also look out for any ship sign. After sometime, he see a light, far in front of them. So Jon tell the pirates below about it, then he call his team, and it seem they are near, but they shut their lamp to avoid detection.     

Sometime later, the pirate ship come in contact with Joker's ship. Then they start the transaction, but Jon's team haven't arrived. Jon decide to attack now, less they run away later. He stand on the edge and throw his paper down.     

"Maximum effort!"-Jon jump down     

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