Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Spriggan Twelve (II)

Spriggan Twelve (II)

0~WITH MIRA~     

Mira slams August on the ground after they reached quite far away from the others. August was still shocked to see how easily he was overpowered. He had never thought that someone could ever overpower him that easily. It seemed that Mira wasn't even trying.     

Mira: Nice to meet you August Dragneel.     

Mira spoke with her usual gentle smile on her face, but August was completely stunned and shocked to his core. Mira knew about his true origins but he never told anyone about who he was. Even Zeref doesn't know about him.     

August: H-How??     

Mira: If you beat me then I will tell you... after all strength is the best way to prove superiority.     

While Mira spoke her gentle smile turned into a sadistic one and she started to release a dark aura. August didn't dare to underestimate Mira since he has already seen that Mira was strong, very strong. When she attacked him previously he had known her intention to attack him because of his Sound Magic which lets him know the intent of enemies but he wasn't able to guard against her because of her superior speed. August immediately releases his Magic Power and activates his Battle Form and his body turns completely red with gold lines.     

Mira: Nice, nice... this will be fun...     

Mira also follows August's lead and releases her Magic Power but she didn't release it fully because she wanted to enjoy the fight with Magic King. She decided to limit her power at August's level. When August felt Mira's Magic Power he immediately understood that Mira was much more stronger than him and she was limiting herself at his level. He might not be strong as Mira or have a body made by a God but he has several decades of experience in battles that let him reach the conclusion that Mira was stronger than him. Mira transformed into her Satan Soul Sitri form. She had new forms after the battle with Tartaros but she didn't want to use them.     

August: You are clearly stronger than me... why are you holding back?     

August decided to ask Mira about this since he had no idea why would someone hold back their power in a life and death battle. Mira was slightly surprised that August found out about her true power but she didn't mind it much.     

Mira: Because its fun... if I use my full power than I won't have fun while fighting you.     

August: Ah... I see. A battle junkie...     

Mira: You can call me that...!! Now enough chat geezer... let's fight.     

As soon as Mira finished speaking she rushed towards August, the ground beneath her cracked under her sheer pressure. August was using his Sound Magic so that he could read her thoughts. His Magic worked perfectly but there was a slight problem, his body was not able to react fast enough to defend against Mira. August knew that Mira was about to attack him but was unable to defend himself. Mira pushed on his chest which made August take several steps back and Mira decided to continue the attack and punch him on the face.     

But this time it was slightly different, Mira felt herself slowing down. August has used Slow Magic on Mira. Since this wasn't the power of Gods like in the case of Dimaria, Mira wasn't able to negate the effect like Axel did. Mira didn't flinch or back away but continued her attack. This was still fast but this time August was able to move his head away and dodged the attack. Both of them immediately engaged in hand-to-hand combat. By each passing moment, Mira's smile kept getting wider and wider which scared August more. August decided to take this chance and grabbed Mira's wrist so she couldn't back away. Mira was slightly confused by August's action while August activated melt and Mira along with him was engulfed in a huge fire pillar. The heat was so immense that the ground immediately turned into lava and August lost his grab on Mira during this.     

After a few moments, the fire pillar dissipated leaving behind a huge fiery pit with flowing lava. August was still in his battle form while he was floating over the lava fit. He was looking for Mira because he was sure that Mira wouldn't die from this. She might be injured but he was sure that Mira was still alive within this fiery pit.     

Mira: That was really rude, geezer.     

August heard Mira's voice from within the flowing lava. He saw Mira rose out of the pit without even a single scratch on her body. Not even a single strand of her hair was out of its usual place. This scared August even more. He was sure that if Mira wasn't dead she would be injured even if slightly.     

Mira: Now it is my turn...     

As soon as Mira finished speaking a dark sphere appeared in her hands and launched a huge dark beam toward August. August was slightly taken aback and used his Reflection Magic to return the attack towards Mira but he didn't notice right after that another Magic Circle appeared beneath him and a huge stream of darkness engulfed him completely. August screamed in pain while Mira swatted the attack which August returned to her. The beam she attacked with was just a decoy and the real attack was her Dark Stream.     

Soon the darkness dissipated and a heavily injured August could be seen. August's left leg and left arm were missing. August was breathing heavily, and her body was filled with injuries and blood. August was sure now that he couldn't defeat Mira in any way.     

Mira: I am surprised that you are still standing...     

August knew what he had to do, looking at Mira he knew that this is going to be his last moment, so why not go out with a boom. This was going to be the last time he would serve his Emperor. He knew that Mira wasn't even tired after that huge attack so if he could take her with him, it would still be his win. August immediately activated Ars Magia which uses his body as a sacrifice and would melt everything around him. Mira didn't back away and was engulfed in the huge explosion. After a few moments, everything returned to normal even the ground. It looked like hell has descended upon the Earth.     

August was still standing but his face was completely ashen, he was still alive but his face has lost every hope of winning because Mira stood right in front of him without a single damage on her body.     

Mira: I can't let you die or Mavis will be really sad.     

August was shocked but he was dying because his body has lost all vitality but Mira took out a card which started healing August. His arm and leg also started to grow back. August was again shocked to see such healing abilities.     

Mira: It was a nice fight... now sleep.     

Mira knocked out August after she the back of his neck and took out another card and stored August inside it. Mira turned back into her human form and her gentle smile returned on her face and the dark aura surrounding her was dissipated into thin air.     

Mira: Cana's cards are really useful sometimes...     

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