The Shinobi of Straw Hats

104. Haki

104. Haki

0After partying for the whole night, many people got wasted the next day and can't work. So Dragon decide to give them a day rest so they can relax a bit. He do this after Jon suggest it to him, Jon said that giving them some break will help their mind to relax and work better.     

Dragon then take Jon to a training field behind the base. Sabo, Koala and Hack that help Jon to reach Impel Down also come. Hack is actually an instructor in the Army and he teach Fishman Karate.     

"Ooh, are you as strong as Jinbe?"-Jon     

"No, there's no way. Boss Jinbe is the best Fishman Karate practitioner right now, that's why he got the seat of Captain in Sun Pirate after Fisher Tiger passed away."-Hack     

"Well, he also become a Sichibukai means that even the world approve his strength."-Sabo     

"Hmm, that makes sense. Actually i see him did some moves, and i want to try it."-Jon     

"Hahaha, you can't just do it after you just watch it once."-Hack     

Jon didn't listen and got into stance that Jinbe use in front of a rock. He know that Fishmans have 10 times physical strength than Humans as their base. Not to mention Jinbe, a strong Sichibukai. But Jon believe he can copy that move to some extent.     

'Jinbe control the water in vicinity to make a wave that can affect water in someone's body. I can replicate it with water chakra, but i doubt i can make it as strong as Jinbe's. Gather water chakra in my hand, then release it at once with my punch to create a shockwave!'-Jon     

"5000 Tile True Punch (Gosenmaigawara Seiken)"-Jon     

Jon's punch didn't touch the rock, but then cracks start to appear and a dent appear on the big rock. Everyone else are surprised, but Jon is not satisfied. Jinbe's attack will break this rock easily, but he can only make dent on it.     

"Tch, it's not even 5000 tiles, maybe only 1000 or less. Copying techniques are not as easy as i thought."-Jon     

"Nonono, it's very impressive already."-Sabo     

"That's right, i can't do that in my first try."-Koala     

"You train Fishman Karate too?"-Jon     

"Many people in the Army train it, that's why Hack is instructor you know."-Koala     

"Ah, that's right."-Jon     

"Well, not many people can use the Fishman Karate though, so i train some martial arts too."-Hack     

Hearing martial art and instructor, Jon remember a kind of martial art that he have and haven't trained. Jon take out a book and throw it to Dragon.     

"What is this?"-Dragon     

"Open it and you will know."-Jon     

Dragon open the book and surprised by the content.     

"Full manual of Rokushiki techniques including a secret technique called Rokuogan, plus Seimei Kikan. I got this in Enies Lobby when we attack that place and gain bounties. I will make this a payment for your help. So i hope you can train me and Robin to be stronger in these 2 years."-Jon     

Everyone get surprised knowing that this is the manual of Rokushiki. The WG always keep the techniques and only give it to their people, so it's hard to take it. Altough some people can get their hands on it, but they never teach it to others, because they can be the target of WG. But it's not a problem if the ones that get it is RA, they're already WG's biggest enemy afterall.     

"Are you sure you want to give it to us?"-Dragon     

"Yeah, i don't want to be put in a debt. I gave the manual to my crew already, so it's not a problem if my captain's dad also get it right?"-Jon smirk     

"!! Heeh, cunning brat."-Dragon     

"Eh, what is it Mr. Dragon?"-Koala     

"He didn't want to be blamed when the Straw Hats can use Rokushiki. If we from RA can use it too, then it will looks like we are the one that stole it. Everybody know that Luffy is my son, so it's not strange if i teach my son's crew the techniques i stole. Hmph, don't want to be put in debt? You won't fool me that easily brat."-Dragon smirk     

"Fool you? What do you mean old man? Me & Robin will also take some work right? So why should i pay our rent at full in the front? If i do that, you are the one that will have the debt."-Jon smirk back     

"Heeh, smartass. Well, i will make sure you work enough to pay your bill."-Dragon     

"Don't worry old man, i am a shinobi, so i work on missions. You are lucky to get my service when i'm still green. Some more years and you won't be able to pay the price to hire me."-Jon     

Dragon just smirk and the others are dumbfounded at Jon's cunning and cocky attitude. Jon has a big pride in his ability to grow fast and in his intelligent. He is not a cocky person, but he is confident & believe he can do what he want. Dragon then give the book to Hack and ask him to mass copy it, so they can distribute it.     

"Enough of that, we will start your training now. There's not much that i need to teach you right now. You can only find your own way to gain strength. What i need to train you is a power named Haki."-Dragon     

"Haki? Is it the one you use yesterday?"-Jon     

"Oh, you know?"-Dragon     

"I saw it when i fight 5 vice admirals that lead Buster Call in Enies Lobby. Well, not a fight, just like cat & mouse tag play, i'm the mouse of course. They make their hands black and it is very hard. My sword can't even scratch them, just like yesterday."-Jon     

"You're right, that is Haki, but it's only one form of Haki. It's called Armament Haki, there are other form, Observation Haki and a form that only some people have, Conqueror Haki."-Dragon     

Dragon then explain Haki to Jon and how it works. Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes. All living beings in the world are capable of learning Haki; however, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it.     

Haki is dormant in every living person, but for most people, it's rare to ever awaken the ability. Intense training can awaken it, or maybe an extreme shock. Few people are born with awakened Haki ability even without training.     

Haki is difficult to master, Dragon say that not everybody can learn even basic Haki in 2 years. Only some tallented people can train it, and battle against stronger opponents help it grow faster. That's why Jon need to have a lot of battle during his training.     

Because Haki originates from someone's spirit and not their physical body, users are still capable of using it even if their spirit is transferred into another 'body'. They can use it on their weapons or armor. It is also possible to maintain and use Haki while unconscious to protect one self, but it need high mastery.     

There are 3 type of Haki: Observation, Armament, and Conqueror Haki.     

1. Observation Haki grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities. Users of this Haki can sense people's presence, strength, emotions, and intentions. An advanced level of Kenbunshoku allows the user to see a short period into the future. Dragon can see a a few seconds into the future, that's why he can defend Jon's time stop attack yesterday.     

2. Armament Haki, which allows the user to use their own spiritual energy as armor to defend against attacks, as well as make their own attacks more potent. A person can apply the armament to a section of their body, over their entire body, and even apply it to their weapons.     

The most basic armament is colourless, but then they can make it stronger by gaining black colour. It's also the most usefull Haki, because it grants users the ability to touch logia. This is the most used Haki in the world.     

An advanced level of Busoshoku allows the user to emit the armament a short distance without a medium. A higher grade of advanced Busoshoku allows the user to make the emitted armament flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out. Not many people know this. Even Dragon know this from one of his friend that originated from New World.     

3. Conqueror Haki, which grants the user the ability to overpower the will of others. This results in the victims being knocked unconscious or becoming temporarily subservient of the Haki user. Haoshoku is a rare form of Haki that only one in several million people are born with the ability to use.     

Dragon then ask Jon to attack him normally while he closed his eyes. Jon attack him and Dragon can always dodge or parry his attacks. This is the first type of Haki, Observation Haki.     

Then Dragon turn his hand into black colour and ask Jon to strike it with his sword. Jon feel like hitting a very tough steel. Dragon is not finished, he punch a big rock lightly and not even touching it. Suddenly the rock got destroyed completely. This is an advanced level of Armament Haki.     

The last one, Conqueror Haki is not something that someone can get by training but people are born with it. They only need stimulant to awaken it, and Jon have it even if he don't know it. He use it before in dining hall, so he has awaken it. Now he just need to train and control it.     

"So that's how it is, because it's only use spiritual power, my sharingan can't see it. Sharingan see chakra that also have physical energy afterall, not only spiritual energy. Even Indra can't see a ghost i guess."-Jon     

"I don't know how you do it, but your power is actually similar to Haki. But it's also different at the same time."-Dragon     

"Well, my chakra is actually a combination of physical and spiritual energy. So i think the spiritual energy make it similar with Haki in a sense. But it's also different because chakra can be used to manipulate physical energy in the world such as earth, fire, wind, etc. This Haki is most likely a power that can enhance user's own power and not outside power right?"-Jon     

"Yeah, it is someone's own power, altough it can be transferred, but it can't manipulate things. Manipulations are devil fruits power, but you are not devil fruit user right?"-Dragon     

"No, maybe it's my unique bloodline or another kind of source that grant me this power."-Jon     

"Well, there are many misterious powers in the world, so it's not strange to have an unknown source of power. Enough about that, let's start your training. You better not use your chakra, because it will only hinder your haki training."-Dragon     

"You're right, i always use spiritual energy that being moulded with physical energy in a form of chakra, so i can unconsciously use chakra instead."-Jon     

Jon then store most of his chakra in his Yin Seal and make it full. He want to avoid using chakra unknowingly when he train Haki later. So he store his chakra to make him more focus.     

First, they train in Observation Haki. Jon use a blindfold and Dragon ask Koala to hit Jon with a stick, while Jon will try to avoid her attack. Of course with Jon's 'good sense', he failed amazingly. Well, he is too reliant on his sight, so it's very hard when he can't use his eyes at all.     

Dragon ask Jon to train his Observation Haki first and will continue with Armament when he can do basic Observation. Dragon say that he will have better sense to know how Armament work. So with that, Jon's haki training has started.     

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