The Shinobi of Straw Hats

129. Ryugu Palace

129. Ryugu Palace

0The Straw Hats have arrived at Fishman Island, and they want to explore it alone. But then Nami stop them and say they need to find Caimie first. She is their friend, so it will be proper for them to meet her first. They also need to ask about Hachi's condition after he protect Sunny.     

They agree and go to find Caimie's house. Jon stay behind for a moment and he call Zetsus. The Zetsus are merging in his body after he make a seal, and they are inside that seal. It's like how Obito planted Zetsus in Sasuke's body. The seal is the Straw Hat jolly roger tattoo on his shoulder.     

"You guys spread and find any information in this place, as detailed as possible. #1 will report to me regularly like usual."-Jon     

""Yes, boss!""-Zetsus     

The Zetsus spread to different directions to gather information. Jon even give them money to buy anything they want. They have emotion, and they seem to resemble Jon a lot. They are like kids, and he is like their role model, so they also like to spend money and have fun. At least they won't be evil creatures like the ones in Naruto.     

Jon also lock Caribou in a jail that he make from wood. The seastone handcuff will weaken him, and he won't be able to break the jail. Jon also leave a wood clone to guard the ship & their prisoner. Maybe he can get Caribou's bounty in New World. Jon know Caribou is worth more than 200 million, so he will not waste it.     

The Straw Hats then ask around to find Caimie's house, but some Fishmans are reluctant to answer them. Jon didn't think much of it, because he know that Fishmans tend to hate humans, Hack tell him this. They finally find Caimie's addres and go there.     

After walking for sometime, they arrive at Caimie's house. They knock, then Caimie come out and got happy seeing them. They enter the house and they also see 5 small identical mermaids.     

These 5 small mermaids are called Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets. They look identical except their colour scheme. Their names are Ichika, Nika, Sanka, Yonka, & Yonka Two. Jon is confused to why it is Yonka Two rather than Goka. They also speak with unique pattern that always make Jon laugh.     

Nami then ask about Pappagg and Hachi. Caimie said that Pappagg is in his mansion, while Hachi is recovering in Fishman District. Jon & Chopper will visit Hachi later and treat him.     

Caimie then invite them to meet her mermaid friends at Mermaid Cove. They are working together in Mermaid Cafe, and often relaxing at Mermaid Cove. They agree and follow Caimie, they don't know anything here, so it's better to have a guide.     

When they arrive there, Sanji say he has find his "All Blue", getting sweatdrop from everyone. They all relaxed there with the Mermaids while asking many things. Jon ask about Jinbe's whereabout, and they say that Jinbe is not in Fishman Island after resigning as Sichibukai.     

"Hmm, with him resigninh from Sichibukai, this place will be vulnerable."-Robin     

"I heard that Fishman Island was under Whitebeard before. Now that he's dead and his crew disbanded, whose territory is this place now?"-Jon     

"It's under Big Mom's protection now."-Caimie     

"Hmm, Big Mom is not a bad choice for now. I prefer Shanks, but Big Mom is certainly better option than Kaido, and Teach."-Jon     

"Who're they? I know Shanks, but i don't know the others."-Luffy     

"They're Yonkou, the 4 strongest pirates today. They have many territories in the name of protection, and ruled the New World. They're your biggest challenge to reach the Pirate King seat."-Jon     

"Hmmm, is that so? But this Big Mom must be a nice person, because she take over old man Whitebeard's job to protect this island."-Luffy     

"Nice? It will be good if she's nice, but she's not like Whitebeard at all. She's not as bad as Kaido or Teach, but she didn't protect an island out of kindness or friendship."-Jon     

"That's right, Whitebeard never ask for anything, but Big Mom always ask for candies every month."-Caimie     

"This is a business for her, but at least she asked for food. Kaido & Teach can make a country destroyed because of their 'fee' for protection."-Jon     

"You know a lot about them."-Zoro     

"Of course, i was traveling around the world and get a lot of their information. 'Red Hair' Shanks, 'Big Mom' Charlotte Linlin, 'Hundred Beast' Kaido, and the newest one 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach."-Jon     

Jon didn't give any further explanation about the Emperors. They will eventually clash, but they need to enjoy their journey too. Jon will only tell them when they're about to clash with those Emperors. Beside, he didn't have full information of them. Uncomplete information will not help them at all.     

Jon then just relaxed and swim with the mermaids. He's not cheating, just having some interraction with new friends. Jon also dive and try to race a mermaid by swimming under water. Jon try to use Geppo like what Sanji did earlier, but he still can't come close to the mermaid.     

They come out from the water and surprised to see the Straw Hats are hiding. Jon see there are some mermans flying with bubbles and riding a seaking that have a kind of ship on his body & fly with bubble too. They see Jon and the mermaids seem scared and guilty.     

"Are you from Straw Hat pirate?"-Merman     

"Yeah, who're you?"-Jon     

"My name is Fukaboshi, first prince of Ryugu Kingdom. I'm here to send a message from Jinbe to Straw Hat pirates."-Fukaboshi     

"Jinbe? What's the message?"-Luffy     

Luffy suddenly come out from his hiding, and the other can only come out too. It seem they thought that the royals want to capture them. The mermaids think like that because there's no way the royals come just to meet pirates.     

The princes invite them to the palace, and they agree. The Straw Hats ask if Caimie and some mermaids can come. The princes allow it, but it's the mermaids that are refusing. They're too scared and nervous to enter a royal palace. Still, the Straw Hats pull Caimie to come, they even pick Pappag from his mansion.     

The Straw Hats didn't think much and follow the princes to Ryugu Palace. They fly to the upper side of bubble and then see a gate similar to the one they use to enter Fishman Island. The Ryugu palace is located in a smaller bubble outside of the big bubble that surround the island.     

They come inside the palace and go to the throne room. They meet a very big merman that sit on the throne. He is the King of Ryugu Kingdom, King Neptune.     

"Welcome, Straw Hat pirates. I am Neptune, King of Ryugu Kingdom. Let's go straight to the point, i have a message from Jinbe to you-jamon."-Neptune     


"Jinbe said 'Don't fight Hody' and 'I'll be waiting in the Sea Forest'. That's it-jamon."-Neptune     

"Damn, did jinbe don't believe we can win?"-Luffy     

"No, i think it's because if you fight Hody, it will create more trouble. Fishmans hate humans, because we see humans are enslaving our kind."-Neptune     

"But we're not the ones who do that."-Chopper     

"It's not that simple, because they only know that it's humans who do that. It has been like that for hundreds of years."-Robin     

"That's why i hope you won't fight Hody and his crew. We don't want to make the hatred grow stronger."-Neptune     

"Sigh, don't hope too much. Even if we stay silent, they'll still try anything to get to us. We won't just stay silent and let them do what they want. Remember that we are still pirates, we don't care about rules."-Jon     

While they talk about humans and fishmans, Luffy smell something and follow it. He can't listen to such conversation at all, because he can't understand it. Zoro also start to sleep, and only some people that hear seriously. After some talk, they're agree to only fight Hody & his gang if they attack first.     

"Where's Luffy?"-Jon     


They all search for Luffy, when suddenly they hear a loud bang. Neptune say that is an attack from Vander Decken IX. He proposed to the mermaid princess, Shirahoshi, but got rejected. Then he start to threatened her by using his devil fruit to throw weapons.     

"We can only put Shirahoshi in a closed room to protect her. We still can't find Vander Decken until now-jamon."-Neptune     

"Mermaid princess, can we meet her?"-Sanji     

Sanji didn't get nosebleed again now, because eveytime he get stimulated, he will see the girl turn into okama. Now he can gradually control his perversy.     

Neptune grant it, then they all go to the princess room. There are many guards that follow them, it seem the attacks are frequent. They arrive in Shirahoshi's room, and they see the door is full of weapons stuck on it.     

Suddenly something is flying toward them from afar. Zoro jump and want to block it, but it's actually a human. So Zoro didn't use his swords, and just punch the human to the ground.     

Jon want to interrogate this human, when suddenly the princess room's door opened. A big shark that seem like it want to puke come out with Luffy on it's head. He see everyone and command the shark to run.     

Jon see there's something amiss, so he activate his sharingan. Jon see someone is inside the shark's mouth, and it shaped like a big princess. Jon slap his forehead, just when they're told to avoid trouble, their captain make a trouble.     

Jon make a skeletal Susanoo full upper body and catch the shark and Luffy. He bring Luffy in front of him and tap his finger. Luffy is sweating and look away, the shark also did the same.     

Jon then open the shark's mouth and a big mermaid come out. Everyone got surprised by this and the guards raise their weapons. The princess is inside the shark's mouth and leave her room.     

"Fa-father, i-i'm sorry."-Shirahoshi cry     


"SHUT UP! I also want to know."-Jon     

Jon slam a susanoo hand at the floor, stopping everyone.     

"Explain yourself before i cut your expenses for meat!"-Jon     

"EEEHHHH?! A-alright, so she has been locked in her room for a long time. She want to come out but she's afraid, because someone is attacking her. I want to take her out, and i will protect her from those attacks."-Luffy     

"Is that true Shirahoshi?"-Fukaboshi     

"Ye-yes, i'm sorry. Wuaaa..."-Shirahoshi cry again     

They all got relief, but Nami still have a problem.     

"So you want to leave and create problem for us that are still in the palace by kidnapping the princess? Good, your expenses will be cut by half for a week."-Nami     

"NOOO!"-Luffy have a horror look on his face, his meat will lessened for a week.     

"So that's what happen, how about you let her go with Luffy for today, Neptune?"-Jon     

"I believe in you because Jinbe also trust you, but can you really stop those attack?"-Neptune     

"Hey, i just block one of those easily, so Luffy can do it too."-Zoro     

"I guess you're right, but i still can't let unknown person bring the princess, so i will send some guards to go with you."-Neptune     

Luffy agree and finally the princess can leave her room. Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper and Brook follow them too. Robin want to move alone, and Franky want to meet someone he know. Zoro want to stay and try the sake in the palace. Jon want to interrogate the human they caught.     

Jon & Zoro go to a meeting room, and get some sake. Jon & Zoro try it, and it's certainly good. Jon then start to interrogate the human that they've caught earlier with genjutsu. But suddenly, some soldiers come in and point their weapons at Jon & Zoro.     

"Straw Hat pirates, you are under suspicion of planning to destroy this island. Surrender yourself!"-Minister of the Left     

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