Rebirth in KurokoNoBasket

End of Day three

End of Day three

0Tokiwadai decided to go home; all of them were tired from the match and wanted to go home and relax.     

Shun wanted to watch the game, but most of the team wanted to go home and relax, and as the team came to the stadium together, they had to leave together, the coach was responsible for them, and if the majority of them wanted to go home, they would go home.     

Shun: 'Well, I am also tired. Even if I wanted to stay, the coach wouldn't let me stay.'     

The team got to the school the coach asked them to gather in the gym for one last meeting.     

Coach: "Today was a good game; the teamwork you displayed was exemplary."     

The coach looked at Otsubo and Aone and said.     

Coach: "Otusbo and Aone, you did a good job at stopping Nebuya Eikichi. Getting those rebounds was the reason that the shooters were able to shoot without any pressure. Your performance at the end of the game was also good. Keep it up."     

Otsubo and Aone were happy with the coach's compliment. They had worked a lot in the semi-finals to hinder Nebuya Eikichi, and getting complimented felt good and made their hard work worthwhile.     

The coach turned towards Ishida.     

Coach: "Ishida, your performance today was consistent throughout the game; you helped the team at all the areas of the game. Your outside shooting also showed in the latter half."     

Ishida: "Thank you, coach."     

Coach: "Mibuchi, today; without a doubt, you were the MVP of the match. Your shooting was so on the point today that the stadium was in awe of your performance. The pressure that you laid on Meiho's team was the reason that we could break their teamwork so easily.     

It takes skill to draw fouls from other players, and with each foul, you added pressure on them, making them hesitate to go in for a block with the risk of body contact."     

It was true today all the members of the club who saw the match congratulated Mibuchi on his exceptional performance. The two form shooting was so deadly in the game that Mibuchi garnered a whole lot of attention from the youth sports magazine who had come to see the match.     

They were sure that Mibuchi would get a personal interview in the magazines.     

Coach then looked at Shun; he had seen the first-year member leaving in the gym last almost every day, he had seen him taking shots every day after practice; Kageyama Shun was the most hardworking member of the club.     

The coach would still feel shocked when Shun would start stealing passes. He saw Shun as a positionless player; Shun could excel in any position on the court.     

Shun had the explosiveness and agility of a forward, soft touch of a shooting guard, the dynamic court vision of a point guard, and he had the skills to make good use of his body. He had met Shun's parents once during the preliminaries, so there high chances that he would grow to be tall.     

Coach: "Kageyama, your performance in the games have allowed us to win with such high margins, the turnovers in the second half of the games made the team's work much easier. You switched your playstyle according to the team's situation. Keep up the good work."     

Shun: "Yes, Sir!"     

At the end of the meeting, the result of the second semi-final came in,     

Coach: "Teiko Middle School beat Kamata Middle School with a thirty-nine point lead. We will be facing Teiko middle school as our finals opponents. They are a strong team so please go home, and have plenty of rest, I want all of you to be well-rested for tomorrow.     

Now go home, the gym will remain closed today. I don't want you guys to overwork yourselves, so go home. Understood?"     

Everybody: "Yes, Sir!"     


When Shun reached home, he took a long bath to wash away all his fatigue from today.     

He changed into his favorite over-sized shirt and shorts and went to his room to study.     

He started on his daily study session, the Nationals were held during the regular weekdays, so the basketball club members were required to attend supplementary lessons after the Nationals to catch up.     

Shun didn't like to be behind in his studies, but he couldn't complete a day's worth of study in his one and a half-hour self-study session, but he could at least make sure to cover up the most he can in that time.     

He talked to his parents at the dining table.     

Shun: "We are going to be playing Momoi-san's school in the finals tomorrow, Teiko Middle School."     

Shun's mother was extremely happy that her child had made it to the finals of a national level competition. She was surprised to hear that Satsuki's school had also reached the finals.     

Dad: "So, both schools are from Tokyo this year."     

Shun: "Yeah, Teiko is a strong team this year. Did you know; that this year four of the five starters on the Teiko team are first-years. Teiko was already a national level school, but this year they are extremely good.     

Are you guys coming tomorrow to see the match."     

Mom: "Of course, we are coming. I am not going to miss my baby boy's big game."     

Dad: "I will also be there. I want to record the whole game, so make sure to win."     

Shun smiled, and they talked about tomorrow and the game.     

Shun helped his father with the dishes and then went straight to bed.     

As Shun lay on his bed, he thought about tomorrow's game, and a wide smile made its way on his face.     

Shun: 'I will finally get to play them. The generation of miracles, I wonder how strong would they be, will I be able to stop Kuroko, will I be able to score against Murasakibara, will be able to outscore Aomine, will I be able to outsmart Akashi.     

Oh crap, I am too excited to sleep.'     

Shun rolled in his bed for a couple of minutes, till sleep finally took over him     

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